Lesson 27:My Favourite Food英语教案【优秀3篇】

Lesson 27:My Favourite Food英语教案 篇一

Title: Lesson 27: My Favourite Food English Lesson Plan


1. To introduce and learn vocabulary related to food.

2. To practice speaking and listening skills through discussion about favourite foods.

3. To develop writing skills by describing and explaining personal favourite foods.


- Pictures of various types of food

- Flashcards with food vocabulary

- Whiteboard or blackboard

- Markers or chalk

- Worksheets with writing prompts


1. Begin the lesson by showing the pictures of different types of food and ask the students to name the food items. Write the names on the board.

2. Introduce new vocabulary words related to food using flashcards. Practice pronunciation and spelling of the words.


1. Engage the students in a discussion about their favourite foods. Ask questions like: What is your favourite food? Why do you like it? Where do you usually eat it?

2. Write down the students' responses on the board, creating a list of their favourite foods.

3. Show the pictures of the students' favourite foods and ask them to identify the food items.


1. Divide the students into pairs or small groups and ask them to discuss their favourite foods. Encourage them to ask each other questions about their choices.

2. Monitor the students' discussions and provide support or clarification when needed.


1. Ask the students to individually write a paragraph describing their favourite food. Provide them with writing prompts such as: What is your favourite food? Why do you like it? How is it prepared? Where can it be found?

2. After the students have finished writing, ask some volunteers to share their paragraphs with the class.

Review and Assessment:

1. Review the vocabulary words related to food by playing a game or doing a vocabulary quiz.

2. Assess the students' understanding by asking them to write a short dialogue between two people discussing their favourite foods.


1. Encourage the students to try new foods and write about their experiences.

2. Organize a food tasting event where the students can bring their favourite foods to share with the class.

Lesson 27:My Favourite Food英语教案 篇二

Title: Lesson 27: My Favourite Food English Lesson Plan


1. To develop reading skills by reading a text about favourite foods.

2. To practice speaking and listening skills through discussion and role-playing.

3. To enhance vocabulary and writing skills by describing and explaining personal favourite foods.


- Text or article about favourite foods

- Flashcards with food vocabulary

- Whiteboard or blackboard

- Markers or chalk

- Worksheets with writing prompts


1. Begin the lesson by reviewing the vocabulary words related to food using flashcards. Practice pronunciation and spelling.


1. Introduce the topic of favourite foods by asking the students to share their own favourite foods and reasons for liking them.

2. Show the students a text or article about favourite foods and read it aloud. Ask the students to listen and follow along.


1. Divide the students into pairs or small groups and ask them to discuss the text. Encourage them to talk about their own favourite foods and compare them with the ones mentioned in the text.

2. Monitor the students' discussions and provide support or clarification when needed.


1. Ask the students to individually write a paragraph describing their favourite food. Provide them with writing prompts such as: What is your favourite food? Why do you like it? How is it prepared? Where can it be found?

2. After the students have finished writing, ask some volunteers to share their paragraphs with the class.


1. Divide the students into pairs and assign them roles. One student will be a customer and the other will be a waiter/waitress at a restaurant.

2. The customer will order their favourite food and the waiter/waitress will describe the dish and recommend other dishes.

3. Encourage the students to use the vocabulary and expressions they have learned during the lesson.

Review and Assessment:

1. Review the vocabulary words related to food by playing a game or doing a vocabulary quiz.

2. Assess the students' understanding by asking them to write a short dialogue between two people discussing their favourite foods.


1. Encourage the students to research and write about traditional or famous foods from different countries.

2. Organize a food fair where the students can prepare and share their favourite foods with the class.

Lesson 27:My Favourite Food英语教案 篇三

Lesson 27:My Favourite Food英语教案

  英语是世界上最被广泛使用的第二语言,是欧盟和许多国际组织与英联邦国家的官方语言之一,也是联合国的工作语言之一。为了让学生能够了解一些东西方的食物,并能熟练运用句型What' s your favourite food ?下面小编为您收集整理了Lesson 27:My Favourite Food英语教案,希望对您有帮助!



  重点单词:breakfast早饭 lunch午饭 supper晚饭

  重点句型:What' s your favourite food?你喜欢什么食物?

  I like … 我喜欢……

  I don't like … 我不喜欢……






  T: Hello,everyone!

  C: Hello!

  (二)、New Conceptes

  T: There are many games for you! Do you like to play?

  C: Yes !

  T: Ok,let's play:Go Fish!


  T: OK, very good! When do you have breakfast / lunch / supper ?

  C: We have breakfast / lunch / supper in the morning / afternoon / evening .


  T: Now, please look here.What are they?


  T: Please listen to the tape and read after it.


  T: Great !Play “Favourite”whit colour and clothing. We studied clothes last

  lesson. Do you remember ?

  C: Yes.We remember.

  T: Let's go !


  T: What' s your favourite food ?


  C: I like sandwich / milk / fish ……

  T: Please draw picture of your favourite food.



  T: I like sandwich and milk.


  T: What' s your favourite food ?

  S1: I like hot dogs and pizza.

  T: I like hot dogs and pizza,too.

  S2: I like vegetables.

  T: I like vegetables,too.

  S3: I like fruit and chicken.

  T:: I like fruit and chicken,too.

  S4: I like …...

  T: What's meaning this word 'and' ?

  S5: 和


  T: What is meaning 'too'?

  C: 也

  T: 它放在了什么样的句子中呢?

  C: 它放在了肯定句中

  T: (教师再次拿起图片)

  I l

ike sandwich and milk,but I don't like fish.


  T: I like pizza and hamburgers,but I don't like soup.

  What's meaning this word 'but' ?

  C: 但是

  T: What about you ?

  S6: I like French fries and dumpings,but I don't like noodles.

  T: I don't like noodles,either.

  T: What about you ?

  S7: I like soup and chicken,but I don't like vegetables .

  T: I don't like vegetables,either.

  T: What about you ?

  S8: I like sandwich and hamburgers,but I don't like sandwich.

  T: I don't like sandwich,either.

  T: What is meaning 'either'?

  C: 也

  T: 它放在了什么样的句子中呢?

  C: 它放在了否定句中

  T: Ok,now please listen to the tape, and answer my question.

  What does Danny like for lunch?

  What does Jenny like for lunch?




  S9: Danny likes…and…but he doesn't like…

  S10:Jenny likes…and…but she doesn't like…


  T: Do you want to know what the others favourite food?

  Please make a dialogue in group, then show your fruit.


  T: I'm tired! Are you tired?

  C: We are tired!

  T: Ok, let's have a rest. Play the “Smile , Ftown” game!


  (四)、Class closing

  T: Are you happy ?

  C: Yes, we are happy!

  T: I'm happy too. Ok,now this class is over. Please say goodbye to me!

  C: Goodbye!

  T: Bye-bye!


  What' s your favourite food?你喜欢什么食物?

  I like … 我喜欢……

  I don't like … 我不喜欢……





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