与绘画的英文词汇 篇一
The Influence of Colors in Painting
Colors play a crucial role in painting as they have the power to evoke emotions, set the mood, and create a sense of harmony or discord. In this article, we will explore the impact of colors in painting and discuss some key terms related to color theory.
One of the primary terms used in color theory is "hue," which refers to the purest form of a color. For example, red, blue, and yellow are considered primary hues. When we mix two primary hues, we get secondary hues such as orange, green, and purple. These secondary hues can be further mixed to create tertiary hues, resulting in a vast range of colors.
Another important aspect of color theory is "value," which refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. Artists use different values to create contrast and depth in their paintings. A high value color is lighter, while a low value color is darker.
"Saturation" is another term that describes the intensity or purity of a color. Colors can be either highly saturated or desaturated. Highly saturated colors are vibrant and intense, while desaturated colors are more muted and subtle.
Color schemes are often used to create a harmonious composition in a painting. Some common color schemes include complementary, analogous, and monochromatic. Complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel, such as red and green or blue and orange. Analogous colors are next to each other on the color wheel, such as red, orange, and yellow. Monochromatic color schemes use variations of a single color.
Colors also have the ability to evoke specific emotions. For example, warm colors like red, orange, and yellow are often associated with energy, warmth, and excitement. Cool colors like blue, green, and purple are associated with calmness, tranquility, and serenity. Artists use these emotional associations to convey specific moods and messages in their paintings.
In conclusion, colors play a significant role in painting, influencing the overall mood, harmony, and emotional impact of a piece. By understanding color theory and utilizing different color schemes, artists can create powerful and visually appealing compositions. The use of colors in painting is a complex and fascinating aspect of art that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.
与绘画的英文词汇 篇二
The Elements of Composition in Painting
Composition is a vital aspect of painting as it determines how the different elements are arranged within the artwork. In this article, we will explore the key elements of composition in painting and discuss some important terms related to this topic.
One of the fundamental elements of composition is "balance." Balance refers to the distribution of visual weight within a painting. There are three types of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial. Symmetrical balance occurs when the elements on one side of the painting mirror the elements on the other side. Asymmetrical balance is achieved by distributing the visual weight unevenly, creating a sense of harmony and tension. Radial balance involves arranging the elements in a circular or spiral pattern, with the focal point at the center.
"Proportion" is another important element of composition. It refers to the size and scale of the elements in relation to each other and the overall composition. Artists use proportion to create a sense of realism or distortion, depending on their artistic intentions.
"Contrast" is a term used to describe the differences between elements in a painting. It can be achieved through variations in color, value, texture, or shape. Contrast helps create visual interest and directs the viewer's attention to specific areas of the painting.
"Unity" is the element that brings all the different elements together to create a cohesive and harmonious composition. Artists achieve unity through the use of repetition, rhythm, and continuity. It ensures that the painting appears as a cohesive whole rather than a collection of disjointed elements.
The "rule of thirds" is a popular composition technique used by artists. It involves dividing the painting into nine equal parts using two horizontal and two vertical lines. The focal point or the most important element is usually placed along these lines or at their intersections, creating a visually pleasing and balanced composition.
In conclusion, the elements of composition, such as balance, proportion, contrast, unity, and the rule of thirds, play a crucial role in creating visually appealing and harmonious paintings. By understanding and applying these elements, artists can effectively communicate their artistic vision and engage viewers in a meaningful way. Composition is a skill that artists continuously refine and experiment with throughout their artistic journey.
与绘画的英文词汇 篇三
1、人物画figure painting
2、人物素描character sketch
4、毛笔画brush drawing
5、中国水墨画Chinese ink painting (/drawing)
6、中国画 (traditional) Chinese painting
7、巨幅画像huge portrait
8、水彩画water colour painting;water colour
9、水墨画ink painting;wash drawing
10、半身画像half-length figure(/portrait)
11、古典绘画classical painting
12、古画ancient painting
15、全身画像full-length figure;whole-length portrait
17、工笔画fine brushwork
18、木版画wood-block print
19、木刻画woodcut;wood engraving
22、黑白素描sketch in black and white
23、丝网版画screen printing
24、铅笔画pencil drawing(/sketch/work)
27、写意画free sketch;freehand brushwork
28、赝品fake drawing
30、代表作representative works
32、花卉flower and plant
33、花鸟flower and bird
35、草草几笔few swift strokes
36、纸裱paper mounting
40、静物still life
41、冷调cool tonality
44、暖调warm tonality
45、宣传画招贴picture poster;poster
47、风景画landscape (painting)
49、连环画picture-story book;
50、真品genuine painting
52、速写quick sketch
53、国画(traditional) Chinese painting
54、现代绘画modern painting
56、画架上作的画easelp ainting
57、装饰画decorative painting
59、静物写生still life sketching
60、静物画still life;still
61、壁画wall painting;fresco
62、画派Schools of Painting
63、国画派别 Schools of ChinesePainting
64、人物写实realistic portrait
65、山水风景landscape scenery
67、花卉画flower-and-plant painting;flower piece
68、花鸟画flower&bird (/flower-and-bird) painting
69、西画画法western painting method
71、色彩单调dull colours
72、色彩鲜艳gay colours
74、画板drawing board
75、画架drawing easel
76、画框picture frame
77、色调colour tone
78、色调变化colour value
82、批评家 critic
83、艺术批评art criticism
96、写实派realist school
99、绘画方法painting method
100.国画画法traditional Chinese painting technique