医疗专业的英语词汇 篇一
In the field of medical profession, having a good command of medical terminologies in English is crucial for effective communication and understanding. This article aims to introduce several essential medical terms to enhance your understanding of the medical field.
First and foremost, let's start with some basic medical terms. "Diagnosis" refers to the identification of a disease or condition through examination and analysis. "Symptom" is a subjective indication of a disease or condition that is experienced by the patient. "Treatment" involves the management and care provided to patients to improve their health condition. "Medication" refers to the drugs or substances used to treat or prevent diseases.
Moving on to more specialized terms, "anesthesia" is the use of drugs to prevent pain during surgery or medical procedures. "Biopsy" is the process of removing a small sample of tissue for examination and diagnosis. "Catheter" is a medical tube inserted into the body to drain fluids or administer medication. "Endoscopy" is a procedure that uses a thin, flexible tube with a camera to examine the internal organs. "Radiology" is the branch of medicine that deals with the use of medical imaging techniques, such as X-rays and CT scans, to diagnose and treat diseases.
Furthermore, there are also terms related to different medical specialties. "Cardiology" is the branch of medicine that focuses on the study and treatment of the heart and its diseases. "Dermatology" is the study of the skin and its diseases. "Gastroenterology" is the branch of medicine that deals with the digestive system and its disorders. "Neurology" is the study of the nervous system and its disorders. "Oncology" is the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer.
Lastly, let's not forget about terms related to medical professionals. "Doctor" refers to a qualified medical practitioner who diagnoses and treats diseases. "Nurse" is a healthcare professional who provides care and assists doctors in treating patients. "Surgeon" is a doctor who specializes in performing surgical procedures. "Pharmacist" is a professional who dispenses medications and provides information about drugs.
In conclusion, mastering medical terminologies in English is essential for effective communication in the medical field. This article has provided an introduction to some basic and specialized medical terms, as well as terms related to medical specialties and professionals. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you can enhance your understanding of medical discussions and improve your ability to communicate effectively in the field of medicine.
医疗专业的英语词汇 篇二
In the medical profession, English is widely used as the international language of communication. This article aims to introduce a range of medical terminologies in English, allowing medical professionals to effectively communicate with their colleagues and patients.
Firstly, let's start with terms related to the human body. "Anatomy" refers to the study of the structure of the human body. "Physiology" is the study of how the body functions. "Organs" are the different parts of the body that perform specific functions. "Tissue" refers to a group of cells that work together to perform a particular function. "Cell" is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
Moving on to terms related to diseases and conditions, "acute" refers to a disease or condition that has a rapid onset and a short duration. "Chronic" refers to a disease or condition that lasts for a long period of time. "Infection" is the invasion and multiplication of harmful microorganisms in the body. "Inflammation" is the body's response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, and pain. "Allergy" is an abnormal reaction of the immune system to a harmless substance.
Next, let's explore terms related to medical procedures and tests. "Surgery" refers to the branch of medicine that involves operative procedures to treat diseases or injuries. "Chemotherapy" is the treatment of diseases, especially cancer, using chemical substances. "Radiation therapy" involves the use of high-energy radiation to treat diseases, particularly cancer. "MRI" stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a medical imaging technique that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of the body's organs and tissues.
Furthermore, there are also terms related to medications and treatments. "Antibiotics" are drugs used to treat bacterial infections. "Analgesics" are drugs used to relieve pain. "Antidepressants" are drugs used to treat depression and other mental health disorders. "Physical therapy" is a treatment that uses exercises and techniques to improve mobility and function. "Psychotherapy" is a form of therapy that aims to treat mental health disorders through talking and counseling.
Lastly, let's not forget terms related to medical professionals and their roles. "Physician" refers to a medical doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases. "Nurse" is a healthcare professional who provides care and support to patients. "Pharmacist" is a professional who dispenses medications and provides information about drugs. "Paramedic" is a healthcare professional who provides emergency medical care in the pre-hospital setting.
In conclusion, having a good understanding of medical terminologies in English is crucial for effective communication in the medical profession. This article has introduced a range of terms related to the human body, diseases and conditions, medical procedures and tests, medications and treatments, as well as medical professionals and their roles. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you can enhance your ability to communicate effectively in the medical field.
医疗专业的英语词汇 篇三
内科系统 Medicine Systems
外科系统 Surgery Systems
医技科室Medical Laboratory
血液病科Hematology Department
普外(肝胆)General Surgery
临床检验Clinical Laboratory
输血科Blood Bank
内分泌科Endocrinology Department
胸外科Thoracic surgery
病理科Pathology Deparment
脑电图室ECG Laboratory
消化内科Digestive System Department
心外科Cardial Surgery
传统放射科Traditional Radiology Department
肺功能室Lung Function Laboratory
心血管内科Vasculocardiology Deparment
泌尿外科Urology Surgery
MR室MR Laboratory
胃镜室Dndoscope Laboratory
神经内科Neurology Department
肿瘤外科Oncological Surgery
SCT室SCt Laboratory
人工肾室Hemodialyses Room
介入科Invasive Technology Department
神经外科Neurological Surgery
超声诊断科UItrasonic Diagnosis Deparment
呼吸科Pneumology Department
骨科Orthopedics Department
超声多谱勒室UItrasonic Doppler Laboratory
血液净化室Laminar Airflow (LAF) Room
肾内科Urology Department
小儿外科Pediatric Surgery
核医学科Isotopic Laboratory
高压氧仓室Hyperbaric Chamber
小儿科Pediatrics Department
整形科Plastic Surgery
ECT 室ECT Laboratory
院内感染监控室Nosocomial Infection Monitory
中医科Traditional Chinese Medicine Department
供应室Supply House
血液成份分离室Cytopheresis Laboratory
高干病房Senior Officials inpatient Ward
妇产科Obstetric and Gynecologic Department
营养室Nutrition House
体外反搏室Counter Extropulsative Room
华侨病房Overseas Chinese Ward
口腔科Stomatological Department
康复科Rehabilitation Department
保健科Medical Care Department for personnel
眼科Ophthalmologic Department
针灸科Acupuncture and Moxibustion De-parment
耳鼻喉科Otorhinolaryngologic Department
理疗科Physiotherapy Deparment
痔疮科Hemorrhoids Deparment
按摩科Massage Department
皮肤科Dermatology Department
麻醉科Anesthesia Department
省级重点学科 Key Subjects at the Provincial Level
血液病、内分泌疾病、肝胆外科、胸心外科Hematology, Endocrinology, Genneral Surgery and Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
省级医疗领先特色专业 The Leading Subjects of Medicine at the Provincial Level
心内科、烧伤科、儿科心理学Cardiology, Department of B urn , Pediatric Psychology
医院特色专科Characteristic Professional Subjects of Union Hospital
消化内科、普外、肿瘤、泌尿、神经、整形、耳鼻喉科、介入、影像Digestive System Diseases, GeneralSurgery, Oncology, Urology, Neurology, Plastic Surgery,Otorhinolary, Invasive Department and Medical Imagery.