一分钟英语幽默小故事 篇一
Title: The Mischievous Parrot
Once upon a time, there was a mischievous parrot named Polly. Polly loved playing pranks on the people who lived in the nearby village. One day, Polly flew into the village and perched on top of a tall tree, ready to cause some trouble.
As the villagers went about their day, Polly observed them closely. He noticed a fruit seller setting up his stall with a variety of colorful fruits. Polly had an idea. He flew down from the tree and landed on the fruit stall, causing all the fruits to fall onto the ground. The fruit seller was furious and chased Polly away, but the parrot was too quick for him.
Polly then spotted a man walking down the street with a hat on. The parrot swooped down and grabbed the man's hat with its beak. The man was startled and tried to catch Polly, but the parrot flew away, leaving the man hatless and bewildered.
The mischievous parrot continued its pranks throughout the day. He would snatch scarves from people's necks, imitate their voices, and even snatch sandwiches right out of people's hands. The village was in chaos because of Polly's antics.
However, Polly's pranks took an unexpected turn when he decided to play a trick on the local blacksmith. Polly flew into the blacksmith's shop and saw a bucket of water sitting near the forge. With mischievous glee, the parrot tipped the bucket over, drenching the blacksmith and putting out the fire in the forge.
The blacksmith was furious. He grabbed a broom and began chasing Polly around the shop. Polly flew out through the open door, with the blacksmith hot on his tail. The parrot flew back to his tree, with the blacksmith still in pursuit.
From that day on, Polly learned his lesson. He realized that his pranks were causing trouble and inconvenience to the villagers. Polly decided to use his intelligence and wit in a more positive way. He became the village entertainer, performing tricks and mimicking people's voices to make them laugh.
The villagers soon forgave Polly for his past mischief and embraced him as part of their community. Polly learned the importance of making others happy instead of causing trouble, and he lived happily ever after.
一分钟英语幽默小故事 篇二
Title: The Forgetful Professor
In a small town, there lived a professor known for his brilliant mind but terrible memory. His name was Professor Jones, and he was renowned for his groundbreaking research in the field of quantum physics. However, he had a habit of forgetting things, even the simplest of tasks.
One day, Professor Jones was invited to give a lecture at a prestigious conference in a neighboring city. He was excited about the opportunity but also worried about forgetting important details. To ensure that he wouldn't forget anything, the professor decided to write down all the important points on a piece of paper.
On the day of the conference, Professor Jones arrived at the venue with his notes in hand. As he began his presentation, he realized that he had forgotten to bring his glasses. Without his glasses, the professor couldn't read his notes and started panicking.
Seeing his distress, one of the audience members, a young student, quickly offered his glasses to the professor. Grateful for the help, Professor Jones put on the glasses and continued his lecture. However, he soon realized that the student's glasses were too strong, and everything appeared blurry.
Unfazed by this setback, the professor decided to rely on his memory instead. He started explaining complex theories and equations, flawlessly reciting everything he had written on his notes. The audience was amazed by his ability to remember such intricate details without any visual aid.
As Professor Jones continued his lecture, he noticed a fly buzzing around him. The professor, being forgetful, had left his fly swatter in his office. Determined not to let the fly distract him, he decided to catch it with his bare hands. With lightning-fast reflexes, he managed to catch the fly and continued his lecture as if nothing had happened.
The audience was in awe of Professor Jones' ability to multitask and overcome obstacles. They applauded him for his remarkable memory and quick thinking. The professor finished his lecture to a standing ovation, feeling proud of his achievement.
After the conference, the young student approached Professor Jones and asked how he was able to remember everything without his notes or glasses. The professor smiled and said, "My friend, it's not about having a perfect memory or the right equipment. It's about adapting to the situation and making the best out of what you have. Sometimes, the best solutions come from unexpected places."
From that day on, Professor Jones embraced his forgetfulness as a unique aspect of his character. He continued his research and gave lectures, relying on his memory and ingenuity rather than relying on notes and equipment. His story became an inspiration to many, reminding them that sometimes, limitations can lead to extraordinary achievements.
一分钟英语幽默小故事 篇三
In a dog park in a very chic Manhattan neighborhood, three dogs get together to chat, and the subject of what breed they are comes up.
The first dog says, "well, my mother was a cocker spaniel and my father was a poodle, so I'm a Cockapoo. We're very trendy."
The second dog puts his nose in the air and says, "Well, that's ni
The third dog looks very uncomfortable and starts trying to change the subject. "Come on, just tell us," the other dogs keep saying. Finally, he gives in.
"Well, my father was a Bull Terrier and my mother was a Shi Tzu..."