
英语中考听力感受作文范文 篇一

My Experience with the English Listening Test

Yesterday, I took the English listening test for my middle school entrance exam. It was both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience for me. In this essay, I will share my thoughts and feelings about the test.

Firstly, I found the test to be quite challenging. The audio recordings were played only once, and the speakers spoke at a fast pace. It was difficult to catch every word they said. However, I tried my best to focus and concentrate throughout the test. I used the strategies I learned in class, such as predicting the answers based on the context and listening for keywords. These techniques helped me grasp the main idea of the conversations and passages.

Additionally, the variety of topics covered in the listening test surprised me. There were conversations about daily activities, school life, and even some interesting stories. I enjoyed listening to the different accents and voices of the speakers. It made me realize the importance of exposing myself to different English accents and practicing listening skills regularly.

Moreover, I was impressed by the effectiveness of practicing with past listening tests. My English teacher had provided us with numerous listening exercises and mock tests to prepare for the exam. These practices helped me become familiar with the format and style of the listening test. I also learned how to manage my time wisely during the test, so I could answer as many questions as possible.

Overall, I believe that the English listening test was a valuable experience for me. It pushed me to improve my listening skills and taught me the importance of being attentive and focused. I am grateful for the opportunity to take this test as it has shown me areas that I need to work on in order to become a better English learner.

In conclusion, the English listening test for the middle school entrance exam was challenging but rewarding. It tested my ability to understand spoken English in various contexts. Through this experience, I have realized the importance of regular practice and exposure to different English accents. I am confident that with continued effort and dedication, I will be able to further improve my listening skills.

英语中考听力感受作文范文 篇二

Reflecting on the English Listening Test

Having just finished the English listening test for my middle school entrance exam, I would like to share my thoughts and reflections on this experience.

To begin with, I found the test to be a bit overwhelming. The audio recordings were played at a fast pace, and I struggled to keep up with the speakers. It was challenging to understand every word they said, especially when they used unfamiliar vocabulary or expressions. However, I tried my best to stay calm and focused throughout the test. I reminded myself to listen for the main ideas and key information, rather than getting stuck on every single word.

Furthermore, I realized the importance of effective note-taking during the listening test. There were multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank exercises that required careful listening and quick thinking. I found it helpful to jot down keywords or phrases while listening to the recordings. These notes provided me with a reference point when answering the questions. However, I also had to be cautious not to get too caught up in writing and miss important information.

Additionally, I believe that regular practice is essential for improving listening skills. Prior to the exam, I spent a significant amount of time listening to various English materials, such as songs, podcasts, and radio broadcasts. These activities helped me become more accustomed to the speed and rhythm of spoken English. I also practiced listening to recordings without looking at the accompanying text, which helped me focus solely on listening comprehension.

In conclusion, the English listening test was a challenging but valuable experience for me. It highlighted the areas where I need to improve my listening skills, such as vocabulary recognition and note-taking. I am determined to continue practicing and exposing myself to more English listening materials. With consistent effort and perseverance, I am confident that I will be able to achieve better results in future listening tests.

Overall, the English listening test was a significant aspect of the middle school entrance exam. It served as a reminder of the importance of active listening and effective note-taking. I am grateful for this opportunity to assess my listening skills and identify areas for improvement.

英语中考听力感受作文范文 篇三

摘 要:我们知道,对于英语学习,听说读写必须样样具备,而对我们中国学生来说,说、读、写都是比较容易做到的,唯独听,英语听力严重困扰着广大的中学生。鉴于我国考试制度的原因,初中生必须加强听力训练,掌握一定的听力技巧,这样才能取得优异的成绩。随着国际交往的加深,英语已经成为主要的国际通用语言,因此,我们必须学好英语,做到能听懂、能理解英语。在本文中,笔者主要提出了一些优化初中英语听力教学的对策,希望能提高英语的听力教学效果。

关键词:优化 初中英语 听力教学 对策


一、 革新教学环境,构建良好师生关系


二、 认真备课,做好课堂规划


三、 与时俱进,革新教学方法



四、 狠抓基础知识,找准方法途径


英语中考听力感受作文范文 篇四




Newspapers are an important part in my daily life. My favourite newspaper is China Daily. Every day I read this newspaper during my breakfast. It helps me to learn about the world outside. I can also find some interesting stories and share them with my colleges. Reading newspapers gives me a chance to widen my horizon and learn the world. What's more, China Daily is a newspaper that owns great authority. Its content helps me a lot both in my work and study. I believe I will keep this habit and read newspapers everyday. Life with newspapers is really great and fantastic.

英语中考听力感受作文范文 篇五


2、每日早晨 英语听力或口语30分钟



7:00 起床

7:20 洗漱完毕



8:20——9:10 做作业(语文阅读一篇和摘抄)

9:25—11:25 数学《初中数学竞赛新课标同步辅导(初一)》

11:25——11:45 看报 课外书

11:45——14:30午饭 午休

14:30——15:30 英语

15:30——15:45 休息


16:45——17:00 休息

17:00——18:00 其他科目复习

英语中考听力感受作文范文 篇六

Some students think that listening test should not be cancelled. They insist that listening is one of the four basic skills, and we can not ignore it. In addition, listening is one of the important channels for us to obtain information from the outside world.

Nowadays, international cooperation is becoming more and more frequent, but others do not agree with it. They think that not everyone must communicate with foreigners in the future, and listening test is unfair to students. In areas where radio signals cannot be effectively received for some reasons, there are great differences in teachers and equipment between rural and urban areas.





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