
Business Writing Summary Sample in English

Article One:

Title: Effective Communication in Business Writing

In today's business world, effective communication is crucial for success. One of the key aspects of communication in the business environment is writing. Whether it is an email, a report, or a business proposal, writing skills play a significant role in conveying messages clearly and professionally. In this article, we will explore the importance of effective communication in business writing and provide some tips for improving writing skills.

In business writing, clarity is paramount. The purpose of any written communication is to convey information or ideas in a way that is easily understood by the reader. Ambiguity or vague language can lead to misunderstandings and confusion. It is essential to use clear and concise language, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to all readers. Proofreading and editing are also important to ensure that the message is error-free and coherent.

Another crucial aspect of business writing is professionalism. Business writing should maintain a formal tone and adhere to standard grammar and punctuation rules. It is essential to use proper salutations, greetings, and professional language. Avoiding slang or colloquial expressions is necessary to maintain a professional image. Additionally, using a professional format, such as headings and subheadings, can make the document more organized and easier to read.

Moreover, business writing should be audience-focused. Understanding the audience's needs, expectations, and level of knowledge is essential for effective communication. Tailoring the message to the specific audience can make it more relevant and engaging. Using a friendly and respectful tone can help build rapport with the readers and create a positive impression.

To improve business writing skills, it is beneficial to practice regularly. Reading professional business materials, such as reports or articles, can provide insights into effective writing techniques. Additionally, seeking feedback from colleagues or mentors can help identify areas for improvement. Taking writing courses or workshops can also enhance writing skills and provide valuable tips and techniques.

In conclusion, effective communication in business writing is vital for conveying messages clearly and professionally. Clarity, professionalism, and audience-focus are key aspects to consider when writing in a business environment. By practicing regularly and seeking feedback, individuals can continuously improve their writing skills and become more effective communicators in the business world.

Article Two:

Title: The Art of Persuasive Business Writing

In the fast-paced business world, the ability to persuade others through writing is a valuable skill. Whether it is convincing clients to choose your product or persuading colleagues to support your ideas, persuasive business writing can make a significant impact. In this article, we will explore the art of persuasive business writing and provide some tips for mastering this skill.

Persuasive business writing starts with a clear understanding of the target audience. Identifying their needs, interests, and concerns can help tailor the message to resonate with them. By addressing their pain points and offering solutions, the writer can capture their attention and engage them in the message.

A compelling argument is another key element of persuasive business writing. Presenting logical reasoning and supporting evidence can strengthen the writer's position and make the message more convincing. Using facts, statistics, or case studies can add credibility to the argument and increase its persuasive power. Additionally, anticipating and addressing counterarguments can help build a stronger case and address potential objections.

The tone of persuasive business writing should be confident and assertive. Using strong and persuasive language can help convey the writer's conviction and passion for the topic. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between assertiveness and respectfulness. Being too forceful or aggressive can alienate the reader, while being too passive may undermine the writer's credibility.

Furthermore, employing persuasive writing techniques, such as storytelling or emotional appeals, can make the message more compelling. Sharing real-life examples or personal anecdotes can create a connection with the reader and make the message more relatable. Appealing to the reader's emotions, such as highlighting the benefits or emphasizing the potential risks, can also influence their decision-making process.

To master persuasive business writing, practice is essential. Experimenting with different writing styles, techniques, and structures can help develop a personal persuasive writing style. Seeking feedback from colleagues or mentors can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. Additionally, studying successful persuasive writing examples can provide inspiration and guidance.

In conclusion, persuasive business writing is a valuable skill for influencing others and achieving desired outcomes. Understanding the target audience, presenting a compelling argument, and using a confident tone are key elements of persuasive writing. By practicing and continuously improving writing skills, individuals can become persuasive communicators and make a significant impact in the business world.

商务写作中总结范文英语 篇三


The [product name and model number] that you mailedto us for repair was received on [date] We will bereturning it to you as soon as the necessary adjustments are made.

We are sorry that youexperienced a problem with our product and want to thank you for purchasing a[name of prod


商务写作中总结范文英语 篇四

1. 建立办事处 Establishment of new branch

Dear Mr. / Ms,

Owing to the large increase in the volume of our trade with this country we have decided to open a branch here, with Mr. Wang Lo as manager. The new branch will open on 1st March and from that date all orders and inquiries should be sent to Mr. Wang Lo at the above address, instead of to our London office.

We take this opportunity to express our thanks for your cooperation in the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results.

商务写作中总结范文英语 篇五

建立办事处 Establishment of new branch

Dear Mr. / Ms,

Owing to the large increase in the volume of our trade with this country we have decided to open a branch here, with Mr. Wang Lo as manager. The new branch will open on 1st March and from that date all orders and inquiries should be sent to Mr. Wang Lo at the above address, instead of to our London office.

We take this opportunity to express our thanks for your cooperation in the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results.

商务写作中总结范文英语 篇六


Thank you for yourorder. At this time we cannot fill your order due to an unexpectedshipment delay from our overseas suppliers.

We will hold yourorder for arrival of the merchandise, and ship shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with a specific shipping date at this time.

Thank you for youranticipated patience in this matter.



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