
英文母亲对女儿的句子 篇一

As a mother, I have always wanted the best for my daughter. Throughout her life, I have tried to impart wisdom, guidance, and love through my words and actions. Here are some English sentences that I often say to my daughter, hoping to inspire and encourage her.

1. "Believe in yourself, and you can achieve anything." I want my daughter to have confidence in her abilities and know that with hard work and determination, she can accomplish her dreams.

2. "Always be kind and treat others with respect." I believe in the power of kindness and want my daughter to understand the importance of treating others with compassion and empathy.

3. "Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow." I encourage my daughter to embrace failure as a stepping stone towards success. I want her to understand that making mistakes is a natural part of life, and it is through these experiences that she can learn and become a better person.

4. "Follow your passions and do what you love." I want my daughter to pursue her interests and find joy in her chosen path. I believe that when we do what we love, we can lead a fulfilling and purposeful life.

5. "Never give up, even when things get tough." Life is full of challenges, but I want my daughter to have the resilience and determination to persevere. I remind her that setbacks are temporary and that she has the strength to overcome any obstacle.

6. "Your worth is not defined by others' opinions of you." I want my daughter to have a strong sense of self-worth and not rely on external validation. I remind her that her value lies in her own beliefs and actions, and not in the opinions of others.

7. "Take care of yourself, both physically and mentally." I emphasize the importance of self-care and encourage my daughter to prioritize her well-being. I want her to understand that taking care of herself is not selfish, but necessary for her overall happiness and success.

8. "Embrace diversity and celebrate differences." I want my daughter to be open-minded and accepting of people from all walks of life. I teach her the value of diversity and the beauty that comes from embracing different cultures, perspectives, and experiences.

9. "Remember that I will always be here for you, no matter what." I want my daughter to know that she can always turn to me for support, love, and guidance. I remind her that our bond as mother and daughter is unbreakable.

10. "You are loved beyond measure." Above all, I want my daughter to know how much she is loved. I express my love for her every day, reminding her that she is cherished and valued.

These sentences are just a glimpse of the love and guidance I give to my daughter. I hope that they serve as a reminder of the unwavering support and belief I have in her abilities and potential.

英文母亲对女儿的句子 篇二

Being a mother to my daughter is a privilege and a joy. Over the years, I have shared countless words of wisdom and encouragement with her. Here are some English sentences that I often say to my daughter, hoping to guide and inspire her throughout her life.

1. "Dream big and never be afraid to chase your dreams." I want my daughter to have aspirations and believe that she can achieve anything she sets her mind to. I remind her that her dreams are valid and worth pursuing.

2. "Stay true to yourself and never compromise your values." I emphasize the importance of staying authentic and holding onto her core beliefs. I want my daughter to have the strength to stand up for what she believes in, even if it means going against the crowd.

3. "Education is the key to unlocking endless possibilities." I instill in my daughter the value of education and the doors it can open. I encourage her to embrace learning and to never stop seeking knowledge.

4. "Be resilient and bounce back from setbacks stronger than before." Life is full of challenges, and I want my daughter to have the resilience to overcome them. I remind her that setbacks are temporary and that she has the inner strength to bounce back and grow from adversity.

5. "Treat others with kindness and compassion, always." I believe in the power of kindness and want my daughter to understand the impact she can have on others through simple acts of compassion. I encourage her to be a light in the lives of those around her.

6. "Take risks and step out of your comfort zone." I want my daughter to embrace new experiences and not be afraid to take risks. I remind her that growth happens outside of her comfort zone and that amazing opportunities await those who are willing to explore.

7. "Your words have power, so use them wisely." I teach my daughter the importance of thoughtful communication and the impact her words can have on others. I encourage her to speak up for herself and to use her voice to advocate for what she believes in.

8. "Practice gratitude and appreciate the little things in life." I want my daughter to have a grateful heart and to find joy in the simple pleasures of life. I remind her to count her blessings and to never take anything for granted.

9. "Surround yourself with positive influences and supportive friends." I emphasize the importance of choosing friends who uplift and inspire her. I remind my daughter that the company she keeps can greatly influence her mindset and overall well-being.

10. "Know that you are loved unconditionally, always." Above all, I want my daughter to know that she is loved unconditionally. I remind her of my love for her every day, and I want her to feel secure and confident in that love.

These sentences capture the essence of the guidance and love I provide to my daughter. I hope that they serve as a constant reminder of the values and beliefs that I hold dear, and that they inspire her to become the best version of herself.

英文母亲对女儿的句子 篇三

英文母亲对女儿的句子 精选45句

1. 幸福,是你依偎在妈妈温暖怀抱里的温馨。

2. 幸福就是女儿来电,问她在做什么呢,回答看书呢,忙说:“在别累着自己的前提下计划着看啊.....


3. 以前喜欢自拍,现在喜欢和宝宝一起拍。

4. Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.

5. 幸福,是你依靠在爸爸宽阔肩膀上的甜蜜。

6. 女儿是妈妈的贴心小棉袄,是妈妈的掌中宝,是妈妈的全部。

7. 爸爸妈妈看到你的笑容,再大的烦恼都忘了,宝贝,有你真幸福。

8. 幸福就是电话铃声响起,看到是女儿来电的那一瞬。

9. 听到宝贝喊“爸爸”的时候,整个心都化了。

10. 幸福就是有个女儿。

11. 亲爱的女儿,妈妈有你真幸福。

12. 你是我的宝贝,时刻给我安慰。

13. Love makes man grow up or sink down.

14. 幸福就是女儿把自己的生活安排得井然有序,充实开心,我便无需牵挂。

15. 幸福就是女儿健康快乐地成长着。

16. 幸福就是看不明白的英文句子,她翻译给我的时候。

17. 我的宝贝,时常不知道是妈妈教你,还是你教妈妈。看着你成长,真好。

18. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone.

19. If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. It is a pity, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.

20. 幸福就是和女儿拥抱在一起的那种感受。

21. 生活中应该有许多幸福的时刻却往往成了我们的负担,因为自己的心没有仔细去体会。

22. 孩子,因为你的出生,爸爸妈妈学会了怎样迎接一个生命。

23. 有个孩子可以去疼爱,也是一件幸福的事情。

24. 宝贝我想告诉你,爸爸妈妈为你感到特别骄傲,爱你!

25. One may fall in love with many people during the life time. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.

26. 女儿,希望你能够一直这样可爱。

27. 趁天还暖和,和宝宝一起拍个照。

28. 今天我们母女没吃药,感觉萌哒哒。

29. 幸福就是女儿晃晃悠悠地走到你的面前,睡眼朦胧地对着你甜甜地纯纯地那一笑。

30. 幸福就是厨房传来女儿的刷碗声。

31. 幸福就是女儿说起大学生活的那些事儿。

32. 幸福就是假期的早上醒来看见女儿还在香香地睡着。

33. 你是父母的骄傲,你是懂事的孩子,希望你全面发展。

34. When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love.

35. 感谢我的宝宝,是你让我学会如何疼爱一个人。

36. 我的宝贝,不要荒废你奋力拼来的这美好时光,希望你成为你梦想成为的人!

37. 幸福就是女儿说等放假回家我伺候你。

38. 幸福就是问女儿今天吃什么,女儿说:“什么都行。”我说:“蒜蓉西兰花?”她满意微笑地看着我直点头说:“嗯,嗯!”。

39. 有一个可爱的女儿真好,看着她可爱卖萌的样子,感觉好幸福。

40. Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.

41. 幸福就是女儿的理解和支持。

42. 孩子,爸爸妈妈不求你能够成龙成凤,只希望你能够健康快乐的成长就好。

43. 幸福就是和女儿躺在床上聊天越聊越兴奋的时候。

44. I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.

45. 宝宝,因为你妈妈舍弃了很多,但同时因为你,妈妈也得到了很多爱。



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