埃菲尔铁塔英文句子 篇一
The Enchanting Eiffel Tower: A Symbol of Romance and Engineering Marvel
The Eiffel Tower, one of the most iconic landmarks in the world, stands tall and proud in the heart of Paris, France. With its majestic presence, it has become a symbol of romance, architectural prowess, and cultural significance. This article will explore the history, design, and impact of the Eiffel Tower.
The Eiffel Tower, named after its creator Gustave Eiffel, was completed in 1889 and served as the entrance arch to the World's Fair held in Paris that year. Initially, it faced criticism and controversy, with many Parisians considering it an eyesore. However, over time, it grew to be beloved by locals and visitors alike. Today, it attracts millions of tourists each year who come to witness its grandeur and panoramic views of the city.
The tower's design is a testament to engineering ingenuity. Standing at a height of 330 meters, it held the title of the tallest man-made structure for over 40 years. Its lattice-like structure, composed of wrought iron, not only provides strength and stability but also adds to its aesthetic appeal. The tower is divided into three levels, each offering different viewpoints and experiences for visitors.
Beyond its engineering marvel, the Eiffel Tower has a profound cultural significance. It has been featured in numerous films, literature, and artwork, making it an enduring symbol of Paris and France. Countless couples have chosen the tower as the backdrop for their romantic proposals and declarations of love. At night, the tower is illuminated, creating a magical ambiance that further enhances its allure.
The Eiffel Tower also serves as a testament to human achievement and perseverance. Despite initial opposition, it has stood the test of time and become a global icon. Its success has inspired countless architects and engineers, encouraging them to push boundaries and create structures that push the limits of possibility.
In conclusion, the Eiffel Tower is not only a remarkable engineering feat but also a symbol of romance and cultural significance. Its towering presence, captivating design, and panoramic views make it an unforgettable experience for all who visit. As we gaze upon its magnificence, we are reminded of the power of human creativity and the ability to turn dreams into reality.
埃菲尔铁塔英文句子 篇二
Exploring the Eiffel Tower: A Journey through History and Iconic Beauty
The Eiffel Tower, an architectural masterpiece that has captured the hearts of millions, stands as a timeless symbol of beauty and grandeur. In this article, we will delve into the rich history, intricate details, and cultural significance of this magnificent structure.
The construction of the Eiffel Tower began in 1887 and was completed in 1889, just in time for the World's Fair held in Paris. Designed by Gustave Eiffel, a renowned French civil engineer, the tower was initially met with skepticism and criticism. However, it quickly became a testament to human achievement and ingenuity. Today, it is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site and remains one of the most visited landmarks in the world.
The tower's intricate design is a marvel to behold. Its lattice-like structure, composed of over 18,000 iron pieces, was a groundbreaking engineering feat at the time. Gustave Eiffel and his team employed innovative techniques to ensure the tower's stability and strength. The result is a structure that stands tall and proud, defying the test of time.
The Eiffel Tower's cultural significance cannot be overstated. It serves as a visual representation of Parisian elegance and charm. The tower has been featured in countless films and artworks, making it an enduring symbol of French culture. Its silhouette against the Parisian skyline has become an iconic image that resonates with people from all walks of life.
Visiting the Eiffel Tower is an experience like no other. As visitors ascend to its different levels, they are rewarded with breathtaking views of the city below. The first level offers a chance to learn about the tower's history through interactive exhibits, while the second level provides an opportunity to dine in style at one of its renowned restaurants. Finally, the top level grants visitors a panoramic view of Paris, allowing them to fully appreciate the city's beauty.
In conclusion, the Eiffel Tower is more than just a masterpiece of engineering; it is a symbol of history, beauty, and cultural significance. Its majestic presence and intricate design continue to captivate visitors from around the world. As we gaze upon its splendor, we are reminded of the power of human creativity and the timeless allure of iconic landmarks.
埃菲尔铁塔英文句子 篇三
1. 埃菲尔铁塔和雅典卫城也参与了此次竞选。
2. 埃菲尔铁塔的顶端,是不是藏着我要的幸福。
3. 埃菲尔铁塔从年起建,分为三楼,分别在离地面米米和米处,其中一二楼设有餐厅,第三楼建有观景台,从塔座到塔顶共有级阶梯,共用去钢铁吨,个金属部件,万只铆钉,极为壮观华丽。
4. 于是就将艾菲尔交给外婆抚养。
5. 从此艾菲尔踏上了一个建筑结构工程师的工作道路,为人类的进步与文明贡献自己的才华。
6. 法国人说,埃菲尔铁塔是“首都的瞭望台”,事实的确如此。它设有上中下三个瞭望台,可同时容纳上万人,三个瞭望台各有不同的视野,也带来不同的情趣。一个世纪以来,每年大约有万人登临塔顶,俯瞰巴黎市容,叹为观止。
7. 埃菲尔铁塔上眺望,巴黎全市景物一览无余。
8. 他为设计铁塔付出了巨大的劳动,仅设计图纸就有5000多张。
9. 屹立在巴黎市中心的塞纳河畔高多米相当于层楼高个塔墩由水泥浇灌塔身全部是钢铁镂空结构共有万多个金属部件用几百万个铆钉连接起来
10. 我努力的遨游在知识的浪花中,去感受自由女神的神奇,埃菲尔铁塔的浪漫,金字塔的神秘和俄罗斯超乎生命的热情。
11. 即使梦想不能实现,我们也不会放弃努力 生活若剥往理想梦想幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。
12. 曾以为那历经一百多年风雨的锈铁会呻吟,会晃悠颤栗……据说它的最大摆度是十八厘米,此时它却纹丝不动,不必担心它会断裂倒塌。这在工业革命的辉煌中屹立的巨人,似乎雄心勃勃地要同那天边席卷而来的新浪潮作一番耐力的较量。
13. 曾以为那历经一百多年风雨的锈铁会呻吟,会晃悠颤栗……据说它的最大摆度是十八厘米,此时它却纹丝不动,不必担心它会断裂倒塌。
14. 真的,在巴黎,你要想看不见埃菲尔铁塔,就得时时处处当心。不管什么季节,不管是云雾弥漫薄云蔽日阴天雨天,还是风和日丽,不管你在哪里,也不管有哪一片屋顶教堂或树叶,把你和它隔开,铁塔总在那儿。它已融人我们的日常生活,我们不再能赋予它任何特殊属性,它简直就是注定了要像一块岩石或一条河流那样存在着,因此干脆成了一种自然现象,其意义虽可不断质疑,其存在却不容争辩。在一天的任何时刻,巴黎人的目光大概都不会不触及到它。
15. 如果没有埃菲尔,巴黎也就不再是巴黎了吧。如果没有你,我就不再是我了。
16. 海送走我们的思念,埃菲尔铁塔承载着我们的回忆。我们之间的点点滴滴,丝丝缕缕,将化作这海中央的灯塔,照亮我们。
17. 技艺学校毕业后,艾菲尔经朋友介绍进入西部铁路局研究室任工程师。
18. 埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎的标志之一,被法国人爱称为“铁娘子”。它和纽约的帝国大厦东京的电视塔同被誉为西方三大著名建筑。
19. 我们周围一片寥落死寂。
20. 埃菲尔铁塔如同一位巨人屹立在这个城市中,观望着人们的生活。
21. 屹立在巴黎市中心的塞纳河畔,高多米,相当于层楼高。个塔墩由水泥浇灌,塔身全部是钢铁镂空结构,共有万多个金属部件,用几百万个铆钉连接起来。
22. 这项巨大工程的完成,使艾菲尔在整个工程界的名声大振。
23. 你知道埃菲尔铁塔周围为什么没有高的建筑物吗?因为几乎在巴黎的任何地方抬头都可以看到它所以这座铁塔本身就是一句很美的情话无论何地无论何时假若你愿意回头看我一直在守候
24. 这就为他日后成为一个出类拨萃的工程师奠定了基础。
25. 埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎的标志之一被法国人爱称为“铁娘子”它和纽约的帝国大厦东京的电视塔同被誉为西方三大著名建筑
26. 有人说,埃菲尔铁塔的物语就是,无论何时,无论何地,只要你肯回头,我就一直在你身后。
27. 迈步海边,海风习习;水中摇曳着诶菲尔铁塔那忧郁而碎金般的身影。犹如我们点点滴滴的回忆,虽已转身,你却一直在我心里,和着那海风,对我诉说......
28. 艾菲尔这个在人类建筑史上创造奇迹的工程师,将永远被人们怀念。
29. 真的,在巴黎,你要想看不见埃菲尔铁塔,就得时时处处当心。
30. 我曾以为那历经一百多年风雨的锈铁会呻吟,(.)会晃悠颤栗……据说它的最大摆度是十八厘米,此时它却纹丝不动,不必担心它会断裂倒塌。这在工业革命的辉煌中屹立的巨人,似乎雄心勃勃地要同那天边席卷而来的新浪潮作一番耐力的较量。它不会退出,不会退出的,虽然它已是上一个时代的标记,一百年前它却曾经是作为一个标新立异的怪物,在一片嘘声里,诞生于巴黎城的古迹之中的。
31. 在那里他租用了单身宿舍,经常挤在桌子和火炉中间通宵达旦埋头读书。
32. 你很倾城,更倾我心。
33. 埃菲尔铁塔的高度,就是我与你的距离。埃菲尔铁塔的顶端,是不是藏着我要的幸福。
34. 如果没有Eiffel 巴黎也就不再是巴黎了吧你就是我的Eiffel 给我倾城的温暖世界上唯一的Eiffel 正如这世上唯一的你 再不可代替仰望Eiffel的高度 我想那是幸福的最高点吧对于我来说 可望不可即——希望你会喜欢
35. 喜欢一个城市不一定在于那个城市有没有埃菲尔铁塔,有没有垂柳夹岸的长川,而在于那个城市有没有一双温暖的手臂,可以悄悄圈住在尘世中疲倦的过客,并且给他们一枝之栖。
36. 埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院、卢浮宫、凡尔赛宫……听上去是巴黎景点,其实是国家旅游局、中国驻法国大使馆发布的巴黎危险地段名单。
37. 铁塔形如春笋,瘦削挺拔,塔顶如盖,塔刹如瓶,颜色似铁,别具一格。
38. 不久,他以良好的成绩领到了工程师的毕业文凭。
39. 艾菲尔肯钻研,敢革新,大胆使用钢材和混凝土,使土木建筑从“土”和“木”中解脱出来。
40. 有人说埃菲尔铁塔的物语就是无论何时无论何地只要你肯回头我就一直在你身后
41. 海送走我们的思念,埃菲尔铁塔承载着我们的回忆。
42. 心灵将被这海中央照亮,心灵将变得坚强。这全是因为一路有你们。
43. 世纪中叶,拿破仑第一帝国灭亡后,法国经济一片萧条。
44. 我和你就像一座埃菲尔铁塔和爱琴海。
45. 所有的伤害只会让我变强,用更强大的自己守护我的梦想。
46. 我不知我应该怎样下去,或者说,我希望永远也不要再下去。人到达过那样的高处,对地面便有了淡漠;人有过那样的恐惧,对安全便有了蔑视;人走近过那蓝色的梦想,又不得不回到原处,便偿到探险的悲哀。
47. 你知道埃菲尔铁塔周围为什么没有高的建筑物吗
48. 埃菲尔铁塔的高度,就是我与你的距离。
49. 当我写着关于它的这几行字时铁塔正在那儿在我眼前并被框入我的窗内而当无月之夜模糊了它的形影差不多要使我们看不到它了使它不再显现了时两束微弱的灯光点亮在塔顶上轻柔地闪烁着于是漫漫长夜中它仍然在那里它从巴黎上空把我和我的每一位友人连接在一起因为他们也会同时眺望它
50. 艾菲尔的外婆心细善良。
51. 曾以为那历经一百多年风雨的锈铁会呻吟会晃悠颤栗……据说它的最大摆度是十八厘米此时它却纹丝不动不必担心它会断裂倒塌这在工业革命的辉煌中屹立的巨人似乎雄心勃勃地要同那天边席卷而来的新浪潮作一番耐力的较量
52. 年,艾菲尔完成了当时法国著名的波尔多大桥工程,将长达500米的钢铁构件,架设在跨越吉隆河中的6个桥墩上。
53. 我和你就像一座埃菲尔铁塔和爱琴海。我能站在远方默默的注视着你,你能静静的看着我的方向。虽似彼岸花不能相见,但能相思。
54. 埃菲尔铁塔在初建时涂覆了一道油性铁红底漆和两道亚麻油铁红漆,外加一道厚厚的亮红色清漆,根据规格书要求,外表的颜色从底部到上部由深变浅。