致青春电影的经典句子英文 篇一
In recent years, there has been a surge in popularity for youth-oriented movies. These films not only capture the essence of youth, but also resonate with audiences of all ages. One such movie that stands out is "致青春" (Youth), directed by the renowned filmmaker Zhao Wei. This film, based on the novel of the same name by Xin Yiwu, tells the story of a group of college friends and their journey through love, friendship, and self-discovery. Throughout the movie, there are several classic lines that capture the essence of youth and leave a lasting impact on the audience.
One of the most memorable lines in the movie is "我们曾经无关痛痒,只因在乎" (We were once indifferent, but we cared). This line reflects the transformation of the characters' relationships from indifference to genuine care and concern. It reminds us that in our youth, we often overlook the importance of certain relationships until it's too late. It serves as a reminder to cherish the people around us and to not take their presence for granted.
Another powerful line from the movie is "当你能够飞翔的时候,就不要放弃飞翔" (When you are able to fly, do not give up flying). This line symbolizes the pursuit of dreams and the determination to overcome obstacles. It encourages the audience to never give up on their aspirations, no matter how difficult the journey may be. It serves as a reminder to embrace challenges and to always strive for personal growth and success.
The movie also features a line that has become a popular catchphrase among the youth in China: "不想当厨子的裁缝不是好司机" (A tailor who doesn't want to be a cook is not a good driver). This seemingly random line captures the spirit of pursuing one's own dreams and passions. It encourages individuals to follow their hearts and pursue their own unique paths in life. It serves as a reminder to be true to oneself and to not let societal expectations dictate one's choices.
In conclusion, "致青春" is a movie that resonates with audiences due to its relatable characters and memorable lines. These classic lines not only capture the essence of youth, but also serve as reminders to cherish relationships, pursue dreams, and stay true to oneself. Through its heartfelt storytelling and impactful lines, this movie has become a timeless classic and a source of inspiration for the youth.
致青春电影的经典句子英文 篇二
"致青春" (Youth) is a movie that has touched the hearts of many with its relatable characters and thought-provoking dialogue. Directed by Zhao Wei, this film explores the complexities of youth and the challenges faced by young individuals in their pursuit of love, friendship, and personal growth. Throughout the movie, there are several classic lines that have become memorable and have left a lasting impact on the audience.
One of the most iconic lines from the movie is "我们终将一无所有,却给了彼此一个春天" (We will eventually have nothing, but we have given each other a spring). This line symbolizes the bittersweet nature of youth and the transient nature of relationships. It reminds us that even though things may not last forever, the experiences and memories shared with others can bring warmth and beauty to our lives. It serves as a reminder to appreciate the present moment and to make the most out of our relationships, even if they may not last forever.
Another powerful line from the movie is "兄弟,别走,让我陪你走完这最后的路" (Brother, don't go, let me accompany you to the end of this road). This line encapsulates the loyalty and deep bond between friends. It reflects the willingness to stand by each other's side, no matter the circumstances. It serves as a reminder of the importance of friendship and the support we can provide to one another during challenging times. It emphasizes the significance of companionship and the strength that comes from having someone by our side.
The movie also features a line that has become a popular catchphrase among the youth: "不要害怕,世界上最远的距离不是生与死,而是我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你" (Do not be afraid, the furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when I stand in front of you and you don't know that I love you). This line captures the longing and unrequited love often experienced in youth. It reminds us of the importance of expressing our feelings and not letting fear hold us back. It serves as a reminder to seize the moment and to take risks in love and relationships.
In conclusion, "致青春" is a movie that resonates with audiences due to its relatable characters and impactful dialogue. The classic lines from this film capture the essence of youth and leave a lasting impression on the audience. They serve as reminders to appreciate the present, cherish relationships, and express our feelings without fear. Through its heartfelt storytelling and memorable lines, this movie has become a timeless classic and a source of inspiration for the youth.
致青春电影的经典句子英文 篇三
1. I knew you were the kind of person who changes mind every three seconds, that's why you never get anywhere.
2. They who cannot do as they would,must do as they can.不能如愿而行,也须尽力而为。
3. 时光再也无法腐蚀她的青春。
4. 今天你爱她,你觉得爱是最重要的,不过等你在现实中栽了跟头,你迟早要恨她。所以,你的选择从来都不在我和她之间,你是在你自己和她之间选择。
5. 陈孝正:我爱上了一个人,这就好像立刻拥有了盔甲,却又突然长出了软肋。
6. I am king in my world. 在我的世界里,我就是王。
7. 没有什么比爱自己更重要,辜负自己才是辜负。
8. Who's who of the hook, and who is who of redemption.谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。
9. 不管你对多少异性失望,你都没有理由对爱情失望。因为爱情本身就是希望,永远是生命的一种希望。爱情是你自己的品质,是你自己的心魂,是你自己的处境,与别人无关。--史铁生
10. 我最大的理想就是青春不朽。
11. 我就知道你这种人,做什么都是朝三暮四,注定一事无成。
12. 碰到什么样的男的都不要紧,就怕遇到了传说中的洋葱王子,你想要看到他的心,只有一层一层地剥掉他的外衣,在这个过程中他不断地让你流泪,最后才知道,原来洋葱根本就没有心。
13. Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.生活很艰难,但是宝贝,你也很坚强。
14. The wise man builds no hopes for the future, entertains no regrets for the past.聪明的人不奢望未来,也不追悔过去。
15. 一次痛彻心扉的经历,抵得上千百次的告诫。The experience of one's heart is worth thousands of admonition
16. To travel with someone is good fortune. To sleep on the same bed as someone is great fortune.
17. 命运就是这样蹊跷,无法言说。不是来得太早,就是来得太迟。刚刚好的情感交流,需要得到上天多大的宠爱。
18. 努力使每一天都开心而有意义,不为别人,为自己。
19. 很多东西就像气球一样,看上去很美,但你不能戳它,一戳就“砰”的一声,什么都没有了。
20. 趣,得之自然者深,得之学问者浅。
21. 从前车马很慢,书信很远,一生只够爱一人。
22. 求学将以致用;读书先在虚心。
23. 百年修得同船渡,千年修得共枕眠。
24. Naked came I into this world,and naked must I go out。
25. Promise more, not to be, that is just a lie
26. Enjoy the challenge, it's making you better. 享受每一次挑战,你会因此变得更优秀。
27. 曾经我们都以为自己可以为爱情死,其实爱情死不了人,它只会在最疼的地方扎上一针,然后我们欲哭无泪,我们辗转反侧,我们久病成医,我们百炼成钢。你不是风儿,我也不是沙,再缠绵也到不了天涯。
28. 青春不散场,致逝去的青春。
29. 你的幸福,我是独家赞助商。I'm the sole sponsor of your happiness
30. 有时候,没有下一次,没有机会重来,没有暂停继续。
31. 阮阮,只有你的青春永垂不朽。致青春经典语录
32. Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. 勇敢说出你的想法,哪怕声音会颤抖。
33. 我们对待爱情,就要像是热爱自己的祖国那样。
34. The presence of a dragon makes any river sacred. (Or: A lake needn't be deep; It has supernatural power so long as there is a dragon in it. )
35. The stronger your heart is, the brighter your smile will be.内心越强大,笑得越漂亮。
36. Don't lose everything and don't lose the smile即使輸掉了一切也不要輸掉微笑。
. 我试着飞翔,却摔得遍体鳞伤之时,我已失了全部斗志。
38. Retaining a childish heart is a matter of pride.童心未泯,是一件值得骄傲的事情。
39. 其实很想念曾经,关于那些人那些事,不是说忘掉就能忘掉。想念我们曾经肆无忌惮的笑。想念我们曾经的喜怒哀乐。想念我们曾经天真的誓言。想念我们曾经一切的一切。
40. 聚是一团火,散是满天星,青春不散场,未来尤可期。
41. In the direction of the wind, flying out of the strong and stubborn.在逆风的方向,飞出倔强的坚强。
42. 正如故乡是用来怀念的,青春就是用来追忆的,当你怀揣着它时,它一文不值,只有将它耗尽后,再回过头看,一切才有了意义--爱过我们的人和伤害过我们的人,都是我们青春存在的意义。
43. 我要的不是我爱你,我养你,而是,在起,老了有你。
44. 日月如梭,青春,为何,抹去我的岁月,却只留下一条伤痕?
45. 我的人生是一栋只能建造一次的楼房。我必须让它精确无比,不能有一厘米的差池。
46. 谁先爱了,谁就输了。她来过,她爱过,她努力过,得之是幸,不得是命。当然,年少时的我们如何会相信会有得不到的宿命
47. 自己选的路,再孤独,也要留下漂亮的脚步。To choose the road, and then lonely, also to leave a beautiful footsteps
48. “就算这样联系,但是隔那么远,你难道都不怕他有一天会变心?”郑微听得出神,不忘提问。阮莞咬着她美丽的唇,“我信他,就像信我自己。为什么不信呢?如果最后的结局是不能改变的,我相信着,不是更快乐吗?”
49. 谁都没有你来的狠心,在你的世界不爱便是置之不理。
50. 很多人,一旦错过了,就是陌路。
51. 被一个人深深爱着会让你坚强,而深深地爱一个人会让你勇敢。
52. 人世间的感情为什么不能像打地基一样,挖一个坑,就立一个桩,所有的坑都有它的那根桩,所有的桩也能找到它的那个坑,没有失望,没有失败,没有遗恨,永不落空。
53. 我不可能一次又一次地相信你,不可能……
54. I want someone to be afraid of losing me. 我希望,会有人害怕失去我。
55. 我一直暗恋一个男生,可他都没正眼看过我。
56. When you find the best, the past really means nothing. 当你找到了最好的那个,以往的真的都不重要了。
57. 天然璞玉,需要时光的雕琢。锦瑟人生,则要禅心的滋养。且将繁弦急管,交付给丝竹清音;用凡尘烟火,换一盏玉壶冰心。在无常世间,面对不可预测的明天,今日所能做的,就是静心坐禅,养我性情。让自己,慢慢从乱世风烟中走出来,变得干净而明澈。
58. 郑微:我把我最好的青春都灌溉在你身上了,用尽了笑和泪。可这没关系,青春就是用来追忆的。
59. 无论多么不舍,都要和青春说再见。
60. Everything will get better, what you should do is to believe that.一切都会好转的,你要做的就是相信。
61. Wit once bought is worth twice taught.由经验而得的智慧,胜于学习而得的智慧;一次亲身的体会,胜过两次的教师教导。
62. 青春是有限的,不能在犹豫和观望中度过。
63. 青春如梦,岁月如花,流水似年,稍纵即逝,所以请珍惜青春。