
分手之后的句子英文 篇一

After Breakup: Finding Strength and Moving Forward

Breaking up with someone we once loved and cared for can be an incredibly challenging and painful experience. It is a time filled with mixed emotions, confusion, and uncertainty about the future. However, it is also an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. In this article, we will explore some empowering sentences that can help you find strength and move forward after a breakup.

1. "I deserve happiness and love."

Remember that you deserve to be happy and loved. Just because one relationship didn't work out doesn't mean that you are not worthy of happiness. Believe in yourself and the love that you deserve.

2. "I am not defined by this breakup."

Your worth and identity are not determined by the end of a relationship. You are so much more than that. Embrace your individuality and focus on your own personal growth and well-being.

3. "I will learn from this experience."

Every breakup offers valuable lessons. Reflect on what went wrong and what you can do differently in future relationships. Use this experience as an opportunity to grow and become a better version of yourself.

4. "I will take time to heal."

Healing takes time. Give yourself permission to grieve and process your emotions. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, and engage in activities that bring you joy and comfort.

5. "I will focus on my personal goals."

Now is the perfect time to focus on your personal goals and aspirations. Use this newfound freedom to pursue your passions, hobbies, and dreams. Rediscover yourself and create a fulfilling life on your own terms.

6. "I am stronger than I think."

Believe in your own strength and resilience. You have overcome challenges before, and this is no different. Have faith in your ability to heal and move forward.

7. "I will forgive and let go."

Forgiveness is not about condoning the actions of your ex-partner; it is about releasing yourself from the emotional burden and finding inner peace. Let go of resentment and anger, and allow yourself to move on with a lighter heart.

Remember, the end of a relationship does not mean the end of your happiness. Embrace the opportunity for growth, focus on self-care, and believe in your own strength. You have the power to create a beautiful and fulfilling life, even after a breakup.

分手之后的句子英文 篇二

Finding Closure and Moving On After a Breakup

Breaking up with someone can leave us feeling emotionally drained and in need of closure. However, closure is not something that someone else can give us; it is a process that we must go through ourselves. In this article, we will explore some sentences that can help you find closure and move on after a breakup.

1. "I accept that the relationship is over."

Acceptance is the first step towards finding closure. Acknowledge that the relationship has ended and that there is no going back. This will allow you to start the healing process.

2. "I will focus on myself."

Shift your focus from the past to the present and future. Concentrate on your own personal growth, happiness, and well-being. Rediscover who you are as an individual and invest in self-care.

3. "I will let go of what could have been."

Release yourself from the thoughts of what could have been or what should have been. Holding onto these thoughts will only hinder your progress towards finding closure. Instead, focus on the present and the possibilities that lie ahead.

4. "I will not blame myself."

It is natural to question our own actions and wonder if we could have done something differently. However, it is important to remember that relationships are a two-way street. Avoid blaming yourself solely for the breakup. Take responsibility for your part, but also recognize that it takes two to make a relationship work.

5. "I will forgive, but I won't forget."

Forgiveness is a powerful tool for finding closure. It allows us to let go of resentment and anger, freeing ourselves from emotional baggage. However, forgiveness does not mean forgetting. Learn from the experience and use it as a guide for future relationships.

6. "I will surround myself with positive influences."

Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who uplift and encourage you. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you move forward. Create a positive environment that fosters personal growth and healing.

7. "I am open to new possibilities."

After finding closure, allow yourself to be open to new possibilities. The end of one relationship does not mean the end of love or happiness. Trust that the right person and the right relationship will come into your life when the time is right.

Remember, closure is a personal journey that takes time. Be patient with yourself and trust the process. By following these sentences and embracing the healing process, you will find the closure you seek and be able to move forward with a renewed sense of self and purpose.

分手之后的句子英文 篇三

1. 如果他总爱为别人撑伞遮风挡雨我又何必为他等在雨中衣衫湿透.

2. 纵使我足够洒脱,依旧有道不完的悲伤。

3. We should stop seeing each other. 我们不应该再继续交往了。

4. And then she made my lips hurt 然后她害我的唇好疼

5. Sullen load is full so slow on the split 心如刀割(痛苦到了极点)的我却难以割舍

6. 吃了这几颗糖睡吧,晚安

7. 就算你一贫如洗,我也相当你最后的行李。

8. May we often meet each other! 我有三愿:一愿友情温暖我们心田,二愿欢乐永驻你我心间,三愿我们常常相见!

9. Take away love and our earth is a tomb.离开了爱我们的地球就是一个坟墓。

10. 我懂,只是你爱的方式不同。

11. 2背叛伤害不了你,能伤你的,是你太在乎。分手伤害不了你,能伤你的,是回忆。无疾而终的恋情伤害不了你,能伤你的,是希望。你总以为是感情伤害了你,其实伤到你的人,永远是自己。

12. 太爱自己,就很难相爱。

13. 一天一天的过去,我们的青春就慢慢的缓过。

14. So, people often express their feelings or emotions with metaphors. 英、汉两种语言中都有大量表达情感的隐喻。

15. furious 极其恼怒的

16. 朝暮不散,痴梦未央。四时不渐,人世未长。

17. 如把你养胖了,你就只能是我的。

18. 多么想要再次拥抱你,无奈时间来不及!

19. 只是玩玩游戏. Let's have a water fight,would you like to join us?

20. 弹断琴弦诉不够离伤,望穿秋水看不破情网。

21. 他以为我多么坚强,可他不知我已遍体鳞伤。

22. embarrassed 感到尴尬的

23. 因为有所期待,才会失望。

24. 你已不是我心中的那个人,爱的心伤摧毁了你的面目。you are not the man in my heart, love the heart injury destroyed your face.

25. 他高兴地笑了,露出了一排洁白整齐的牙齿。

26. That tape recorded the parting advice from her best friends. 那盒卡带上录着好朋友给她的临别赠言。

27. 孤单的人总说无所谓,其实心里一直在下雪!Lonely people always say that it does not matter, in fact, has been in the heart of snow!

28. Loveisnotonlyasentimentbutalsoanart.爱情不仅仅是感情,它也是艺术。

29. 你好像真的过的很好,完全不需要我的打扰。

30. don’t cry because it came to an end. smile because it heppened. 不要因为它的结束而哭,应当因为它的发生而笑。

31. 我不会说动听的情话,我只知道你不开心了,我会极其难过。

32. 他听了,立刻瞪起了眼,脸上暴起了一道道青筋,愤怒地盯着我。

33. 你牵了她的手,再爱我都不回头。

34. 哭到眼泪干了他都不会来关心你了,你们分手了!!!

35. After image localization and normalization, the subimage for each finger image is obtained. 对手指图像进行定位,经分割、归一化后得到了用于身份鉴别的手指子图。

36. 封闭日久的心,遇见你之后,冰川融化,万木回春。

37. The south Indian dance Bharatanatyam has syllables that are used to express emotion. 南印度舞蹈Bharatanatyam已用来表达情感的音节。

38. Take me to your love shack 你总会吃回头草的

39. 我步步都回头,山是故人眸,柳是纤纤手,遇你之后步步都难走。

40. 在所有你想珍惜的关系里,问心无愧就好。

41. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude。 仅这一天远不足以表达我们对您的感激之情。

42. 你出生,我陪你徒步人海。

43. [express oneself](如在说话、写作或绘画中)表达(自己)的意见、感情等 jack can express himself eloquently. 杰克能雄辩地表达自己。

44. "The president just thinks that, it was just a shoe, people express themselves in lots of different ways," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said. 白宫发言人达娜·佩里诺说:“总统先生觉得那只不过是一只鞋子,人们表达情感的方式有很多种。”

45. 以后的路,我要陪你一起走。

46. 我充满了愤怒。

47. 若有重来,我愿倾尽全力去保护你最初的美好。

48. Spirit of body and mind gave abrupt parting advise to her boy friend. 身心灵向她的男朋友给了突然的临别赠言。

49. 笑声在房间里萦绕。

50. 自从你出现后,我才知道原来有人爱是那么的美好。

分手之后的句子英文 篇四

1. And you express that "I'm feeling this way, is it ok?" 你可以表达“我有这样子的感觉,没问题吧?”

2. 如果我能够不爱你,那该多好。

3. 让我的心微微一动,驱除了些许心中的惆怅。

4. 痛第一次是撕心裂肺,第二次是顺其自然。Heart pain is the first time to tear the heart and lung, the second time to let nature take its course.

5. 没心没肺的笑。总是比不了、撕心裂肺的哭?

6. He said no more until their final parting. 直到他们最后分手时他才又说了几句话。

7. 想有一天挽着你的手,去敬各位来宾的酒。

8. 不经意的观察,喜欢你的感觉。

9. 像我这种分手了都懒得流泪的人还学不会挽留任何人

10. Who will fall far behind 谁会爱你一生,而谁又会被你永远遗忘

11. blue 很忧伤的

12. break up:关系破裂。

13. 你怎么还不来表白,我已经想好要怎么答应你啦。

14. 有句话,说过了就后悔了。

15. 只因我的心是高高低低的风铃叮咛叮咛咛此起彼落敲叩着一个人的名字

16. 他看起来像热锅上的蚂蚁。

17. 乌云似乎一直笼罩着她的头顶。

18. pleased/content 满意的;满足的

19. 喂,那个谁,我说我爱你,一辈子的那种。

20. Expressionism is art that shows emotions and ideas through non-representational forms. 抽象表现主义是通过非呈现性方式表达情感和思想的艺术。

21. Oil painting is a language by which artists express and convey their emotions.It fulfills its functions through its visional effect and emphasizes inpidual feelings and cultural impacts. 油画语言是艺术家藉以表达和传递感情的工具,它通过视觉形象的表达完成传递感情和话语的作用,强调个人的感觉状态与时代文化的影响。

22. Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew.试着去忘记一个你所爱的人就像要试着去记住一个你从不认识的人一样。

23. 羞涩的暗恋,什么时候酿成悠久的苦茶。

24. impulsive 冲动的;易冲动的

25. Hey baby what you gotta say 嘿 宝贝 你还想要说什么

26. 一遍遍的否定,不过是为了你能不分隔。

27. Robin took a trip to Argentina and I went through my usual routine. I grew my break-up beard. 罗宾去阿根廷散心了,我又留起了“分手”胡子---这是我每次分手后必做的。

28. Be crossed in love:失恋。

29. Developed the ability of aesthetic experience, creative imagination, rich emotion and adept artistic skill is the main connotation. 发达的审美感受能力、创造性的想象、丰富的情感和娴熟的艺术表现技巧是艺术家的主要内涵。

30. 就这样与你告别,借万里青山,以之为隔,世世不见,饮苦酒与江河,佐以永生的妄想,每一杯都醉成你的模样。

31. You will be especially compatible with an intuitive lover who pines your feelings when you cannot express them. 你特别适合直觉灵敏的恋人,在你不懂表达感情时他们也能懂得你内心的感受。

32. 他摔倒在地上,痛得不省人事。

33. lump in one's throat 悲伤到哽咽

34. 我想留下来陪你生活,一起吃点苦,再享享福。

35. 一时兴起提出分手只是想知道会不会被挽留谁知道对方顺水推舟从此再也没有回头

36. [我总是忽冷忽热隐藏我的感受我只是怕那颗躁动不安的心被你看透.]

37. 他用灼热的目光怒视着我。

38. 他心中涌起一阵恐惧。

39. 十给你我最后的疼爱,那就是手放开。

40. 人总是隔一段时间犯同样的错误

41. “纵然万劫不复纵然相思入骨我也待你眉眼如初岁岁如故”

42. Hey sugar show me all your love 嘿甜心让我看见你的爱

43. 我不是变心,是不爱了。

44. 我做过最勇敢的事情就是坚定地牵起你的手,陪你到将来。

45. 我可以爱迩撕心裂肺,也可以走得干干脆脆。i can love you tore heart crack lung, also can go dry simply brittle.

46. 可怕的不是嚎啕大哭,而是失声痛哭。

47. Nick Carter Do I Have To Cry For You 还满适合失恋时听的啦^^

48. 你若是鱼,我愿化作海,给你一片栖息之地。

49. 像我这样的小女人,最容易被误会装年轻了。

50. 听见的声音,再也忘不了哭泣的模样。

51. 那人伸手,你还是会跟他走。

52. 即使大海捞针,我依然奋不顾身的寻找着你。

53. 他站在那里,面色苍白,说不出一句简单的话。

54. 总在为没必要的剧情忍耐,虚构的多么悲哀。

55. I refer specifically to permanent residents, in contradistinction to temporary visitors. 我是专指永久居民而言, 以别于临时访客。

56. Dream as if you would live forever , live as if you would die today . 如得到永生般逐梦,若末日般活好今天。

57. 该给的我都给了,我都舍得,除了让你知道我心如刀割。

58. why did it all have to end ? 这一 切又为什么要结束?

59. 你走的太急,我开始怀疑,曾经你是否来过。

60. 我的脑子一片空白。

61. Music is an epression of the people.音乐是人类情感的表达

62. Send to the small gift to express affection, promote the comity . 送小礼品以表达感情,增进友谊。

63. show one's anger 表示生气

64. Our Pandit's parting words were: "At the call of duty I may have been sometimes harsh with you--do not keep that in remembrance. 我们老师的临别赠言是:“因为责任所在,我对你们有时也许严厉一些---不要把这个放在心上。

65. Long-term functional and oncologic outcomes appear equivalent to open surgery. 术后长期功能和分子结局似乎相当于开放手术。

66. 喜欢的歌,静静地听,喜欢的人,远远地看!

67. 回忆的斑斑点点,都曾代表我们故事的零碎。

68. 当我的名字被呼唤时,我能感觉到我的心在我的喉咙里。

69. push one's buttons 故意气死某人

70. 我发了疯着了魔把所有话语都听成你的声音

71. 如果不爱了,我们都别说谎,以后的路还长。

72. 一句顺其自然,里面包含了我多少绝望和不甘心,如果你懂。

73. 是太过浓烈还是过于洒脱所以你爱而不得如今孤家寡人

74. 有人信爱,夜深看海,有人要走,深夜醉酒。

75. 我想要做你的枕边书,怀中猫,心上人。

76. 我想谈一场永不分手的恋爱,蹒跚漫步,夕阳西下,白头到老,相濡以沫。

77. 她的心里充满了幸福。

78. 离开后,别说祝我幸福,没有你我怎么幸福。

79. His parting words to me were to share what I had learned and to spread the art to all who wanted it. 他给我的临别赠言是,去分享我所学到的东西,去向所有需要的人传授这门技艺。

80. All?I need is someone who makes me wanna sing 我只需要一个可以聆听我的人

81. 所有热泪盈眶的瞬间我想起来的都是你

82. 见与不见又何妨,时间终会将你我两清。

83. I just broke up with someone and the last thing she said to me was “You’ll never find anyone like me again!”I’m thinking,“I should hope not! If I don’t want you, why would I want someone like you.我刚刚与某人分手了,她最后对我说道:“你再也找不到像我这样的人了!”我心想:但愿如此,既然我不想要你了,为什么我还要找一个和你一样的人呢?

84. She is the one that you never forget?????????????????????????????????????????? 她就是那个让你刻骨铭心的人

85. Farewell to the wound leave way, forget her, gin deep and shallow. 惜别伤离方寸乱,忘了临行,酒盏深和浅。

86. it's not only the goodbye that hurts ,but also the flashback that follows.让人心痛的不是离别,而是离别后的回忆。

87. The babies themselves were able to perceive and respond to such expressiveness. 对这一情感的表达,婴儿自己是能够感知并有所反应的。

88. Nomanorwomanisworthyourtears,andtheonewhois,won'tmakeyoucry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

89. If it were up to me, the parting message of this exploration of negativity would be more positive. 要是换做我,这趟探寻消极性之旅的临别赠言或许会更积极一些。

90. Hey sugar what you gotta say 甜心你还想说什么

91. 幸福不过是镜花水月、爱情不过是徒有虚名。

92. 等不等给我个期限,给个我等你爱我的期限。

93. 一天想你八百次,次次寡欢,次次委屈。

94. 相爱是种感觉,当这种感觉已经不在时,我却还在勉强自己,这叫责任!分手是种勇气!当这种勇气已经不在时,我却还在鼓励自己,这叫悲壮!

95. 分手后女人变强大 after breaking up the strong woman 分手后女人变强大 after breaking up the strong woman

96. 和你接肩而过的那一刻起,我就准备放弃了。

97. 你的眼睛像旋涡,我只是看一眼就被卷走了。

98. 分手后女人变强大 After breaking up the strong woman 分手后女人变强大 After breaking up the strong woman

99. 有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。

100. The heart was made to be broken.心就是用来受伤的。

101. 我在等一个拥抱,拥抱我所有的不安。

102. 她屏住呼吸,一动也不敢动。

103. 后来啊遇到再心动的也学会了摇摇头说不

104. 爱情一旦成为了习惯,就会一辈子也摆脱不了的。

105. It's not regret for breaking up, but recongnize.是这么说吧?

106. Outgoing Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda was unpopular with voters but T-shirts printed with his huffy parting shot are now a hit. 刚刚辞职的日本首相福田康夫不受选民欢迎,但是印有他一句临别怒言的T恤衫现在却卖得很火。

107. Some day I will tell you about our farewells and all that we said to each other as we parted. 总有一天我要和您谈谈我们离别的情形、临别时的赠言。

108. A break up is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself to fix it.破碎了的感情就像破碎了的镜子,让它就这样破碎掉总比伤害自己去修复它好。

109. 你喜欢我是始料未及的欢愉,你不喜欢我是万物如常的命理。

110. 有没有人像我一样,爱着一个不该爱的男人。

111. 你瞧,这份幸福最终还是伤害了我。

112. There's something to say in his drawing. 在他的画中似乎要表达什么情感。

113. After the breakup, he carted it to the curb. 分手后,他用推车把手椅子推到了路边。

114. 落幕,借你一世悲伤,转身离去,说再见。

115. 她咬着嘴唇,把眼睛从威洛太太的眼睛里移开。

116. 她高兴得又跳又笑又唱。

117. 讨厌热闹害怕孤独

118. Modern dance, few direct performance come out of emotion, seem China special, always very reservedly at expression_r, let person always in bear, feeling that strong emotion. 现代舞,很少有直接表现出来的情感,像是中国所特有的,总是很含蓄的在表达着,让人总是在隐忍中,感受着那份浓烈情感。

分手之后的句子英文 篇五

1. Too much could be an overdose 太强了,让我用药过量

2. melancholic 抑郁的;忧郁的

3. 一颗心要伤多少次,才会被迫选择放弃。

4. He will express his emotions and feelings freely and will really make you feel like you're a vital part of his daily life and he'd be nothing without you. 天平男不羞于在公众场合表达自己的情感,他一点也不害羞,就这样而已。 他会自由的表达他的感情和感受然后让你感到你是他生命之中不可或缺的一部分。

5. 这消息使他脸上蒙上了一层阴影。

6. “不要让一个女孩子哭太多次,眼泪都是脑袋里的水,水流尽了,就不好骗了。”

7. 爱过才知道什么是痛,什么是不舍。

8. 那些回不来的东西,我只好假装从没拥有过。

9. 思念是一把刀,刀刀剜心。

10. weep with joy 喜极而泣

11. You don’t realize how much you care about someone until they don’t care about you。 你不会意识到你有多在乎某人,直到他们不再在乎你了。

12. 你不知道某些时刻,我有多么难过。

13. 她紧张得说不出话来。

14. 爱一个人可以一见钟情,可是忘掉一个人不知道还要煎熬多少个日夜。

15. You can't express your feelings. 你不会表达你的感情,也就是说,你演不了戏。

16. 情感失忆的无助,都曾困扰着我们每一个人。

17. 我曾做过最勇敢的事就是在最爱你的时候头也不回地走开。灬

18. be fed up with 对......感到很烦燥

19. 我此刻心情舒畅,就像蓝天的白云那样安闲、自在。

20. 可惜你的世界太小,装不下我这个多余的人。

21. indifferent 漠不关心的;冷漠的

22. 你们喜欢走阳光道,唯独自己喜欢走独木桥。

23. 他们沉浸在悲痛之中。

24. the heartbreaking departure always happens in a fraction of a moment. 悲伤的离别总是那一瞬间的一瞬间。

25. 爱情往往是这样,互相猜忌,然后错过。

26. 知道么我想做的不是哥哥。

27. 喜欢的歌静静听,喜欢的人远远看。

28. 如今,谁能看到我的背后,我只能拼命的笑。

29. 我还会不会收到你的短信、然后一遍遍地看。

30. Wishing you a future filled with success and joy of seeing your dreams come true. 恭祝学成毕业!

31. 光这么美,我睡不着;抖落心事,擦干心情;把梦,一件件晾在风竽上;远方的你让我好牵挂。

32. 时间逃离的速度真快,在记忆的深处我还可以看见许多清晰的事情,许多开始模糊的样子,所有也许爱过,痛过,伤过,那个身体空壳的心灵。也许曾太在乎,太深入这么情,导致自己遍体鳞伤,而今,你给我的只有回忆,忆里有深深的伤痕,宁愿自己失忆,也不愿在想起。

33. that i too too will miss you much .我将会非常想念你!

分手之后的句子英文 篇六

1. 他紧紧地抿住嘴,握着拳。

2. The influences of cations and anions on the selective permeation of imprinted membranes were investigated. 分别考察了阳离子和阴离子对印迹膜渗透模板分子的影响。

3. 顺着时间的轨迹,我们早已不是当初的我们。

4. 而是在脆弱过后可以更加坚强

5. 耐得住寂寞,才能看见繁华。

6. 你的伙伴他们已经朝那边走了. Your companions have already gone toward that way. 你男朋友的衣服丢失了吗?

7. 听到这个不幸的消息,他痛哭起来。

8. 她的耳朵一响,一个字也听不见。

9. sick to one's stomach 忧心忡忡

10. 调整心情,将你从记忆里删除,此生再不忆。

11. 等我想你的时候,我就去猪圈看看。

12. The days of parting away have been for a whole year. 离别的日子已经整整xx年了。

13. Thank you for your going-away present. You shouldn't have done that. 谢谢你赠给我的临别礼品,你本不该这样做的。

14. 分手后的思念不叫思念叫犯贱

15. 她绝望地抱住头,跪下来。

16. 爱情就想是上课,总会有说下课的那一瞬间。

17. Don'tcrybecauseitisover,smilebecauseithappened.不要因为完结而哭泣,要为曾经发生而微笑。

18. Whishing you a future filled with success and joy of seeing your dreams come true. 恭喜你毕业了。

19. 在爱情盛开德刹那,我不是那朵炫目德玫瑰。

20. Professor Smith served as adviser to the President. 史密撕教授赠做过总统的拓别顾问。

21. A more understanding, yes rational, but also appropriately emotional person. 一个更加通情达理、有理性,而且恰当表达感情的人。

22. 阳光刺痛灵魂,也不停止思念你。

23. 曾今的漂亮画面,现在一点一滴破裂纷飞。

24. “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.” “不要因为结束而哭泣,请因为它的发生而微笑。

25. depressed;upset 沮丧的;失落的

26. Mama's always got a back track 然后大家议论纷纷

27. 不是谁辜负了誓言,而是被时间扯淡了思念。

28. 风吹起如花的流年,而你成为最唯美的点缀。

29. the early spring flowers hide their smiles when they see our separation. 初春的草儿,托着我们离别的脚;

30. 老死不相往来,是我给你最后的深情。

31. 有时候执着是一种重负或是一种伤害放弃却是一种美丽…

32. 女人。以后只为自己而活。怎么潇洒怎么过。

33. 忘记你需要多久,我要用一生的时间找理由。

34. All you're giving me is fiction 你所给的都是幻影

35. 别认怂你什么都没有大不了重新来过???.

36. 寒夜凄凄,想着你的漂亮取暖。

37. 我已经尽量去挽回了,或许老天不允许吧

38. 分手,我没有挽留。因为你说过,就是喜欢这样要强的我。

39. He wrote an ingratiating letter to his victim offering empathy, rather than just apologies. 他写了一封虚情假意的信给受害者,显示出自己的同感同情,而不仅仅表达歉意。

40. 不是每句对不起,都能换来没关系。

41. Britain has often been stereotyped as home to "the stiff upper lip", signifying strength of character and an adversity to emotional expression. 大家都说英国人都是“刀子嘴”,个性强硬,不乐于表达感情。

42. After reading this news, I felt very hurt and hardly expressed my complex feelings. 读罢这条新闻,我感到很痛心,很难以表达这种复杂的情感。

43. Feelings are often very difficult for you to verbalize. 感情往往是你很难用语言表达。

44. 我慢慢抽泣起来,心里满是绝望。

45. 其实我就是嘴硬,没有你我是真的不行。

46. Tisbettertohavefoughtandlost,thannevertohavefoughtatall.战败总好过不战而降。

47. May happiness increase with age. 愿你俩永浴爱河,祝你俩幸福与年俱增。

48. in rage 生气;愤怒

49. During the years in foreign countries, he kept in mind his mother's parting word: No matter where you are , you country is behind you. 在国处的这些年里,他牢记母亲的临别赠言:无论在何处,你的祖国都在你背后。

50. 分手后,做了朋友,却少了那些坦诚的理由。

51. 你的坚强,我从来学不会。

52. 你看不见,不代表我不存在。

53. 幸福从她的眼中散发出来。

54. If can go back to the past, I will cherish and you together each day. 如果能回到过去,我会珍惜和你在一起的每一天。

55. When he woke up, for HanShaoChen expressed gratitude. 当他醒来后,对韩绍臣表达了感激之情。

56. 愿你一生努力,一生被爱,想要的都拥有,得不到的都释怀。

57. There were obvious expression alterations in the genes involved in ion homeostasis especially in iron and copper. 与金属离子平衡,特别是与铁离子和铜离子平衡有关的基因表达有较大变化。

58. 我一直在,可是在你眼里我隐身!

59. wear a long face 愁眉苦脸

60. 我用一辈子,换你一个转身。

61. 为什么当初靠近我的是你,最后舍不得你的却是我。Why was it you who approached me at first, but I was the last one who couldn"t bear you.

62. 他站在那儿,脸色变得灰白。

63. 我唯一没有做好的事,就是说了“我爱你”。

64. 风已停,梦也醒,所有的爱情不再那么心累!

65. 这消息的震惊使我喘不过气来。

66. 不要说,离开以后还会想念;不要说,分手以后还是朋友。离开一个地方,风景就不再属于你;错过一个人,那人便与你无关。

67. 一阵醉人的快乐浸透了她的心。

68. 没有了我的打扰,你可安好?

69. 总结了刚要想想未来,现实却给我我们产生有人告诉我,这世上再也没有比爱情更复杂的东西了,我单身是领悟,恋爱是失误,分手是觉悟,结婚是错误,离婚是醒悟,再婚是执迷不悟,没有情人是废物,情人多了是动物。

70. Totheworldyoumaybeoneperson,buttoonepersonyoumaybetheworld.对于世界而言,你是一个人,但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

71. 乞求来的不是爱情,捆绑住的难以永远。痴情也是一种罪过。聚散看轻了,世界就变宽了。在一起的就珍惜,留不住的就放手。生命中来了又走的那些人,是教会我们更好地爱惜自己。

72. 每天看着你的背影就很满足。

73. 亲爱的,收到我的信息了吗?一会儿要早点睡觉啊,我们在梦里见面。

74. 迩用谎言欺骗了爱情,莪却没有恨迩旳勇气。

75. 人生有两个词很美好,虚惊一场和失而复得。

76. 我已卸下所有伪装,只想温暖你的心房。

77. 她脸色苍白地站在那里,舌头打结。

78. 黑与白是令人颤动的美此刻我正抽烟风吹进袖口里了一根烟不够你来抱抱我

79. Neverstopsmiling,notevenwhenyou'resad,somemanfallinlovewithyoursmile.永远都不要停止微笑,即使在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的微笑而爱上你。

80. 就算不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永远不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。

81. 有一种感情叫无缘,有一种放弃叫成全。there is a feeling called out, there is a kind of give up is accomplished.

82. Outgoing Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda was unpopularwithvoters but T -shirts printed with his huffy parting shot are nowahit. 刚刚辞职的日本首相福田康夫虽然不受选民欢迎,但是印有他一句临别怒言的T恤衫现在却卖得很火。

83. Truelove'sthegiftwhichGodhasgiventomanalonebeneaththeheaven.真爱是上帝单独赐予普天下芸芸众生的礼物。

84. the sandflass remembers the time we lost 沙漏记得,我们遗忘的时光。

85. 如果爱,请别让我再等待。

86. i'm regret meeting with you,but not regret breaking up 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

87. 定理失恋的女生是安慰不好的,今天跟她说半天,明天还那样,最好的办法是一棒子打晕就走。

88. 风不停留何苦要来摇晃杯酒.

89. 我只是渴望得到一份永久,没有谎言的爱情。

90. 不会说话做不了别人的知己喜欢的人一路走一路散

91. disappointed in love:烟花易冷,人易“失意”。

92. 当你爱上的不是一张脸,而是一个人,你才真的长大了。

93. 我的内心十分激动,像波涛汹涌的大海一样。

94. 幸福是不会重复的,失去了就不会再回来了。

95. 委屈的时候不敢说话,开口都是泪。

96. 我还是不够资格和你耳鬓嘶摩。

97. 天下熙熙攘攘,皆为利来,我是为你而来。

98. 他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。

99. 很久很久以后我再也没有他的消息,直到某一天我才突然想起他

100. 不甘朋友,不敢恋人,不想结束,却没开始。

101. 当掉的浅色寂语,你开了一家收购店,等来了遗忘的海角天光。

102. 曾经拨乱我心跳的人,如今叫我怎么忘记你?

103. irritated 恼怒的







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