
Wishes for the Future: Article One

As we look towards the future, our aspirations and hopes shape the path we choose to follow. There are countless dreams and wishes that reside within our hearts, waiting to be realized. In this article, we will explore some of the most common wishes for the future and delve into their significance.

One of the most prevalent wishes for the future is the desire for success and prosperity. We all strive to achieve our goals and dreams, whether it be in our personal or professional lives. The wish for success encompasses not only financial stability, but also fulfillment and contentment in our chosen endeavors. We envision a future where our efforts are rewarded and where we can make a positive impact on the world around us.

Another common wish for the future is the pursuit of happiness and well-being. We all long for a life filled with joy, love, and good health. We wish for a future where we are surrounded by loved ones, where our relationships thrive, and where we are able to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life. The wish for happiness is universal, transcending borders and cultures.

Education and personal growth also feature prominently in our wishes for the future. We aspire to constantly learn and develop our skills and knowledge. We wish for a future where education is accessible to all, regardless of social or economic background. We envision a world where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute to society in meaningful ways.

Another wish for the future that is gaining momentum is the desire for a sustainable and environmentally friendly world. We long for a future where renewable energy sources are the norm, where pollution is minimized, and where the natural world is protected and preserved. We wish for a future where humans live in harmony with nature, recognizing the importance of conservation and sustainable practices.

In conclusion, our wishes for the future reflect our deepest desires and aspirations. We wish for success, happiness, personal growth, and a sustainable world. These wishes shape the decisions we make and the actions we take in our daily lives. As we move forward, let us hold onto our dreams and work towards making them a reality.

Wishes for the Future: Article Two

In this article, we will explore another set of wishes for the future, each representing different aspects of our lives and the world we inhabit.

One wish for the future is the desire for peace and harmony. We long for a world free from conflict and violence, where nations and individuals can coexist peacefully. We envision a future where diplomacy and understanding prevail over aggression and hostility. The wish for peace is a testament to our innate desire for unity and compassion.

Another common wish for the future is the hope for technological advancements. We dream of a future where scientific discoveries and technological innovations improve our lives in unimaginable ways. From advancements in medicine that cure diseases, to developments in transportation that make travel faster and more efficient, we wish for a future where technology serves as a catalyst for progress and improvement.

The wish for equality and social justice is also a powerful desire for the future. We yearn for a world where everyone is treated with fairness and respect, regardless of their race, gender, or social status. We wish for a future where opportunities are equal and where discrimination is eradicated. The wish for equality reflects our belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual.

Lastly, the wish for a connected and inclusive world is an aspiration shared by many. We wish for a future where barriers of language and culture are broken down, where people from different backgrounds and perspectives come together to collaborate and celebrate diversity. The wish for a connected world speaks to our desire for global understanding and cooperation.

In conclusion, our wishes for the future encompass a wide range of aspirations. We wish for peace, technological advancements, equality, and a connected world. These wishes reflect our values and desires, shaping the future that we strive to create. As we move forward, let us hold onto these wishes and work towards building a future that embraces our deepest hopes and dreams.

对未来愿望的英文句子 篇三

1. 希望是对未来荣耀的某种期待。

2. Other students on the SMU campus also had high hopes for the future. 南卫理公会大学的其他学生也对未来抱有很高的期望。

3. I thought I would go abroad, but then Torino came, " said Sereni who is looking forward to the new Torino adventure." “我原以为我会去国外发展,但是都灵邀请了我”塞雷尼很憧憬他在都灵的未来。

4. 祖国的未来在我们身上,我们的未来在我们的手中。

5. He concludes with a summary and a note of hope for the future 最后,他概要性地总结了自己的观点,并谈了谈对未来的期望

6. Hope there was too for the future, with improving education perhaps it would never get this bad again. 人们也开始对未来憧憬起来,把教育提上去,也许情况永远也不会这么糟了。

7. 经验,制造一切未来;经验,是所有过去的成果。

8. It's been a tough year for Amgen, but something finally went the company's way. 在这个对安进来说非常困难的xx年里,终于还是有些事情按照安进所期望的样子发展了。

9. Often looking forward to your dream, I love no less. 每每憧憬对你的梦想,我的爱毫无逊色。

10. Finally will be to Ruan's prospect and the future forecast. 最后是对阮的前景和未来的展望。

11. Having faith in this vigorous hotel, we're looking forward to a glorious future of Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel. 上海扬子江万丽大酒店旺盛的生命力让人一如既往地对她充满信任与憧憬。

12. Although the Idstein design center had considerable experience with this type of mechanism, the resulting design could never exceed user expectations. 尽管伊斯坦设计中心对于机械装置有着丰富的经验,但设计出来的产品却从未能超越使用者的期望值。

13. 要领会生活中的能工巧匠回顾过去,要生活则必须展望未来。

14. Hope for the future of China is extreme everywhere, but perhaps it is most profound in the west. 对中国未来异乎寻常的期许,随处可见,但中国西部或许是期望值最高的地区。

15. And some prefer a Harry, wiser and mature, with no one at his side but looking expectantly toward the future. 另一些人更希望看到一个更加智慧、成熟的哈利,虽然身边没有人陪伴,但对未来充满期望。

16. The attitude of positive realism combines the mindstate of the visionary, with that of the realist. 积极的现实主义态度是把憧憬未来的思维状态和现实主义结合起来。

17. What are you imagining? 你在憧憬什么?

18. Thank you join me in looking forward to the future and success; 感谢你我一起憧憬未来与成功;

19. Ann has already given up on her future. 小安对她的未来已不抱希望。

20. Find your life's vision and purpose and live it while you are single. 当你还单身的时候,找到并践行你对生活的憧憬和目标。

21. Thirdly, we brought forward the prospect of the waterborne heavy-duty coatings in the future. 最后,对于水性重防腐涂料未来的发展方向提出了展望。

22. 我从不想未来,它来得太快。

23. The great man has a vision of the future that enables him to put obstacles into perspective. 伟大的人物善于憧憬未来,这就使得他能够以长远的观点看待眼前的障碍。

24. The interpretation of matriarchy and patriarchy is pertinent to our interpretation of history and to the prospect of human future. 对母系制与父权制的解释,关系到我们对整个历史的解释以及对人类未来的期望。

25. For example "Digital get down" reflects how J. C feels about the internet frenzy and "I'll be good for you" is based on Justin's feeling about a would-be girl friend. 例如,《堕落》反映了查塞兹对疯狂上网的感觉,《我为你而高兴》则基于贾斯汀对未来女朋友的憧憬。

26. 我愿把未来的名望寄托在一首诗上,而不是十部巨著上。

27. Futurity is the proper abode of hope and fear, with all their train and progeny of subordinate apprehensions and desires. (No. 8) 未来是希望和恐惧的适当宅所,陪伴它们的是从属于理解和期望的后代。

28. Every child longs for the same (happy) future. 这应该是一个比较典型的中文式的表达,英语习惯这样说吧

29. 成熟的人不问过去,聪明的人不问现在,豁达的人不问未来。

30. In general, parental expectations fall into two categories: expecting too much of our children and expecting too little. 一般来说,父母的期待会被分为两大类:对孩子期望太多的和太少的。

31. "I think it's true that parents have higher aspirations for their kids than agricultural labor," he says. 的确,父母对孩子有更高的期望,不希望他们将来当农业工人。

32. But China still seems to unrealistic expectations. Andthat 's a problemforall of us. 但是,中国似乎对未来仍抱着不切实际的期望。这也是所有人要面对的问题。

33. For the coming new year, let us expect together. SNSD must be into the new world and creating a new future. 新的xx年里,对于未来的憧憬,我们翘首以盼,共同期待。

34. Reporter: What do you expect in Hangzhou craft shoe industry? 您对杭州工艺鞋产业未来的发展有何期望?

35. Mr. Huang: Yes. Many intellectuals hope the revolution of society and can build a pe

rfect society. 黄:对我很大。当时很多知识分子,对于社会的变革抱着希望,期望建立一个制度相对完善的社会。

36. What are your expectations for the future? 你对未来有什么样的希望?

37. Youth, also hard to avoid has a vision and heartbeat. 青春岁月,也难免有憧憬和心动。

38. Me was composed of stories, of cravings, of strivings, of desires of the future. 我由故事组成, 由渴望,奋斗组成, 由对未来的期望组成。

39. With Alibaba's platforms, people are improving their lives today, and (www. mingrenzhuan. com)have hope for a better tomorrow. 通过阿里巴巴这个平台,人们能够改善他们现有的生活,并且能够憧憬一个更好的未来。

40. Employees appreciate being "in the know" and will contribute to improvements and future success. 员工期望知晓决策的内情,有助于进步和未来的成功。

41. All those activities not only reveal the real life style and this life psychology in the Song Dynasty, but also reflect contemporaries' pursuit of happiness and prospect. 通过这些活动的进行,不仅展现了宋代人的真实生活状态,更是反映了当时人对幸福的不懈追求以及对未来的美好憧憬。

42. Ideal not only to the dreams of the future, but also need a solid action, like climbing a mountain, step by step forward. 理想不只是对未来的憧憬,还需要扎扎实实的行动,像登山一样一步一步前进。

43. They have too high of expectation for the kids, when the kids can no … … 他们对孩子的期望值高,当孩子不能满足他们的期望时,他们会采取打孩子来发泄。

44. That underscores the sentiment and expectations of investors worldwide about Europe's economic potential and future prospects. 这突出了全世界投资者对欧洲经济潜力和未来前景的观点和期望。

45. I'm here to listen, to share ideas and to jointly, as one of many , help shape our vision for the future. 我来这里倾听,来分享意见与合作,作为北约组织联盟国的一员,来帮助塑造我们的未来憧憬。

46. Hyypi? eyes the European Cup before the 2005 final with AC Milan in Istanbul. xx年,伊斯坦布尔,海皮亚憧憬对阵米兰的欧冠决赛。

47. Sam: I hope so, this will be important for company's near-term future. 萨姆:我希望如此,它对于公司的近期来说很重要。

48. For the UK, as we contemplate a lost decade and hope of a better one to come, now is exactly the time to chart a better course. 对于正在反省过去xx年的损失同时憧憬未来有所改善的英国来说,现在正是制定更好发展道路的黄金时期。

49. What tare your compensation expectations? 你对于报酬有什么样的期望? ?

50. “未来”是青年人的一个天堂。

51. That's because the expectation of reward launches a future-oriented mindset, which subverts the entire process. 那是因为对回报的期望开启了一个以未来为导向的心态,这搅乱了整个过程。

52. At last, future work and conclusion are given. 最后对未来的工作入行了铺望。

53. What are the sources of whatever passions prevail in the world, of longings and fulfillments that are man's goal (in life)? 或者说世上流行的占有来源于何处?人对未来怀有的愿望和目标来源于何处?

54. Expectation or result tracing out of the AND expectations = less than or equal to the smallest sureness factor from the AND constituents. 追溯到 AND 期望的期望或结果 = 小于或等于来自 AND 成分的最小的确信因子。

55. More than any other technology today, ScanScout brings this vision of the future closer to reality. 和当今其他的技术对比,ScanScout对未来的憧憬更贴近现实。

56. The action of Look up has two meanings . What we are looking up at is the appearance of CNPV solar-cell panel , The second meaning is to show the people's expectation . 仰望的本身是光伏太阳能电池板的外观形式,也是人们憧憬未来的表现手法。

57. Today well lived makes every yesterday a memory of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. 如今,过上好日子的人把过去当成幸福的回忆,并憧憬未来(对未来充满憧憬)。

58. This is a much longed-for holiday for children. 对于孩子们来说这是一次渴望已久的假期。

59. 追上未来,抓住它的本质,把未来转变为现在。

60. On the long-term outlook, 58 percent of respondents said they anticipated bad times, up from 49 percent in May. 就长期展望而言,有58%受访者预料看坏未来景况,高于xx月的49%.

61. The audience expects even superior performance in future. 观众的期望,甚至性能优越,在未来的。

62. Looking into the future, we are full of confidence. 展望未来,我们充满信心。对于水井钻井机。

63. Heart is living in tomorrow, Present is dejected here; In a moment, passes sorrow, That which passes will be dear. 我们的心儿憧憬着未来,现今总是令人悲哀,一切都是暂时的,转瞬即逝,而那逝去的将变为可爱。

64. 对未来生活的自信,是理智的期望。

65. That glowing vision of the future extends to their overall outlook for the economy, according to the College Explorer Study. 大学拓展研究显示,大学生对于未来会强烈的憧憬延伸到了他们对经济的整体看法。

66. I just a naughty child, always longing, hope the wing. 我只是顽劣的孩子,总在憧憬着,希翼着。

67. This celebration is the first scale in an interval of a century to come where we shall rejoice, summarize, reflect and anticipate. xx年庆典,仅仅是乐团百年基业的第一个刻度,纪念,庆祝,总结,反思,正是 缘于对美好未来的更多憧憬和高远的展望。

68. Expectation or result tracing out of the OR expectations = greater than or equal to the largest sureness factor from the OR constituents. 追溯到 OR 期望的期望或结果 = 大于或等于来自 OR 成分的最大的确信因子。

69. 丧失未来的幸福,比丧失已有的幸福更痛苦。

70. Finally, we look into the future of e-cash technology. 最后对电子现金技术的未来进行展望。

71. The expectationfuture, palely will look at the life. 憧憬未来,淡看人生。

72. Lai snow and MoLing days feel happiness, two people together to look forward to the future. 莱雪和莫凌天都感觉到幸福,两人一起憧憬未来。

73. It can be perceived that, through this story of Rabbit's survivors, John Updike reaffirms the value of the family and expresses his confidence in life and hope for the future. 小说同时也通过“兔子”留在世上的亲人们的一段故事表现了他对家庭的肯定、对生活的信心和对未来的期望。

74. Rhino Boy will be made in a mechanical shape to symbol the look into the future. 犀牛小子则会以较具科技感的机械造型捏塑,象徵对未来的展望。

75. 一个明智的人总是抓住机遇,把它变成美好的未来。

76. You must have a clear vision of your life. 你必须对你的人生有一个清晰憧憬。

77. Liverpool have extended Krisztian's contract until 2012 lately and this shows that they consider him as a good prospect for the future. 利物浦已经延长了克里斯坦斯安的合同到xx年,这显示他们已经都考虑他的未来憧憬。

78. 至诚可以前知,预测未来才能做好计划。

79. 真正的智慧不仅在于能明察眼前,而且还能预见未来。

80. 只有知道了通往今天的路,我们才能清楚而明智地规划未来。

81. Differences between spot and forward rates reflect expectations of future changes in foreign exchange rates. 现汇汇率和期汇汇率的差异反应了人们对于未来汇率变化的不同预期。

82. We don't know what the future is, but at least we're had a vision of a chance. 我们都不知道未来是什么样子,诚惶诚恐,但至少我们就有了憧憬的机会。

83. Downhearted, you always put hope is ignited, when again I hope looking forward to the future, but you will once again choose to disappear; 心灰意冷时,你总会及时的把希望点燃,当我再次满怀希望憧憬未来,你却会再一次的选择消失;

84. The room's style exemplifies his ideal of beauty and plainness. 这个房间的风格表明了他对美与质朴的憧憬。

85. 要学孩子们,他们从不怀疑未来的希望。

86. 记住并相信这么一条真理:未来不在命运中,而在我们自己手中。

87. Meanwhile, job growth has been, and looks to remain, disappointingly slow, indicating that those out of work for a while are likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. 而同时,就业机会的增加保持在一个令人失望的慢速度,表明短期失业者由于对未来有一个比较好的预期,因而可能并不急于找工作。

88. Being had to triumph, being lacked to hope. 有你,喜洋洋,你不在,不胜憧憬。

89. In Mao Yiding's words, Rising has higher expectations for its future development. 在毛一丁的口中,瑞星对其未来的发展期望非常高。

90. Young men see vision, old men dream dreams. 年轻人憧憬未来,老年人梦忆往事。

对未来愿望的英文句子 篇四

1. 未来总在想象中变得清晰,在现实中变得模糊!

2. Housing for the future delivery, for a small property owners is a expectant right for future property, such expectant rights gain exclusive effectiveness because of notice registration. 房屋的未来交付,对于小业主来说是一种未来物权的期待权,这种期待权因为预告登记而具有排他性的效力。

3. 切莫垂头丧气,即使失去了一切,你还握有未来。

4. Each of you is a witness to that potential, in what you have learned and achieved here, and in your own hopes for the future. 诸位在这里学业有成,诸位对未来充满憧憬,在座的每一位都是这种潜力的见证。

5. Some people were starry-eyed about their investment plans. 一些人士不现实地憧憬他们的投资计划。



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