
无奈的句子英文翻译 篇一

Title: Translating Sentences of Helplessness


In this article, we will explore the translation of sentences that convey a sense of helplessness from Chinese to English. These sentences often express feelings of frustration, resignation, or a lack of control over a situation. We will provide examples of such sentences and their corresponding English translations.

Example Sentences:

1. 我无奈地看着他离开了。

Translation: I helplessly watched him leave.

2. 面对困难,我感到无可奈何。

Translation: Faced with difficulties, I feel helpless.

3. 我无法控制自己的情绪。

Translation: I can't control my emotions.

4. 这是我的无奈选择。

Translation: This is my choice out of helplessness.

5. 她无奈地接受了现实。

Translation: She accepted reality with resignation.


In these sentences, the word "无奈" (wúnài) is translated as "helpless" or "resigned" depending on the context. It expresses a lack of control or agency in a situation. The translations aim to capture the emotional tone conveyed by the original Chinese sentences.


Translating sentences that convey a sense of helplessness requires capturing the emotional nuance and context of the original sentence. By providing accurate translations, we can effectively convey the feelings of frustration, resignation, or lack of control in English.

无奈的句子英文翻译 篇二

Title: Translating Sentences of Resignation


This article focuses on translating sentences that express a sense of resignation from Chinese to English. These sentences often convey a feeling of acceptance, surrender, or giving up on a situation. We will provide examples of such sentences and their corresponding English translations.

Example Sentences:

1. 我只能无可奈何地接受这个结果了。

Translation: I can only accept this result with resignation.

2. 他无奈地放弃了他的梦想。

Translation: He gave up on his dreams with resignation.

3. 面对困境,他感到无力再努力下去。

Translation: Faced with adversity, he felt powerless to continue trying.

4. 我已经无法改变任何事情了。

Translation: I can no longer change anything.

5. 她对生活的不公已经感到厌倦。

Translation: She has grown tired of the injustices in life.


The word "无奈" (wúnài) is translated as "resignation" in these sentences. The translations aim to capture the sense of acceptance or surrender conveyed by the original Chinese sentences. The word choice and phrasing in English are carefully selected to reflect the resignation expressed in the original context.


Translating sentences that express a sense of resignation requires understanding the emotional tone and context of the original sentence. By providing accurate translations, we can effectively convey the feelings of acceptance, surrender, or giving up on a situation in English.

无奈的句子英文翻译 篇三

1. Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum.

2. The best hearts are always the bravest.

3. God expects answers for the flowers he sends us, not for the sun the earth.神希望我们酬答他,在于


4. Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life.

5. A guest should suit the convenience of the host.

6. 十幸福,其实在路上。走既然上帝不偏爱于我,不让我鹤立鸡群,不让我出类拔萃,我又何必硬要去强求呢?别人声名显赫,而自己却平平庸庸。我们不妨这样安慰自己:该是你的,躲也躲不过;不是你的,求也求不来。下意识地想要去寻找答案,却在途中迷失了方向,开始感到无奈,却无法停留,也找不回原来的路。

7. 物是人非有点难受其实不止一点

8. Wealth is the test of a man's character.

9. 我想要穿过千万人来握紧你的手

10. There's only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and that's your own self.

11. 如果忘不了你会记得我多久.

12. anyhow anyway不管

13. neither nor语法表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分。若要对either...or...句型进行否定时,只需把either...or...换成neither...nor...即可.例如:Either you or she is good at drawing.变为否定句应为:Neither you nor she is good at drawing.你和她都不擅长绘画.

14. The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.

15. All time is no time when it is past.

16. Clumsy birds have to start flying early.

17. Behind the mountains there are people to be found.

18. Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions.

19. 人生,总让人无语。笑的时候,不一定开心,也许是一种无奈;哭的时候,不一定流泪,也许是一种释放;痛的时候,不一定受伤,也许是一种心动。

20. 20.当我确定你从我的世界消失,我才终于敢承认我喜欢过你的事实。

21. One never lose anything by politeness.

22. 从深情到敷衍,热情到冷漠,重视到忽略,难忘到遗忘,我都记得。

23. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast.

24. 很多时候你会觉得自己活得太累实际上你可能只是睡得太晚

25. The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.

26. 自己选择的路,跪着走不完,不如站起来打个车吧。

27. 话说多了比较难堪不如沉默来得可爱.

28. either用在否定句的句末,表示"也"的意思.例如:If you don\"t go there.I won\"t,either.如果你不去那里,我也不去.

29. 我都已经把我伤的够狠,就别就别再假惺惺的安慰我了

30. As heroes think, so thought Bruce.

31. You can't judge a tree by its bark.

32. 我们都曾经有过梦想,我们幻想有青春的颜色滋润着大地,没有爱的树却结下了没有情的果,在那匆匆的瞬间,美丽丑恶都聚于当你认真去体会我的无奈心酸妥协你就知道你曾让我多难堪。

33. 学会接受残缺,是人生的成熟。人无完人,缺憾是人生的常态。人生有成就有败,有聚就有散,没有谁能得天独厚。鱼和熊掌,不可兼得,这是人生的无奈。

34. Sing anyway唱吧

35. 我始终记得那时你拥抱我的力度俯身吻我的温柔牵我手时的深情

36. adv. 无论如何;不管怎样(接副词或形容词);然而;可是

37. 你风流快活凭什么让我为你难过.

38. Life is real, life is earnest.

39. Life is fine and enjoyable, yet you must learn to enjoy your fine life.

40. 情愿和你吵架都不想喜欢上别人

41. So anyway总之

42. 现实有各种各样的无奈,有时候需要你绕行,需要你等待,有时候需要你暂时放弃,但是不等于终生放弃。人生碰到墙或者是悬崖峭壁,你可以下行,可以左行、右行,绕着走,但是不能不走,不能在墙这儿待一辈子,那样的结果将是一辈子永远达不到任何地方。

43. Life is but a hard and tortuous journey.

44. 谁知道洒脱的人用了多少时间才哭干了眼泪.

45. However, our success depends only on ourselves!

46. There is no royal road to learning.

47. 喜欢一个人的表现就是想跟他说很多很多的废话。

48. Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises.

49. 在不再相见并不这几天,我真正知道什么叫坠人情网,那种思念那种渴盼那种迷乱那种不安,是怎样的缠人撩人折磨人啊。

50. Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it.

51. 隨意熬吧但起碼別難過

52. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.

53. 总是想说,冷暖自知亦是如此。

54. Life is like music. It must be composed by ear, feeling and instinct, not by rule.

55. 相遇于美丽的偶然在你人生的旅途上已留下丁香的足迹如何找回那只心中依恋的雨蝶我散尽了一世的香希望在某个夜晚收到这令人不眠的心事无奈命运的无情你我有着平行的轨迹不能牵手心却渴望靠近月夜寄相思星星在哭泣收不到心事只有相思泪凝结成水晶折射着心的依恋心事也总走不出安排好的宿命就在长长的叹息里忧伤写满心底守候已堆积成一片无法展开的风景永远的睡去心事如一颗流星落进湖水里注定一生痛苦只能等到爱的奇迹出现在彩虹的梦里我想用心收藏这不眠的心事你的冷却让我畏惧信封上没有你的地址今晚我已疲惫只能用玫瑰的泪滴点缀浪漫的心床苦等这无言的结局盼望走进另一个梦里寻到你的地址收到这美丽的心事在那个梦里我一定惊喜已收到你的来信上面写着心心相印......

56. 我们还可以单独使用either,其意为"两者中的任何一个".例如:There are many shops on either side of the street.街道两边有许多商店.这个句子也可以这样表达:There are many shops on bothsides of the street.在街道两边有许多商店.

57. 伤是累积出来的,有些话说太迟了

58. 生若尘埃青春与爱无处归来

59. Bad times make a good man.

60. Sharp tools make good work.

61. 我对你付出那么多,结果我得到的是你给我的背叛,看到的是你和她的拥抱。

62. 挥不去昨日甜美的细节,才让今天又沦陷

63. Variety is the spice of life.

64. He has made his weapons his gods. When his weapons win he is defeated himself.他把他的刀剑当作他的上帝。当他的刀剑胜利的时候他自己却失败了。

65. The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move心是尖锐的,不是宽博的,它执着在每一点上,却并不活动。

66. 祝你岁月无波澜敬我余生不悲欢.

67. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

68. Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.

69. A man's best friends are his ten fingers.

70. conj. 无论以何种方式; 不管怎样

71. 等待,并不是期待你能回来。只是,找一个借口,不离开。

72. 自找的痛,又何必喊疼。要怪就怪自己,有本事喜欢上别人,没本事让别人喜欢自己。

73. 生活存在太多无奈只有勇敢去面对。

74. 终于为那一身江南烟雨覆了天下,容华谢后,不过一场,山河永寂。

75. 人生没有假设,当下即是全部。不要在意过去,生活中没有谁不曾失误,没有谁不曾失意。人生写满无奈,充满遗憾。即使我们尽心竭力,用尽心思,依然不免失误。