
形容天气热的英语句子 篇一

It's scorching hot today as the sun beats down mercilessly on the city. The temperature has soared to a staggering 40 degrees Celsius, making it almost unbearable to go outside. The air is thick with humidity, making it feel like walking through a sauna. People are desperately seeking shade and relief from the sweltering heat.

Everywhere you look, people are sweating profusely, their clothes sticking to their bodies. The heat is so intense that even the slightest movement causes sweat to pour down one's face. It feels as if the air itself is on fire, leaving everyone feeling lethargic and drained.

The scorching heat has also taken a toll on the environment. The once lush green parks have turned brown and dry, the grass withered and brittle. The flowers that once bloomed vibrantly now hang limp and lifeless. The lack of rain has left the rivers and lakes dried up, creating a desperate need for water.

Despite the discomfort and exhaustion caused by the intense heat, people still try to find ways to cool down. Ice cream parlors and cold drink vendors are doing a brisk business as people flock to them in search of relief. Air-conditioned malls and cafes are packed with people seeking refuge from the oppressive heat.

It's not just humans that are affected by the scorching weather. Animals also suffer in such extreme conditions. Birds pant with their beaks open, trying to cool themselves down. Dogs seek shade under trees or lie flat on the ground to escape the heat. Even the insects seem to have disappeared, seeking shelter in cooler places.

As the sun begins to set, there is a glimmer of hope that the oppressive heat will finally subside. The temperature starts to drop slightly, bringing a slight respite to the weary souls. People come out of their houses, enjoying the cooler evening breeze and the sight of a colorful sunset.

Despite the difficulties caused by the scorching heat, there is a certain beauty to be found in the summer. The vibrant colors of flowers, the chirping of birds, and the sound of children playing in the water bring a sense of joy and vitality. It is a reminder that even in the face of extreme weather, life continues to thrive.

形容天气热的英语句子 篇二

The heatwave has arrived, and it's like stepping into an oven. The mercury has risen to unprecedented levels, making it impossible to escape the scorching heat. The sun's rays are relentless, leaving everyone drenched in sweat and desperately seeking relief.

The air is thick with humidity, making it difficult to breathe. It feels as if there is no escape from the suffocating heat. Even a gentle breeze feels like a hot gust of wind, offering no respite from the oppressive weather. The sun beats down mercilessly, turning everything it touches into a blazing inferno.

The scorching heat has a profound effect on everyday life. People's routines have been disrupted, with outdoor activities becoming almost impossible. The parks and playgrounds that were once filled with laughter and joy are now deserted. The streets are empty, with only the occasional brave soul venturing out into the blistering heat.

The intensity of the heat has also taken a toll on agriculture and the environment. Crops wither under the scorching sun, leaving farmers worried about their livelihoods. Lakes and rivers have dried up, leaving animals and plants struggling to survive. The lack of rain has created a desperate need for water, with authorities imposing strict restrictions to conserve what little is left.

In such extreme weather, it is important to take precautions to stay safe and healthy. It is advised to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding sugary and caffeinated drinks. Wearing loose, breathable clothing and staying in shaded areas can also help to keep cool. It is crucial to limit outdoor activities and seek air-conditioned spaces whenever possible.

Despite the challenges posed by the scorching heat, there is a certain beauty to be found in the summer. The vibrant colors of blooming flowers, the sound of buzzing bees, and the taste of cold watermelon all evoke a sense of joy and vitality. It is a reminder that even in the face of extreme weather, life continues to thrive.

As the days go by, we can only hope for some relief from the relentless heat. Perhaps a cooling breeze or a refreshing rain shower will bring some respite. Until then, we must endure the scorching temperatures and find solace in the small moments of relief that the summer brings.

形容天气热的英语句子 篇三




1. It’s muggy outside. 天太闷了

=It’s a muggy day.

2. It’s a scorcher out there. 外面太阳热辣辣的(形容室外)。

3. It’s boiling out there. 天热得跟水煮沸了一样。

4. It’s ridiculously hot.简直热得离谱。

5. Trees and grass are parched.树和草都被烤干了。

6. This damn weather is totally a torture. 这鬼天气完全就是个折磨!

7. It’s hot as hell. 真的热到要死了!

8. It’s hot as the inferno. 这简直就是炼狱的温度!

9. It’s hot as the apocalypse. 简直热得像末日。

10. It’s smotheringly hot. 热得令人窒息。




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