英语活动设计circle and quare参考【通用3篇】

英语活动设计circle and square参考 篇一

Title: Exploring shapes through Circle and Square


In this activity, students will have the opportunity to explore the shapes of circle and square through various engaging tasks and exercises. By participating in hands-on activities, students will develop a better understanding of these shapes and their properties.


- To familiarize students with the shapes of circle and square

- To develop an understanding of the properties of circle and square

- To enhance students' ability to identify and differentiate between circle and square


- Paper

- Pencils

- Colored markers

- Circle and square-shaped objects (e.g., coins, blocks)


1. Introduction to circle and square (15 minutes)

- Begin the lesson by introducing the shapes of circle and square to the students.

- Show visuals or real-life examples of circle and square.

- Discuss the properties of each shape, such as the number of sides and angles.

2. Circle and square hunt (20 minutes)

- Divide the students into small groups.

- Provide each group with a set of circle and square-shaped objects.

- Instruct the students to find as many objects as they can that are either circles or squares.

- Encourage students to discuss and compare their findings with their group members.

3. Drawing circles and squares (15 minutes)

- Distribute paper and pencils to each student.

- Instruct the students to draw a circle and a square on their paper.

- Encourage them to make their shapes as accurate as possible.

- After drawing the shapes, ask the students to label the properties of each shape, such as the number of sides and angles.

4. Shape sorting (20 minutes)

- Prepare a set of different objects or pictures with various shapes.

- Instruct the students to sort the objects or pictures into two groups: circle and square.

- Encourage them to explain their reasoning behind the sorting.

5. Circle and square art (30 minutes)

- Provide each student with a blank sheet of paper and colored markers.

- Instruct the students to create a piece of artwork using only circles and squares.

- Encourage them to be creative with their designs.


Through this activity, students have had the opportunity to explore the shapes of circle and square in a hands-on and interactive manner. They have developed a better understanding of the properties of these shapes and improved their ability to identify and differentiate between them.

英语活动设计circle and square参考 篇二

Title: Shape Scavenger Hunt with Circle and Square


In this activity, students will go on a shape scavenger hunt to find objects in their surroundings that resemble the shapes of circle and square. This activity will encourage students to observe their environment and develop their ability to identify shapes.


- To develop students' shape recognition skills

- To enhance their observation skills

- To foster an appreciation for the shapes of circle and square


- Paper

- Pencils

- Circle and square templates (optional)

- Digital cameras or smartphones (optional)


1. Introduction to circle and square (10 minutes)

- Begin the activity by introducing the shapes of circle and square to the students.

- Show visuals or real-life examples of circle and square.

- Discuss the properties of each shape, such as the number of sides and angles.

2. Shape scavenger hunt instructions (10 minutes)

- Explain to the students that they will be going on a scavenger hunt to find objects that resemble the shapes of circle and square.

- Provide them with a list of items or characteristics to look for, such as round objects for circles or objects with four equal sides for squares.

- Optionally, provide circle and square templates for students to hold and compare with the objects they find.

3. Scavenger hunt exploration (30 minutes)

- Divide the students into small groups.

- Instruct each group to go around the classroom or school premises to find objects that resemble the shapes of circle and square.

- Encourage students to take pictures or make sketches of the objects they find.

4. Object sharing and discussion (20 minutes)

- Gather the students back together and have each group share the objects they found.

- Discuss the similarities and differences between the objects.

- Encourage students to explain why they believe a certain object resembles a circle or square.

5. Shape collage or presentation (30 minutes)

- Provide each student with a sheet of paper or a digital platform to create a shape collage or presentation.

- Instruct them to include pictures or sketches of the objects they found during the scavenger hunt.

- Encourage students to write a short description for each object, explaining why it resembles a circle or square.


Through this shape scavenger hunt activity, students have had the opportunity to observe and identify objects in their surroundings that resemble the shapes of circle and square. They have developed their shape recognition and observation skills while fostering an appreciation for the diversity of shapes in their environment.

英语活动设计circle and quare参考 篇三

英语活动设计circle and quare参考


  活动名称:circle and square


  1.听懂并正确发音“circle” “square”

  2.听懂what shape is it ?


  正方形纸,圆形纸,正方形、圆形面具娃娃 气锤 地上画好的圆形正方形图形若干


  1. 带上圆形面具教幼儿认读圆形。带上正方形的面具教幼儿认读正方形。

  教师指导用语:hello,good morning children

  who am I ?

  I am a circle. A circle is round.

  Bye,bye children.

  hello,good morning children

  who am I ?

  I am a square. A square has four sides.

  who am I ?

  2. 出示两种图形反复认读。

  What shape is it ?

  3. 玩游戏。把两种图形分别贴在墙上,请幼儿上前敲并说出英语名字。


 Where is the circle ?

  Where is the square ?

  Who can cry ?

  4. 找图形。幼儿到桌子上寻找两种图形,说出英语名称,并把形同的.图形放在一起。

  U ear the circle.

  U ear the square.


  I am a ra it . jump jump······

  What shape is it ?

  Boys and girls stand up please.

  Let us jump together .

  circle. square.······






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