
Depend on Myself - Article 1

In high school, I have learned the importance of depending on myself. It is a valuable lesson that has helped me grow as a person and achieve my goals.

During my high school years, I faced numerous challenges and obstacles. From difficult exams to demanding projects, there were times when I felt overwhelmed and unsure of myself. However, instead of relying on others to solve my problems, I learned to depend on myself. I realized that taking responsibility for my own actions and decisions was crucial for personal growth.

Depending on myself has taught me self-discipline and perseverance. When faced with a difficult task, I no longer seek immediate help or shortcuts. Instead, I analyze the situation, make a plan, and work diligently towards my goal. This self-reliance has not only improved my academic performance but also instilled a sense of confidence in myself.

Moreover, depending on myself has helped me develop problem-solving skills. Instead of relying on others' solutions, I have learned to think critically and find innovative approaches to challenges. This has given me a unique perspective and has allowed me to come up with creative solutions that others may not have considered.

Furthermore, depending on myself has taught me the value of hard work and perseverance. When I achieve success through my own efforts, the sense of accomplishment is much more profound. It has made me realize that anything is possible if I put in enough effort and believe in myself.

In conclusion, depending on myself in high school has been a valuable lesson. It has taught me self-discipline, problem-solving skills, and the value of hard work. I believe that these qualities will continue to benefit me in my future endeavors.

依靠自己 - 文章一







Depend on Myself - Article 2

In high school, I have come to realize the importance of depending on myself. It is a valuable lesson that has shaped my character and prepared me for the challenges of adulthood.

During my high school years, I have encountered various situations where relying on others was not an option. From managing my time effectively to making important decisions, I have learned to trust myself and take control of my own life. This self-dependence has not only helped me achieve academic success but has also given me the confidence to face any obstacle that comes my way.

Depending on myself has taught me resilience and adaptability. In high school, there were times when things did not go as planned. However, instead of giving up or seeking external help, I learned to adapt and find alternative solutions. This ability to bounce back from setbacks has been invaluable in navigating the challenges of high school and will continue to benefit me in the future.

Moreover, depending on myself has allowed me to discover my strengths and weaknesses. By taking responsibility for my own actions and decisions, I have learned to recognize my abilities and areas for improvement. This self-awareness has enabled me to focus on personal growth and strive for continuous self-improvement.

Furthermore, depending on myself has taught me the importance of self-reliance and independence. It has made me realize that I am capable of achieving my goals without depending on others. This sense of empowerment has given me the drive and motivation to pursue my dreams and aspirations.

In conclusion, depending on myself in high school has been a transformative experience. It has taught me resilience, self-awareness, and the importance of self-reliance. I believe that these qualities will continue to shape my character and guide me towards success in all aspects of life.

依靠自己高中英语作文带翻译 篇三



  Depend on Yourself

  Depend on yourself" is what nature says to every man. Parents can help you. Teachers can help you. Others still can help you. But all these people only help you to help yourself.

  There have been many great men in history. Many of them were very poor in childhood, and had no uncles, aunts or friends to help them. Schools were few and not very good. They could not depend on them for education. They saw how it was, and set to work with their strength to know something. The

y worked their own way till they became well-known. One of the most famous teachers in England used to tell his pupils, "1 cannot make worthy men of you, but I can help you make men of yourselves."

  Some young men don't try their best to make themselves valuable to human beings. They can not gain achievements unless they see their weakness and change their course. They are nothing now, and will be nothing as long as they live, unless they accept the advice of their parents and teachers, and depend on their own efforts.



  历史上有许多伟人。其中很多伟人小时候都非常贫穷,他们没有叔叔、姑姑或朋友帮助他们。 学校数量少,质量差。他们也无法依靠学校接受教育。他们认识到这一情况,然后就开始自己努力去学习一些事情。他们排除万难直到最后成功。英国最为著名的其中一位老师曾经这样告诉他的学生:“我没法使你们出人头地,但我可以帮助你们做人”。




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