在国外租车需要使用的英语表达 篇一
1. Renting a car(租车)
- I would like to rent a car, please.(我想租一辆车。)
- How much does it cost to rent a car for a day/week?(租一辆车一天/一周需要多少钱?)
- Do you have any discounts or special offers?(你们有折扣或特别优惠吗?)
- Are there any additional fees, such as insurance or mileage charges?(有其他费用吗,比如保险费或里程费?)
2. Making a reservation(预订)
- I would like to make a reservation for a car from [date] to [date].(我想预订一辆从[date]到[date]的车。)
- Do I need to provide any identification or documents when making a reservation?(在预订时需要提供任何身份证明或文件吗?)
- Can I change or cancel my reservation?(我可以更改或取消预订吗?)
- Is there a deposit required for the reservation?(预订需要付押金吗?)
3. Picking up the car(取车)
- Where can I pick up the car?(我可以在哪里取车?)
- What documents do I need to provide when picking up the car?(在取车时需要提供哪些文件?)
- Can I extend the rental period if needed?(如果需要,我可以延长租期吗?)
- Is there a parking lot available at the pick-up location?(取车地点有停车场吗?)
4. Driving and navigation(驾驶和导航)
- Can you recommend any local driving rules or regulations that I should be aware of?(你能推荐一些我应该了解的当地交规吗?)
- Is there a GPS or navigation system available in the car?(车里有GPS或导航系统吗?)
- How do I pay for tolls or parking fees?(如何支付过路费或停车费?)
- Are there any particular road signs or symbols that I should be familiar with?(有哪些特定的路标或符号我应该熟悉?)
5. Returning the car(还车)
- Where can I return the car?(我可以在哪里还车?)
- Do I need to refill the gas tank before returning the car?(还车前需要加满油箱吗?)
- What is the procedure for returning the car?(还车的程序是什么?)
- Is there a drop-off fee for returning the car to a different location?(把车还到其他地点需要支付额外费用吗?)
在国外租车需要使用的英语表达 篇二
1. Renting a car(租车)
- I would like to rent a car, please.(我想租一辆车。)
- How much does it cost to rent a car for a day/week?(租一辆车一天/一周需要多少钱?)
- Are there any discounts or special offers available?(有任何折扣或特别优惠吗?)
- Do I need to purchase insurance?(我需要购买保险吗?)
2. Making a reservation(预订)
- I would like to make a reservation for a car from [date] to [date].(我想预订一辆从[date]到[date]的车。)
- What documents do I need to provide when making a reservation?(预订时需要提供哪些文件?)
- Can I change or cancel my reservation?(我可以更改或取消预订吗?)
- Is there a deposit required for the reservation?(预订需要付押金吗?)
3. Picking up the car(取车)
- Where can I pick up the car?(我可以在哪里取车?)
- What documents do I need to provide when picking up the car?(取车时需要提供哪些文件?)
- Can I extend the rental period if needed?(如果需要,我可以延长租期吗?)
- Is there a parking lot available at the pick-up location?(取车地点有停车场吗?)
4. Driving and navigation(驾驶和导航)
- Can you give me some local driving rules or regulations that I should know?(你能告诉我一些我应该知道的当地交通规则吗?)
- Is there a GPS or navigation system available in the car?(车里有GPS或导航系统吗?)
- How do I pay for tolls or parking fees?(如何支付过路费或停车费?)
- Are there any specific road signs or symbols that I should be familiar with?(有哪些特定的路标或符号我应该熟悉?)
5. Returning the car(还车)
- Where can I return the car?(我可以在哪里还车?)
- Do I need to refill the gas tank before returning the car?(还车前需要加满油箱吗?)
- What is the procedure for returning the car?(还车的程序是什么?)
- Is there a drop-off fee for returning the car to a different location?(如果还车到其他地点,是否需要支付额外费用?)
在国外租车需要使用的英语表达 篇三
NICK: I think you made the right choice, coming to us.
We have a wide selection of vehicles you can choose from.
DAVID: I would like to rent a car with a good stereo.
NICK: All our cars have stereos in them.
Stereos, air conditioning. It's all standard with us.
DAVID: Good. I am here visiting my girlfriend. I want her to have a good time.
NICK: Oh, is that so?
Well, then. Let me show you something she might like. It's on our back lot.
DAVID: This is a Porsche!
NICK: Yes. Beautiful, isn't it?
DAVID: But I probably can't afford it. It must be really expensive.
NICK: Well, sir. You said you were looking at cars at the rental agency at the airport.
Now with them you'd spend your money and get nothing for it.
But you could probably rent this Porsche from us,
for the same price as one of their standard cars.
DAVID: But how can you do that?
NICK: It's because our prices are so good.
And this car has a lot of miles on it. But it's in nice shape, isn't it?
DAVID: Yes, it almost looks new.
NICK: Take a seat inside and see what you think.
NICK: So you will take the Porsche then, sir?
DAVID: Yes, and I want to buy the insurance too. I think it's necessary.
NICK: You're smart to buy it. At 45 dollars for three days, it is a good deal.
DAVID: Can I return the car in San Francisco?
NICK: San Francisco? No, sir.
We only have this office here. You will have to return it here.
DAVID: Really? I heard inAmericayou can return rental cars in different cities.
NICK: No, sir. That's only with the very big companies.
I'm sorry, but this car must be returned to this lot.
DAVID: Well, I guess I will have to drive back down then. Hmm. I didn't think of that.
NICK: Do you still want the car, sir?
DAVID: Yes. It will be fun. Driving back down the coast. My girlfriend will like it.
NICK: It's a beautiful drive.
DAVID: Where are the keys?
NICK: Just a moment, sir. We have to finish filling out the forms.