质量认证相关英语词汇 篇一
Quality Certification Related English Vocabulary
In today's global market, quality certification plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and trustworthiness of products and services. It helps businesses demonstrate their commitment to maintaining high standards and meeting customer expectations. To navigate the world of quality certification, it is essential to understand the key terms and concepts associated with it. In this article, we will explore some of the most important English vocabulary related to quality certification.
1. Quality Management System (QMS): A QMS refers to a set of policies, processes, and procedures implemented by an organization to ensure that its products or services consistently meet customer requirements and comply with regulations. It is the foundation of quality certification.
2. ISO 9001: ISO 9001 is an international standard for QMS. It provides a framework for organizations to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve their quality management systems. ISO 9001 certification demonstrates an organization's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
3. Accreditation: Accreditation is the process by which an organization is recognized as competent to carry out specific activities. It is a formal recognition of an organization's ability to meet predetermined standards. Accreditation bodies assess and certify organizations against relevant criteria.
4. Certification Body: A certification body is an independent organization that conducts audits and issues certifications to organizations that meet specific standards. They evaluate an organization's adherence to quality management systems and provide third-party verification.
5. Audit: An audit is a systematic and independent examination of an organization's processes, procedures, and records to determine their compliance with standards. Audits can be internal (performed by the organization itself) or external (performed by a certification body).
6. Nonconformity: Nonconformity refers to a deviation from specified requirements. It can be a failure to meet customer expectations, a violation of regulations, or a noncompliance with the organization's quality management system. Nonconformities are identified during audits and must be addressed and corrected.
7. Corrective Action: Corrective action is a process of identifying and eliminating the root causes of nonconformities to prevent their recurrence. It involves analyzing the problem, implementing necessary changes, and monitoring the effectiveness of the corrective measures.
8. Continuous Improvement: Continuous improvement, also known as Kaizen, is the ongoing effort to enhance products, processes, and services. It involves systematically identifying areas for improvement, implementing changes, and monitoring the results.
9. Risk Management: Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and controlling potential risks that could affect the achievement of objectives. It involves analyzing risks, implementing preventive measures, and developing contingency plans.
10. Compliance: Compliance refers to the adherence to laws, regulations, and standards. Organizations must ensure that their processes, products, and services comply with relevant requirements to maintain quality certification.
Understanding and using these vocabulary terms will enable you to navigate the complex world of quality certification more effectively. Whether you are seeking certification for your organization or collaborating with certified partners, having a good grasp of these terms will facilitate communication and ensure a smooth certification process.
质量认证相关英语词汇 篇三
质量一致性检验inspecton of quality conformity
仲裁性质质量监督quality supervision for arbitration
产品保护product protection
产品定型product approval
产品分等product classificatin
产品规范product specification
产品设计product design
产品质量product quality
产品合格率product percent of pass
产品系列化product seriation
产品管理标准product management standard
产品计量单位unit of measurement of product
产品售后服务after service
产品质量标志product quality mark
产品质量标准product quality standard
产品质量管理product quality management
产品质量检验product quality inspection
产品质量监督检验product quality supervision and inspection
产品质量认证标志certification marking of product quality
产品质量认证程序certification procedure of product quality
产品质量认证制度certification system of product quality
安全认证safety certification
安全认证标志mark of safety certification
强制性认证compulsory certificate
实验室鉴定laboratory qualification
实验室认证laboratory certification
自愿认证制voluntary system of certification
法规机构regulatory authorities
认证活动certification activity
认证体系certification system
认证计划certification scheme
认证机构certification body
检验机构inspecton body
合格证书certificate of conformity
合格标记mark of conformity
认证体系的`利用access to certification system
认证体系的参与者participant in certification system
认证体系的成员member of certification system
型式批准type approval
测试实验室的认可accreditation of testing laboratory
认可体系accreditation system
认可机构accreditation body
认可的实验室accredited laboratory
认可准则acreditatin criteria
实验室评定laboratory assessment
实验室评定者laboratory assessor
认可的实验室的试验报告accredited laboratory test report
批准签署人approved signatory
承认和批准协议recognition and approval arrangement
承认协议recognition arrangement
单边协议unilateral arrangement
双边协议bilateral arrangement
多边协议multilateral arrangemetn
平等待遇equal treatmetn
国家待遇national treatment
国家和平等待遇national and equal treatment
合格及有关的通用概念conformity and related general concept
合格测试conformity testing
合格品acceptable part
合格标志mark of conformity
合格认证conformity certification
合格认证标志mark of conformity certification
合格品标志mark of acceptable product
合格证书certificate of conformity
合格证检查inspection by certificate
合格质量检查acceptable quality level
评定合格assessment of conformity
合格评定conformity assessment
型式评价type evaluation
合格监督conformity surveillance
合格证明verification of conformity
合格保证assurance of conformity
供货商声明supplier's declaration
生产许可证production licence
不定期检验nonperiodic inspection
抽样检验sampling inspection
出厂检验exfactory inspection
第一方检验first party inspection
第二方检验second party inspection
第三方检验third party inspection
第三方认证制度third pary certification
定期检验periodic inspection
交收检验acceptance inspeciton
例行检验routine inspeciton
生产检验produciton inspeciton
生产定型检验production approval inspeciton
验收检验acceptance inspeciton
验证检验compliance test
仲裁检验arbitration inspection
制造商担保guarantee by manufacturer
百分比抽样检查percent sampling inspection
不合格判定数rejection n
不合格质量水平rejecton quality level
抽查型质量监督sampling quality supervision
环境监测environmental monitoring
多次抽样multiple sampling
分层抽样stratified sampling
分层随机抽样stratified random smapling
多级抽样multistage sampling
二次抽样double sampling
试件test piece
试验报告test report
试样test sample
测试设备testing equipment
测试试验室testing laboratority
实验室间的试验比较interlaboratory test comparisons
熟练水平试验proficiency testing
次品defective product
代用产品substitute product
定量试验quantitative test
出口管理export control
出口许可证制度export control
进口许可证制度import licence system
定额管理quota management
非关税壁垒non-tarrif barrier
关税壁垒tariff barrier
关税普遍优惠制general preferential duties