宇宙的英语阅读 篇一:探索宇宙的奥秘
宇宙的英语阅读 篇二:探索宇宙的未来
宇宙的英语阅读 篇三
The Kepler orbiting observatory was launched with a simple mission - to find other Earths. NASA describes it as 'a search for habitable planets.'
And analysis of its first 136 days of data has already begun - with scientists com/#bing through scans of 150,000 stars, and evidence of 1,235 potential planets.
Such information is fascinating in itself - but it also allows scientists to work out projections using statistical analysis.
One analysis has predicted that one-third of 'sun-like' stars - stars with the classification F, G or K - will have planets similar to Earth.
一项分析推测,三分之一的类太阳恒星,即F, G 或 K类恒星,将会有类似地球的行星存在。
Traub says, “About one-third of FGK stars are predicted to have at least one terrestrial, habitable-zone planet.”
Traub说:“根据预测,大约三分之一的F, G 或 K类类恒星会至少有一个行星类似地球,拥有可居住区域。”
Traub used statistical analysis to 'predict' planets that had not been detected by Kepler, and whether they would be within the 'habitable zone'. Traub's analysis hints that there may be even more potential 'Earths' orbiting them than previously thought - and that this 'principle' would extend to stars not yet scanned by Kepler.
Some com/#menters felt that Traub's 'habitable zones' were too generous, it included planets shrouded in icy clouds of carbon dioxide.
The $600 million Kepler spacecraft, which launched in March 2009, is staring continuously at a patch of sky containing about 150,000 stars in the Cygnus constellation.
The high-tech equipment analyses each stars' light every 30 minutes, watching for telltale dips in brightness which may indicate a planet is crossing its path.
Sophisticated sifting software is used to send the data to earth-bound scientists, who scour the results. As Kepler continues to scan, data - and analyses such as Traub's paper - will continue to becom/#e more accurate.
Despite being considered the most destructive force in space and absolutely uninhabitable, the conditions for life exist inside supermassive black holes, a Russian cosmologist has theorised. Vyacheslav Dokuchaev has even suggested that if life did exist inside the SBH, it would have evolved to becom/#e the most advanced civilisation in the galaxy.
尽管超大质量黑洞被认为最具破坏力并且绝对无法居住,然而俄罗斯的一名宇宙学家理论上认为,黑洞中有生命存在的条件。Vyacheslav Dokuchaev甚至曾暗示说,如果黑洞中真的有生命存在,他们已经进化成银河中最先进的文明。
Supermassive black holes are such powerful gravitational forces that they suck in everything around them, including light, and nothing that crosses the black hole's 'event horizon(at the lip of the black hole)' is ever seen again.
But now Dokuchaev, of Moscow's Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, says existing evidence com/#bined with new research throws up intriguing possibilities for certain types of black holes.
Inside a charged, rotating black hole there are regions where photons can survive in stable periodic orbits. Dokuchaev specialises in studying those orbits and their dynamics.
He speculates, in a paper published in Cornell University's online journal arXiv, that if there are stable orbits for photons, there is no reason why there could not be stable orbits for larger objects, such as planets.
The problem is that these stable orbits would only exist once you have crossed the threshold of the event horizon, where time and space flow into one another.
However, beyond the event horizon is another domain, known as the Cauchy horizon, where time and space return to stable states. It is inside the Cauchy horizon that life could exist, Dokuchaev argues in the paper published in arXiv, and the type of life that could exist in those conditions - where they would be subject
然而,黑洞视界的另一边是一片被称作柯西视界的领域,那里的时空会恢复到稳定状态。Dokuchaev在发表在arXiv的论文中主张,柯西视界中有生命存在的可能, 而且在那种条件下存活的生命很可能进化的比人类还好,他们可能受支配与巨大的、波动的潮汐力。
Though that is a spine-tingling thought, Dokuchaev's proposition can only ever remain theoretical. Because nothing can ever escape from a black hole due to its enormous gravitational pull, we will never know if it is true.