
常用银行英语词结 篇一


1. Account

Account是指银行为客户开设的账户。例如,savings account(储蓄账户)和current account(活期账户)。在银行办理业务时,我们常常需要提供我们的账号信息。

2. Deposit

Deposit是指向银行存款。当我们将钱存入银行时,我们会说“I would like to make a deposit into my savings account.”(我想向我的储蓄账户存款。)

3. Withdrawal

Withdrawal是指从银行取款。当我们需要取出存款时,我们可以说“I would like to make a withdrawal from my current account.”(我想从我的活期账户取款。)

4. Balance

Balance是指账户的余额。当我们想知道账户的余额时,我们可以问银行工作人员“Could you please tell me the balance of my savings account?”(请问你能告诉我储蓄账户的余额吗?)

5. Interest

Interest是指利息。当我们存款在银行时,银行会根据存款金额和存款期限支付利息。我们可以问银行工作人员“Could you please tell me the interest rate on this savings account?”(请问你能告诉我这个储蓄账户的利率吗?)

6. Loan

Loan是指贷款。当我们需要借款时,我们可以向银行申请贷款。我们可以说“I would like to apply for a loan to buy a house.”(我想申请一笔贷款来买房。)

7. Exchange rate

Exchange rate是指汇率。当我们需要兑换货币时,我们需要了解当前的汇率。我们可以问银行工作人员“Could you please tell me the exchange rate between USD and RMB?”(请问你能告诉我美元和人民币的汇率吗?)


常用银行英语词结 篇二


1. ATM

ATM是自动取款机的缩写。我们可以使用ATM来取款、查询余额和转账等。当我们需要取款时,我们可以说“I need to withdraw some cash from the ATM.”(我需要从ATM机上取一些现金。)

2. Credit card

Credit card是信用卡的意思。我们可以使用信用卡进行消费,并在之后的某个时间还款。当我们需要支付时,我们可以说“I would like to pay with my credit card.”(我想用信用卡支付。)

3. Overdraft

Overdraft是透支的意思。当我们的账户余额不足时,银行可能会允许我们透支一定金额。我们可以说“I would like to apply for an overdraft on my current account.”(我想申请在我的活期账户上透支。)

4. Statement

Statement是账单的意思。银行会定期向我们发送账单,显示我们的存款和支出明细。当我们想要查看账单时,我们可以说“I would like to request a statement for my savings account.”(我想要请求一份关于我的储蓄账户的账单。)

5. Currency

Currency是货币的意思。当我们需要兑换货币时,我们需要了解当前的汇率。我们可以问银行工作人员“Could you please tell me the currency exchange rate between USD and EUR?”(请问你能告诉我美元和欧元的汇率吗?)

6. Mortgage

Mortgage是指抵押贷款。当我们需要购买房屋时,我们可以向银行申请抵押贷款。我们可以说“I would like to apply for a mortgage to buy a house.”(我想申请一笔抵押贷款来买房。)

7. Online banking

Online banking是网上银行的意思。我们可以使用网上银行进行各种银行业务,如查询账户余额、转账和支付账单等。当我们需要使用网上银行时,我们可以说“I would like to access my online banking account.”(我想访问我的网上银行账户。)


常用银行英语词结 篇三


  account number 帐目编号

  depositor 存户

  pay-in slip 存款单

  a deposit form 存款单

  a banding machine 自动存取机

  to deposit 存款

  deposit receipt 存款收据

  private deposits 私人存款

  certificate of deposit 存单

  deposit book, passbook 存折

  credit card 信用卡

  principal 本金

  overdraft, overdraw 透支

  to counter sign 双签

  to endorse 背书

  endorser 背书人

  to cash 兑现

  to honor a cheque 兑付

  to dishonor a cheque 拒付

  to suspend payment 止付

  cheque,check 支票

  cheque book 支票本

  order cheque 记名支票

  bearer cheque 不记名支票

  crossed cheque 横线支票

  blank cheque 空白支票

  rubber cheque 空头支票

  cheque stub, counterfoil 票根

  cash cheque 现金支票

  traveler's cheque 旅行支票

  cheque for transfer 转帐支票

  outstanding cheque 未付支票

  canceled cheque 已付支票

  forged cheque 伪支票

  Bandar's note 庄票,银票

  banker 银行家

  president 行长

  savings bank 储蓄银行

  Chase Bank 大通银行

  National City Bank of New York 花旗银行

  Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行

  Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麦加利银行

  Banque de I'IndoChine 东方汇理银行

  central bank, national bank, banker's bank 中央银行

  bank of issue, bank of circulation 发行币银行

  commercial bank 商业银行,储蓄信贷银行

  member bank, credit bank 储蓄信贷银行

  discount bank 贴现银行

  exchange bank 汇兑银行

  requesting bank 委托开证银行

  issuing bank, opening bank 开证银行

  advising bank, notifying bank 通知银行

  negotiation bank 议付银行

  confirming bank 保兑银行

  paying bank 付款银行

  associate banker of collection 代收银行

  consigned banker of collection 委托银行

  clearing bank 清算银行

  local bank 本地银行

  domestic bank 国内银行

  overseas bank 国外银行

  unincorporated bank 钱庄

  branch b

ank 银行分行

  trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行

  trust company 信托公司

  financial trust 金融信托公司

  unit trust 信托投资公司

  trust institution 银行的'信托部

  credit department 银行的信用部

  commercial credit company(discount company) 商业信贷公司(贴现公司)

  neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所

  credit union 合作银行

  credit bureau 商业兴信所

  self-service bank 无人银行

  land bank 土地银行

  construction bank 建设银行

  industrial and commercial bank 工商银行

  bank of communications 交通银行

  mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行

  post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行

  mortgage bank, building society 抵押银行

  industrial bank 实业银行

  home loan bank 家宅贷款银行

  reserve bank 准备银行

  chartered bank 特许银行

  corresponding bank 往来银行

  merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行

  investment bank 投资银行

  import and export bank (EXIMBANK) 进出口银行

  joint venture bank 合资银行

  money shop, native bank 钱庄

  credit cooperatives 信用社

  clearing house 票据交换所

  public accounting 公共会计

  business accounting 商业会计

  cost accounting 成本会计

  depreciation accounting 折旧会计

  computerized accounting 电脑化会计

  general ledger 总帐

  subsidiary ledger 分户帐

  cash book 现金出纳帐

  cash account 现金帐

  journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐

  bad debts 坏帐

  investment 投资

  surplus 结余

  idle capital 游资

  economic cycle 经济周期

  economic boom 经济繁荣

  economic recession 经济衰退

  economic depression 经济萧条

  economic crisis 经济危机

  economic recovery 经济复苏

  inflation 通货膨胀

  deflation 通货收缩

  devaluation 货币贬值

  revaluation 货币增值

  international balance of payment 国际收支

  favourable balance 顺差

  adverse balance 逆差

  hard currency 硬通货

  soft currency 软通货

  international monetary system 国际货币制度

  the purchasing power of money 货币购买力

  money in circulation 货币流通量

  note issue 纸币发行量

  national budget 国家预算

  national gross product 国民生产总值

  public bond 公债

  stock, share 股票

  debenture 债券

  treasury bill 国库券

  debt chain 债务链

  direct exchange 直接(对角)套汇

  indirect exchange 间接(三角)套汇

  cross rate, arbitrage rate 套汇汇率

  foreign currency (exchange) reserve 外汇储备

  foreign exchange fluctuation 外汇波动

  foreign exchange crisis 外汇危机

  discount 贴现

  discount rate, bank rate 贴现率

  gold reserve 黄金储备

  money (financial) market 金融市场

  stock exchange 股票交易所

  broker 经纪人

  commission 佣金

  bookkeeping 簿记

  bookkeeper 簿记员

  an application form 申请单

  bank statement 对帐单

  letter of credit 信用证

  strong room, vault 保险库

  equitable tax system 等价税则

  specimen signature 签字式样

  banking hours, business hours 营业时间

  Missing the Boat

  Missing the Boat

  By Tanya Bank

  In 1910, Abraham Bank, my great-grandfather, was impressed into the Russian army. At the time, he was twenty-one years old and had lived near Vilna in Latvia for his entire life. He was a qualified rabbi, shochet, and mohel.

  The prospect of twenty-five years of mandatory military service was unthinkable to Abraham. So he decided to pack a few clothes and personal belongings and leave his hometown during the night. He promised his girlfriend, Rebecca, that he would write.

  Abraham traveled via Finland to Stockholm, Sweden, where he worked for a while as a stevedore. He earned his passage to London where he continued to work. His goal was to earn enough money to follow in the footsteps of his brother, who had already emigrated to America.

  Two years after leaving his home in Latvia, Abraham was finally able to buy a ticket on a ship leaving from Southampton that would take him from England to America. Abraham ran into two difficulties. The first was the knowledge that he would not be able to get kosher food in the steerage class of the ship. The second was the trouble he would have in getting from London to Southampton over Passover, as the holiday ended on the night before the ship would be boarding.

  Finally, Abraham decided not to use his ticket. He remained in London for a few months and then emigrated to South Africa, where eight years later Rebecca joined him. It was not until 1987 that Abraham's descendants - his grandson (my father) and his family - made the move to America that Abraham had come so close to making seventy-five years earlier.

  I have good cause to be grateful to Zeida for deciding not to use that ticket all those years ago. In fact, it might well have been the best decision he ever made. The name of the ship that steamed into the Atlantic that day was the Titanic.





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