考研经济类英语词汇 篇一
In recent years, with the rapid development of the Chinese economy, more and more people have chosen to pursue a postgraduate degree in economics to enhance their competitiveness in the job market. As a result, the demand for economic vocabulary in the postgraduate entrance examination (PGEE) has increased significantly. In this article, we will introduce and explain some essential economic vocabulary that often appears in the PGEE.
1. Inflation: Inflation refers to the sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. It is usually measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the Producer Price Index (PPI). Inflation can have various causes, such as excessive growth in the money supply, increase in production costs, or higher demand for goods and services.
2. GDP (Gross Domestic Product): GDP is the total value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific period. It is used to measure the economic performance and growth rate of a country. GDP can be calculated based on the production approach, expenditure approach, or income approach.
3. Supply and Demand: Supply refers to the quantity of a good or service that producers are willing and able to offer at different prices during a specific period. Demand, on the other hand, refers to the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at different prices during a specific period. The interaction between supply and demand determines the equilibrium price and quantity of a good or service in a market.
4. Fiscal Policy: Fiscal policy refers to the use of government spending and taxation to influence the economy. It includes measures such as changes in government spending on infrastructure projects or social welfare programs, as well as changes in tax rates. Fiscal policy is used to stabilize the economy, promote economic growth, and control inflation.
5. Monetary Policy: Monetary policy refers to the actions taken by a central bank to control the money supply and interest rates in an economy. It includes measures such as open market operations, reserve requirements, and interest rate adjustments. Monetary policy is used to influence the level of economic activity, control inflation, and maintain financial stability.
6. Exchange Rate: Exchange rate refers to the value of one currency in terms of another currency. It is determined by the foreign exchange market, where currencies are traded. Exchange rates can be fixed, floating, or pegged to another currency. Changes in exchange rates can affect a country's trade balance, inflation rate, and economic competitiveness.
In conclusion, mastering economic vocabulary is essential for success in the PGEE. The above-mentioned terms are just a few examples of the economic vocabulary that candidates should be familiar with. By understanding and using these terms correctly, candidates can demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of economic principles and theories.
考研经济类英语词汇 篇三
1、stakeholder [stekholdr] 股东
【真题例句】Such hijacked media are the opposite of earned media: an asset or campaign becomes hostage to consumers, other stakeholders, or activists who make negative allegations about a brand or product.(2011年阅读Text3)这种被绑架的媒介,与上述的免费利用的'媒介背道而驰(不是商人所希望出现的)。
2、economic puppet [iknɑmk] ['ppt] 经济傀儡
【真题例句】In fact, the blue and the white-collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management.(1993年阅读Text2)事实上,蓝领和白领阶层都是经济傀儡,伴随着自动化和官僚政治的曲子舞蹈。
3、monetary policy ['mntri] ['pɑlsi] 货币政策
【真题例句】Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as “steering the economy to a soft landing” or “a touch on the brakes,” makes it sound like a precise science.(1997年阅读Text5)有很多用于描述货币政策的词汇,例如"轻踩刹车"以"操纵经济软着陆",使货币政策听起来像是一门精确的科学。
4、retail price ['ritel] [pras] 零售价
【真题例句】In Europe, taxes account for up to four-fifths of the retail price, so even quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pump prices than in the past.(2002年阅读Text3)在欧洲,税金占汽油零售价的五分之四,因此,即使原油价格发生很大的波动,汽油价格所受的影响也不会像过去那么显著。
5、infrastructure ['nfr'strkt] 基础设施
【真题例句】The sens
6、compensation [,kɑmpn'sen] 赔偿,薪水
【真题例句】Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise.(2004年阅读Text1)有的人用它来密切关注自己从事的行业的需求情况,或者搜集薪酬待遇方面的信息以便要求涨工资时有备无患。
7、underfund [,nd'fnd] 对……提供资金不足
【真题例句】As a nation, we may be overfunding the quest for unlikely cures while underfunding research on humbler therapies that could improve people’s lives.(2003年阅读Text4)作为一个民族,我们在寻求无效的治疗方法上花钱太多,而在改善人们生活质量的普通治疗方面花钱又太少。