常见水果的英文单词 篇一
1. Apple - 苹果
Apples are round or oval-shaped fruits that come in various colors such as red, green, and yellow. They are known for their sweet and crunchy taste. Apples are rich in fiber and vitamin C, which are beneficial for digestion and immune system.
2. Banana - 香蕉
Bananas are elongated and curved fruits with a thick peel. They are usually yellow when ripe and have a soft texture. Bananas are a great source of potassium and vitamin B6, which are essential for regulating blood pressure and boosting energy levels.
3. Orange - 橙子
Oranges are citrus fruits with a bright orange color and a sweet and tangy taste. They are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which are important for maintaining a healthy immune system and promoting skin health.
4. Strawberry - 草莓
Strawberries are small, red fruits with a sweet and juicy flavor. They are often used in desserts and smoothies. Strawberries are packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help prevent diseases and improve heart health.
5. Pineapple - 菠萝
Pineapples are tropical fruits with a spiky outer skin and a sweet and tangy taste. They are rich in vitamin C and manganese, which are beneficial for bone health and immune system support.
6. Watermelon - 西瓜
Watermelons are large fruits with a green rind and a juicy, red flesh. They are hydrating and refreshing, especially during hot summer days. Watermelons are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as lycopene, which can help protect against certain types of cancer.
7. Mango - 芒果
Mangos are tropical fruits with a yellow or orange skin and a sweet and juicy flesh. They are often used in smoothies, salads, and desserts. Mangos are high in vitamins A and C, as well as fiber, which can aid in digestion and promote healthy skin.
8. Grape - 葡萄
Grapes are small, round fruits that come in different colors such as green, red, and purple. They are often eaten as a snack or used in making wine. Grapes are rich in antioxidants and vitamins C and K, which can help improve cardiovascular health and boost immune function.
常见水果的英文单词 篇二
1. Mango - 芒果
Mango is a tropical fruit with a sweet and juicy flesh. It is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as dietary fiber. Mangoes are often used in smoothies, salads, and desserts.
2. Grapefruit - 葡萄柚
Grapefruit is a citrus fruit with a tangy and slightly bitter taste. It is high in vitamin C and fiber. Grapefruits are often consumed as a breakfast fruit or used in making juices.
3. Pear - 梨
Pear is a fruit with a sweet and slightly grainy texture. It is rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C. Pears are commonly eaten fresh or used in baking and cooking.
4. Kiwi - 猕猴桃
Kiwi is a small fruit with a fuzzy brown exterior and a bright green or yellow flesh. It is high in vitamin C and dietary fiber. Kiwis are often eaten fresh or used in fruit salads.
5. Cherry - 樱桃
Cherry is a small fruit with a sweet and tart taste. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and C. Cherries are often eaten fresh as a snack or used in desserts and baked goods.
6. Lemon - 柠檬
Lemon is a citrus fruit with a sour taste. It is high in vitamin C and antioxidants. Lemons are commonly used in cooking, baking, and making beverages such as lemonade.
7. Peach - 桃子
Peach is a fruit with a soft and fuzzy skin and a sweet and juicy flesh. It is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as dietary fiber. Peaches are often eaten fresh or used in desserts and preserves.
8. Blueberry - 蓝莓
Blueberry is a small fruit with a deep blue or purple color. It is high in antioxidants and vitamins C and K. Blueberries are often eaten fresh, added to smoothies, or used in baking.
常见水果的英文单词 篇三
Apple 苹果
Apricot [eprkɑt] 杏桃
Almond ['ɑmnd]杏仁
Banana 香蕉
Betelnut ['bitl,nt]槟榔
Bitter orange 苦柑橘
Blackberry ['blk'bri] 黑莓
Blueberry ['blubri] 蓝莓
Cherry 樱桃
Crabapple ['krb'pl] 海棠果
Carambola [,krm'bol]杨桃
Cherry tomato圣女果
Chestnut 栗子 ['tsnt]
Coconut ['koknt] 椰子
Cranberry ['krn'bri]曼越莓
Custard['kstd] apple 番荔枝
Common fig [fɡ]无花果
Damson ['dmzn] 洋李子(黑紫色)
Date 枣子
Durian ['drn]榴莲
Grape 葡萄
Grapefruit ['ɡrepfrut]葡萄柚
Guava ['ɡwɑv]番石榴
Haw [h]山楂
Hami melon 哈蜜瓜
Lemon 柠檬
Lichee[,l'ti] 荔枝
Longan ['lɡn]龙眼、桂圆
Loquat ['lokwɑt]枇杷
Lotus nut (seed) 莲子
Mango 芒果
Mandarin['mndrn] 中国柑桔
Mulberry ['ml'bri]桑果
Nectarine[nktrin] 油桃
Olive 橄榄
Orange 橙子
Papaya [p'pa] (Pawpaw) 木瓜
Peach 桃子
Peanut 花生
Pear 梨
Persimmon[p'smn] 柿子
Pineapple ['pan'pl] 菠萝
Pitaya ['ptj]火龙果
Plum 李子
Pomegranate ['pɑmɡrnt]石榴
Pomelo ['pɑmlo]柚子
Rambutan [rm'butn]红毛丹
Raspberry ['rzbri] 树莓
Shaddock ['dk] 文旦
Strawberry 草莓
Sugar cane 甘蔗
Sunflower seeds 瓜子
Tangerine ['tnd'rin]橘子
Water Caltrop['kltrp]菱角
Watermelon['wtmln] 西瓜
Wax apple莲雾
Pulp/flesh 果肉
Apple core 苹果核
Apricot pit杏仁核
Nucleus ['nukls]核仁
Seed 籽
Peel 皮
Tender 嫩的.
Canned fruit 水果罐头
Crisp 脆的
Rotten ['rɑtn] 烂的
Ripe [rap] 熟的(特指水果)
Unripe 未熟的
Fresh 新鲜的
Hard 坚硬的
Juice 果汁
Juicy 多汁的
Succulent 多汁的
Dew 果露
Seasonable 应季的
Greengrocer ['ɡrinɡros] 蔬果商