高中英语单词表「E」 篇一:Exploring the World of "E" Words
In the vast world of English vocabulary, the letter "E" holds a special place. It is the fifth letter of the alphabet and carries with it a multitude of words that are essential for high school students to learn. Let's dive into the world of "E" words and discover their meanings and usage.
1. Enthusiastic: This word describes a person who is full of excitement and energy. An enthusiastic student is always eager to learn and participate in class activities. It is important to be enthusiastic about our studies to achieve success.
2. Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It is an important trait to develop as it helps us connect with people on a deeper level. Showing empathy towards others can make a significant difference in their lives.
3. Exemplary: When something is exemplary, it means it serves as a perfect example or model. An exemplary student not only excels academically but also demonstrates good character and behavior. Striving to be exemplary in all aspects of life is a goal worth pursuing.
4. Evolve: To evolve means to develop or change gradually over time. Just like the world around us, we should strive to evolve and grow personally, academically, and emotionally. Embracing change and learning from our experiences can lead to personal growth.
5. Elaborate: Elaborate means to add more details or information to something. When writing essays or giving presentations, it is crucial to elaborate on our ideas to provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of the topic. Elaborating helps to engage the reader or listener.
6. Endurance: Endurance is the ability to withstand hardships or challenges without giving up. It is an important trait to develop as it helps us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. The journey to success often requires endurance and perseverance.
7. Exquisite: Something that is exquisite is extremely beautiful or elegant. It can be used to describe art, music, or even a person's appearance. Appreciating the exquisite things in life can bring joy and inspiration.
8. Enigma: An enigma is something or someone that is mysterious or difficult to understand. It can be exciting to unravel the mysteries and solve the enigmas that life presents us. Embracing curiosity and critical thinking can help us navigate through the unknown.
9. Eloquent: Eloquent refers to someone who is skilled at expressing themselves clearly and fluently. It is an important skill to develop as effective communication is essential in various aspects of life. Being eloquent can help us convey our thoughts and ideas effectively.
10. Ethical: Ethical refers to principles or values that guide our behavior and actions. It is important to have a strong sense of ethics and to make decisions based on what is right and just. Upholding ethical standards is crucial for personal and societal well-being.
These are just a few examples of the many "E" words that are essential for high school students to learn. By expanding our vocabulary and understanding the meanings and usage of these words, we can enhance our communication skills and broaden our horizons. So let's embrace the world of "E" words and explore the wonders they hold!
高中英语单词表「E」 篇二:Exploring the Exciting World of "E" Words
Welcome to the exciting world of "E" words! In this article, we will explore a variety of words that start with the letter "E" and discover their meanings and usage. Let's embark on this linguistic journey together!
1. Eager: Eager describes a feeling of enthusiastic readiness or willingness. It is often used to express excitement or anticipation. For example, a student might be eager to start a new school year or learn a new subject.
2. Empower: To empower means to give someone the authority or power to do something. It is about providing individuals with the tools and resources they need to succeed. Empowering others can lead to personal growth and positive change.
3. Exhilarating: Exhilarating refers to something that is thrilling or invigorating. It is often used to describe experiences that evoke strong emotions or excitement. For example, going on a roller coaster ride can be exhilarating.
4. Entrepreneur: An entrepreneur is a person who starts and manages a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of making a profit. Entrepreneurs are known for their innovation, creativity, and determination. Many successful companies were founded by visionary entrepreneurs.
5. Equality: Equality is the state of being equal in rights, opportunities, and status. It is an important concept in promoting fairness and justice. Striving for equality is crucial to building a harmonious and inclusive society.
6. Exquisite: Exquisite refers to something that is extremely beautiful or elegant. It is often used to describe art, craftsmanship, or fine dining experiences. Appreciating the exquisite things in life can bring joy and inspiration.
7. Enchanting: Enchanting describes something that is charming or delightful. It is often used to describe places, books, or music that captivate our senses and imagination. A beautiful sunset can be enchanting.
8. Evolution: Evolution refers to the gradual development or change of something over time. It is a fundamental concept in biology and explains how species adapt and diversify. Understanding the process of evolution can help us appreciate the wonders of the natural world.
9. Exemplify: To exemplify means to serve as a typical example or demonstration of something. It is often used to illustrate a point or concept. For instance, a dedicated athlete can exemplify the importance of hard work and perseverance.
10. Exploration: Exploration is the act of traveling or investigating new territories, ideas, or concepts. It is about venturing into the unknown and discovering new possibilities. Exploration fuels curiosity and drives innovation.
These are just a few examples of the many "E" words that enrich the English language. By expanding our vocabulary and understanding the meanings and usage of these words, we can enhance our communication skills and broaden our horizons. So let's embrace the exciting world of "E" words and embark on a journey of linguistic exploration!
高中英语单词表「E」 篇三
1、each a.& pron.每人.每个.每件
2、eager a. 渴望的,热切的
3、eagle n. 鹰
4、ear n.耳朵.耳状物;听力,听觉
5、early a. 早的 ad. 早地
6、earn vt. 挣得,赚得
7、earth n. 地球;土,泥;大地
8、earthquake n. 地震
9、ease v. 减轻;缓解(难度或严重程度)
10、easily ad. 容易地
11、east a. 东方;东部的;朝东的;从东方来 ad. 在东方;向东方;从东方 n. 东,东方;东部
12、Easter n. 复活节
13、eastern a. 东方的;东部的
14、eastwards ad. 向东
15、easy a. 容易的,不费力的
16、easy--going a. 随和的
17、eat (ate, eaten) v. 吃
18、ecology n. 生态,生态学
19、edge n. 边缘
20、edition n.(发行物的)版,版(本)
21、editor n. 编辑
22、educate vt. 教育,培养
23、educator n. 教育家
24、education n. 教育,培养
25、effect n. 效果;作用
26、effort n. 努力,艰难的尝试
27、egg n. 蛋;卵
28、eggplant n. 茄子
29、Egypt* n. 埃及
30、Egyptian a. 埃及的;埃及人的;埃及语的 n. 埃及人
31、eight num. 八
32、eighteen num. 十八
33、eighth num. 第八
34、eighty num. 八十
35、either a. 两方任一方的;二者之一 conj. 二者之一;要么……
36、ad. (用于否定句或短语后)也
37、elder n. 长者;前辈
38、elect vt. (投票)选举
39、electric a. 电的
40、electrical a. 电的;电器的
41、electricity n. 电;电流
42、electronic a. 电子的
43、elegant a.文雅的,漂亮的,精美的
44、elephant n. 象
45、eleven num. 十一
46、else ad. 别的,其他的
47、e-mail/e?n. 电子邮件
48、embarrass v.使窘迫,尴尬
49、embassy n. 大使馆
50、emergency n.紧急情况或状态
51、emperor n. 皇帝
52、empire n. 帝国
53、employ vt. 雇佣
54、empty a. 空的
55、encourage vt. 鼓励
56、encouragement n. 鼓励
57、end n. 末尾;终点;结束 v. 结束,终止
58、ending n. 结局;结尾,最后
59、endless a. 无止境的; 没完的
60、enemy n. 敌人;敌军
61、energetic a. 精力旺盛的
62、energy n. 精力,能量
63、engine n. 发动机,引擎
64、engineer n. 工程师;技师
65、England* n. 英格兰
66、English a. 英国的,英国人的,英语的 n. 英语
67、English -speaking a.说英语的
68、enjoy vt.欣赏;享受乐趣;喜欢
69、enjoyable a. 愉快的;有趣的'
70、enlarge vt. 扩大
71、enough n. 足够;充足 a. 足够;充分的 ad. 足够地;充分地
72、enquiry n. 询问
73、enter vt. 进入
74、enterprise n.公司,企,事业单位
75、entertainment n. 娱乐
76、enthusiastic a.热情的,热心的
77、entire a. 整个的,全部的
78、entrance n. 入口;入场;进入的权利;入学许可
79、entry n. 进入
80、envelope n. 信封
81、environment n.环境
82、envy vt.& n. 忌妒; 羡慕
83、equal a.平等的 vt.等于,使等于
84、equality n. 平等
85、equip vt. 提供设备;装备;配备
86、equipment n. 装备,设备
87、eraser n. 橡皮擦;黑板擦
88、error n. 错误;差错
89、erupt v.(火山)爆发,喷发
90、escape n.& vi. 逃跑;逃脱
91、especially ad. 特别,尤其
92、essay n. 散文;文章;随笔
93、Europe* n. 欧洲
94、European a. 欧洲的,欧洲人的 n. 欧洲人
95、evaluate v.估值,评价,评估
96、even ad. 甚至,连(…都);更
97、evening n. 傍晚,晚上
98、event n. 事件,大事
99、eventually ad.最终地
100、ever ad. 曾经;无论何时
101、every a. 每一,每个的
102、everybody pron. 每人,人人
103、everyday a. 每日的;日常的
104、everyone pron. 每人,人人
105、everything pron. 每件事,事事
106、everywhere ad. 到处
107、evidence n. 证据,证明
108、evident a.清楚的,显而易见的
109、evolution n. 进化,演变
110、exact a. 精确的;确切的
111、exactly ad. 精确地;确切地
112、exam = examination n. 考试,测试;检查;审查
113、examine vt. 检查;诊察
114、example n. 例子;榜样
115、excellent a. 极好的,优秀的
116、except prep. 除……之外
117、exchange n. 交换,掉换;交流
118、excite vt. 使兴奋,使激动
119、excuse n.借口.辩解 vt.原谅.宽恕
120、exercise n. 锻炼,做操;练习,习题 vi. 锻炼
121、exhibition n. 展览;展览会
122、exist vi. 存在
123、existence n.存在;生存;存在物
124、exit n. 出口,太平门
125、expand v.扩大,增加,扩展
126、expect vt. 预料;盼望;认为
127、expectation n. 预料;期望
128、expense n. 消费; 支出
129、expensive a. 昂贵的
130、experience n. 经验;经历
131、experiment n. 实验
132、expert n. 专家,能手
133、explain vt. 解释,说明
134、explanation n. 解释,说明
135、explicit a.清楚明白,易于理解的
136、explode v. (使)爆炸
137、exploit vt.开采.开发.利用.剥削
138、explore v. 探险
139、explorer n. 探险者
140、export n. / v.出口,输出
141、expose vt. 揭露
142、express vt. 表达;表示;表情 n. 快车,特快专递
143、n. 表达;词句;表示,说法;表情
144、extension n.扩大,延伸
145、extra a. 额外的,外加的
146、extraordinary a. 离奇的;使人惊奇的
147、extreme a. 极其的,非常的
148、extremely ad. 极其,非常
149、eye n. 眼睛
150、eyesight n. 视力;视觉
151、eyewitness n. 目击证人