
亲属相关英语词汇 篇一

Family plays a significant role in everyone's life. Whether it’s immediate family or extended relatives, they are an essential part of our support system. In this article, we will explore some commonly used English vocabulary related to family.

1. Parents - Mother and father are the two most important figures in a person's life. They provide love, guidance, and support from childhood to adulthood.

2. Siblings - Brothers and sisters are our lifelong companions. They share our childhood memories and often become our closest friends.

3. Grandparents - Grandfathers and grandmothers are the parents of our parents. They bring wisdom, love, and stories from the past.

4. Aunts and Uncles - Our parents' siblings are our aunts and uncles. They often play a significant role in our lives, providing advice and support.

5. Cousins - The children of our aunts and uncles are our cousins. They are like siblings we get to choose and can be great friends.

6. Nephews and Nieces - The children of our siblings are our nephews and nieces. Watching them grow up and being part of their lives is a unique experience.

7. In-laws - When we get married, we gain a new set of relatives through our spouse. These include our mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law.

8. Extended Family - Besides immediate family, we also have extended family members such as aunts, uncles, and cousins from both our parents' sides.

9. Relatives - This term encompasses all family members, including immediate and extended family.

10. Family Reunion - A family reunion is a gathering where multiple generations of a family come together to reconnect, share stories, and strengthen family bonds.

11. Family Tree - A family tree is a visual representation of a person's ancestry, showing the relationships between different family members across generations.

12. Godparents - Godparents are chosen to support and guide a child's spiritual development. They are often close family friends or relatives.

13. Stepfamily - A stepfamily is formed when a parent remarries, and their new spouse brings children from a previous relationship.

14. Foster Family - A foster family provides temporary care for children who are unable to live with their biological parents.

15. Adoptive Family - An adoptive family is formed when individuals legally take on the role of parents for a child who is not biologically related to them.

These are just a few examples of the many English vocabulary words related to family. Family is a universal concept, and having a good understanding of these words can help us communicate better in various situations.

亲属相关英语词汇 篇二

Family is a core aspect of our lives, providing love, support, and a sense of belonging. In this article, we will dive into some advanced English vocabulary related to family.

1. Maternal/Paternal - These terms refer to the mother's side (maternal) and father's side (paternal) of the family. For example, a maternal grandmother is the mother of one's mother.

2. Sibling Rivalry - This term describes the competition, jealousy, or conflict that can arise between siblings.

3. Nuclear Family - A nuclear family consists of a married couple and their biological or adopted children, living together under one roof.

4. Blended Family - A blended family is formed when two people with children from previous relationships get married or live together.

5. Lineage - Lineage refers to a person's direct descent from an ancestor or a long line of ancestors.

6. Descendant - A descendant is a person who is directly descended from a specific ancestor.

7. Ancestry - Ancestry refers to the family or ethnic background of a person, including their lineage and heritage.

8. Genealogy - Genealogy is the study and tracing of family lineages and history.

9. Next of Kin - Next of kin refers to the person who is closest in relation to an individual, typically a spouse or immediate family member.

10. Family Values - Family values are the moral and ethical principles that guide the behavior and decisions of a family unit.

11. Family Dynamics - Family dynamics refer to the patterns, interactions, and relationships within a family.

12. Intergenerational - Intergenerational refers to the interaction or exchange between different generations within a family.

13. Filial - Filial refers to the relationship between a child and their parents or the respect and duty that children have towards their parents.

14. Inheritance - Inheritance refers to the property, money, or possessions that are passed down to family members after someone's death.

15. Family Name - A family name, also known as a surname or last name, is a shared name that identifies members of a family.

Understanding these advanced vocabulary words related to family allows for more nuanced conversations and discussions about familial relationships and dynamics.

Family is a complex and beautiful part of our lives, and having a rich vocabulary to describe different aspects of it can enhance our ability to communicate and connect with others.

亲属相关英语词汇 篇三



  relations, relatives, kinfolk, kin 亲属

  my family 我家

  my people 我家人

  next of kin 近亲

  family life 家庭生活

  caste 社会地位

  generation 代

  branch 支,系

  tribe 部族,部落

  clan 氏族

  race, breed 种族

  lineage 宗族,世系

  stock 门第,血统

  of noble birth 贵族出身

  of humble birth 平民出身

  dynasty 朝代

  origin 出身

  ancestry 祖先,先辈

  ancestors, forebears, forefathers 祖先

  extraction 家世

  descent, offspring 后代,后辈

  descendants 后代,晚辈

  progeny, issue 后裔

  succession 继承

  consanguinity, blood relationship 血缘

  kinsmen by blood 血亲

  affinity 姻亲关系,嫡戚关系

  kinsmen by affinity 姻亲

  blood 血

  family tree 家谱





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