商务英语中的业务用语 篇一
1. Deal with:处理,解决
- We need to deal with this issue as soon as possible. 我们需要尽快处理这个问题。
2. Follow up:跟进
- I will follow up with the client to ensure their satisfaction. 我会跟进客户以确保他们的满意度。
3. Reach an agreement:达成协议
- After several rounds of negotiations, we finally reached an agreement. 经过几轮谈判,我们终于达成了协议。
4. Make a proposal:提出建议
- I would like to make a proposal to improve our marketing strategy. 我想提出一个改进我们市场策略的建议。
5. Close a deal:达成交易
- We are very happy to announce that we have closed a deal with a new client. 我们非常高兴地宣布我们与一个新客户达成了交易。
6. Sign a contract:签订合同
- We will sign the contract next week after reviewing all the terms and conditions. 在审查所有条款和条件后,我们将在下周签署合同。
7. Arrange a meeting:安排会议
- Let's arrange a meeting to discuss the project in more detail. 让我们安排一个会议来更详细地讨论这个项目。
8. Send an invoice:发送发票
- Please send us an invoice for the goods we purchased. 请给我们发送购买商品的发票。
9. Place an order:下订单
- We would like to place an order for 100 units of the product. 我们想订购100个单位的产品。
10. Ship the goods:发货
- We will ship the goods as soon as we receive the payment. 一旦收到付款,我们将立即发货。
商务英语中的业务用语 篇二
1. Market analysis:市场分析
- We need to conduct a market analysis to understand our target customers. 我们需要进行市场分析,了解我们的目标客户。
2. Sales forecast:销售预测
- Based on the market analysis, we have made a sales forecast for the next quarter. 根据市场分析,我们对下一季度进行了销售预测。
3. Competitive advantage:竞争优势
- Our competitive advantage lies in our superior product quality and customer service. 我们的竞争优势在于我们卓越的产品质量和客户服务。
4. Cost-effective:性价比高的
- Our product is cost-effective, offering great value for the price. 我们的产品性价比高,物有所值。
5. Target audience:目标受众
- Our target audience for this marketing campaign is young professionals aged 25-35. 我们在这次营销活动中的目标受众是年龄在25-35岁的年轻专业人士。
6. Brand image:品牌形象
- We need to work on improving our brand image to attract more customers. 我们需要努力改善我们的品牌形象,吸引更多的客户。
7. Market share:市场份额
- We aim to increase our market share by 10% in the next year. 我们的目标是在明年将市场份额增加10%。
8. Customer retention:客户保留
- We have implemented a customer retention program to ensure our existing customers stay loyal to our brand. 我们已经实施了一个客户保留计划,以确保我们的现有客户对我们的品牌保持忠诚。
9. Supply chain:供应链
- We have a robust supply chain that ensures timely delivery of our products. 我们有一个强大的供应链,确保产品能够及时交付。
10. Return on investment (ROI):投资回报率
- We need to analyze the ROI of our marketing efforts to determine their effectiveness. 我们需要分析我们的营销投入的回报率,以确定其有效性。
商务英语中的业务用语 篇三
在银行工作中,我们会用到的一些基本用语:account payee(请输入收款人的户号)、advice to pay cheque(请支付票款)、accounts differ(金额有错误)、present again tomorrow(请明天再次提出为荷)、good for payment(保证付款)、not sufficient(余额不足)、notto be protested in case of dishonor(如支票不获兑现时,不必出具拒绝证书)、non-transferable(禁止转让)、value received(上开价金已收到)、value in account(上开价金系经核算)、value as per invoice(上开金额与发票相同)、value as per advice(上开金额与通知书相符)、without recourse(无追索权)、right of recourse(有追索权)、recourse account(清偿账户)、recourse repudiation(拒绝偿还)。对于银行的.一些业务条例,我们可以说:We shall be glad to receive deposits of 1000 RMB and upward(我们乐意接受1000人民币以上的存款)。银行结算上面,我们可以说:This account is under examination, and if found correct,it shall be carried to a new account, in conformity with your instruction(上开账目,现正核对,如无错误,将遵照贵公司的指示,转入新开的账户内)。
对于商务英语从事外贸的肯定更多,所以对于外贸业务用语有如下:foreign trade(对外贸易)、overseas trade(海外贸易)、international trade(国际贸易)、to do business in a moderate way(做生意稳重)、to make a deal(做一笔生意)、to trade in(经营某商品)等。还有一些贸易中的常用语句,例如,They mainly trade with Japanese firms(他们主要跟日本商行进行贸易);For the past five years,we have done a lot of trade with your company(过去的五年间我们跟贵公司进行了大量的贸易);There has been a slowdown in the wool trade with you(和你们的羊毛贸易已有所减少);Our company mainly trades in arts and crafts(我们公司主要经营手工艺品);To respect the local custom of the buying country is one
对于商务英语的销售用语来说,又会是怎样的呢?销售中常用的词汇有:import(进口)、export(出口)、weight(重量)、net weight(净重)、customs declaration(报关单)、invoice(发票)、sales contract(销售确认书)、 bill of lading(提单)、cost,insurance&freight(成本、保险加运费)等等;常用语句有:There is a good /poor/no market for these articles(这些商品畅销、滞销、无销路);This product has been a best seller for nearly one year(这货已经畅销近一年了)、please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery(由于对此货的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源)、we are trying to find a market for this article(我们正在努力为此项商品找销路);等等。