安徒生童话英文版:The Talisman【实用3篇】
安徒生童话英文版:The Talisman 篇一
Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a young orphan named Oliver. Despite his difficult circumstances, Oliver had a heart full of kindness and a deep curiosity for the world around him. One day, while exploring the forest near the village, he stumbled upon a mysterious talisman lying among the fallen leaves.
The talisman was made of a sparkling blue crystal and was shaped like a star. Oliver picked it up, feeling a strange warmth radiating from it. Little did he know that this talisman held immense power and had the ability to grant wishes.
Excited by his discovery, Oliver decided to make a wish. "I wish for a never-ending supply of food for all the hungry people in the village," he whispered, closing his eyes. As soon as he opened them, he found himself surrounded by baskets overflowing with delicious fruits, bread, and vegetables. The villagers rejoiced and thanked Oliver for his selfless wish.
News of Oliver's magical talisman spread throughout the kingdom, and people from far and wide came to seek his help. Oliver, always eager to help others, used the talisman to bring joy and happiness to those in need. He granted wishes to heal the sick, bring warmth to the homeless, and reunite lost loved ones.
As time went on, Oliver's fame grew, and he became known as the "Wishmaker." He traveled to different villages, spreading kindness and granting wishes wherever he went. However, as more and more people sought his aid, Oliver began to feel overwhelmed.
One day, a young girl named Emma approached Oliver with tears in her eyes. "I wish for my parents to come back," she sobbed. Oliver's heart ached for her, but he knew that he couldn't grant her wish. The talisman's power was limited, and he had already used it to its fullest extent.
Feeling helpless, Oliver realized that he needed to find a way to restore the talisman's power. He embarked on a quest to search for the enchanted cave where the talisman was created. After a long and treacherous journey, he finally reached the cave and discovered a hidden chamber filled with magical energy.
With great care, Oliver placed the talisman in the center of the chamber, and it began to glow with a renewed brilliance. The talisman absorbed the energy from the chamber, restoring its power and granting Oliver the ability to continue granting wishes.
From that day forward, Oliver continued his mission as the Wishmaker, bringing hope and happiness to those in need. He learned to use the talisman wisely and only granted wishes that would bring true and lasting joy.
The tale of Oliver and the talisman spread far and wide, inspiring others to be kind and selfless. And so, the village that once held a lonely orphan became a place filled with love, compassion, and the belief in the power of a single wish.
安徒生童话英文版:The Talisman 篇二
In a land far away, there lived a young girl named Lily. She was known for her courage and adventurous spirit. One day, while exploring an ancient castle, Lily stumbled upon a hidden room filled with dusty books and mysterious artifacts.
Among the artifacts, she found a small, golden talisman. The talisman was adorned with intricate engravings and had a small, sparkling gem at its center. Intrigued by its beauty, Lily decided to keep the talisman as a lucky charm.
Little did she know, the talisman held a secret power. Whenever Lily held it close and made a wish, the talisman would grant it, but with a twist. The wish would always come true, but in a way that taught Lily a valuable lesson.
Excited by her newfound discovery, Lily made her first wish. "I wish for unlimited wealth," she whispered, closing her eyes. When she opened them, she found herself surrounded by piles of gold and jewels. However, she soon realized that her newfound wealth brought her no joy or happiness. Instead, it made her feel isolated and lonely.
Realizing the lesson the talisman was trying to teach her, Lily made another wish. "I wish for true friendship," she said, this time with sincerity in her voice. As soon as she made the wish, a small, talking bird appeared before her. The bird introduced himself as Oliver and became Lily's loyal and trustworthy friend.
As time went on, Lily continued to make wishes, each time learning valuable lessons about the true meaning of happiness. She wished for love and discovered that it cannot be forced but must be nurtured and cherished. She wished for success and realized that it is not measured by material possessions but by personal growth and fulfillment.
Through her experiences, Lily learned the importance of gratitude, compassion, and selflessness. She used her wishes to help others, bringing joy and positivity into their lives. She wished for a bountiful harvest for the farmers, healing for the sick, and peace for those in conflict.
With each wish, Lily's heart grew wiser and more compassionate. She realized that the power of the talisman was not just to grant her desires but to help her become a better person. It taught her to appreciate the simple joys of life and to find happiness in the journey, rather than just the destination.
As time passed, Lily's adventures and the lessons she learned became legendary. People from all corners of the kingdom sought her wisdom and guidance. She became known as the "Keeper of the Talisman," using its power to inspire others to seek true happiness and fulfillment.
And so, the tale of Lily and the talisman became a story passed down through generations, reminding people of the importance of gratitude, kindness, and the pursuit of true happiness. The talisman may have granted their wishes, but it was Lily's wisdom and courage that truly transformed their lives.
安徒生童话英文版:The Talisman 篇三
A Prince and a Princess were still celebrating theirhoneymoon. They were extremely happy; only onethought disturbed them, and that was how toretain their present happiness. For that reason theywished to own a talisman with which to protectthemselves against any unhappiness in theirmarriage.
Now, they had often been told about a manwho lived out in the forest, acclaimed byeverybody for his wisdom and known for his goodadvice in every need and difficulty. So the Prince and Princess called upon him and told himabout their heart's desire. After the wise man had listened to them he said, “Travel throughevery country in the world, and wherever you meet a completely happily married couple, askthem for a small piece of the linen they wear close to the body, and when you receive this,you must always carry it on you. That is a sure remedy!”
the Prince and the Princess rode forth, and on their way they soon heard of a knight andhis wife who were said to be living the most happily married life. They went to the knight'scastle and asked him and his wife if their marriage was truly as happy as was rumored.
“Yes, of course,” was the answer, “with the one exception that we have no children!”
Here then the talisman was not to be found, and the Prince and Princess continued theirjourney in search of the completely happily married couple.
As they traveled on, they came to a country where they heard of an honest citizen wholived in perfect unity and happiness with his wife. So to him they went, and asked if he reallywas as happily married as people said.
“Yes, I am,” answered the man. “My wife and I live in perfect harmony; if only we didn'thave so many children, for they give us a lot of worries and sorrows!”
So neither with him was the talisman to be found, and the Prince and the Princesscontinued their journey through the country, always inquiring about happily married couples;but none presented themselves.
One day, as they rode along fields and meadows, they noticed a shepherd close by theroad, cheerfully playing his flute. Just then a woman carrying a child in her arm, and holding alittle boy by the hand, walked towards him. As soon as the shepherd saw her, he GREetedher and took the little child, whom he kissed and caressed. The shepherd's dog ran to theboy, licked his little hand, and barked and jumped with joy. In the meantime the womanarranged a meal she had brought along, and then said, “Father, come and eat now!” Theman sat down and took of the food, but the first bite he gave to the little boy, and thesecond he pided between the boy and the dog. All this was observed by the Prince and thePrincess, who walked closer, and spoke to them, saying, “You must be a truly happilymarried couple.”
“Yes, that we are,” said the man. “God be praised; no prince or princess could behappier than we are!”
“Now listen then,” said the Prince. “Do us a favor, and you shall never reGREt it. Give usa small piece of the linen garment you wear close to your body!”
As he spoke, the shepherd and his wife looked strangely at each other, and finally hesaid, “God knows we would be only too happy to give you not only a small piece, but thewhole shirt, or undergarment, if we only had them, but we own not as much as a rag!”
So the Prince and the Princess journeyed on, their mission unaccomplished. Finally, theirunsuccessful roaming discouraged them, and they decided to return home. As they passedthe wise man's hut, they stopped by, related all their travel experiences, and reproachedhim for giving them such poor advice.
At that the wise man smiled and said, “Has your trip really been all in vain? Are you notreturning richer in knowledge?”
“Yes,” answered the Prince, “I have gained this knowledge, that contentment is a raregift on this earth.”
“And I have learned,” said the Princess, “that to be contented, one needs nothing morethan simply - to be contented!”
Whereupon the Prince took the Princess' hand; they looked at each other with anexpres