
夏季各式冷饮英语词汇 篇一

In the scorching summer heat, nothing beats the refreshing and cooling sensation of a cold beverage. From classic favorites to trendy new creations, let's explore a variety of summer cold drinks in English.

1. Lemonade: A classic and timeless summer drink, lemonade is made by mixing lemon juice, water, and sugar. It can be enjoyed as a plain lemonade or infused with various flavors like strawberry, raspberry, or mint.

2. Iced tea: Another popular summer beverage, iced tea is made by chilling freshly brewed tea and serving it over ice. It can be sweetened with sugar or flavored with lemon or peach.

3. Smoothie: A favorite among health-conscious individuals, a smoothie is a blended drink made with fruits, yogurt, ice, and sometimes honey or protein powder. It can be customized with a variety of fruits like berries, bananas, mangoes, or pineapples.

4. Milkshake: A creamy and indulgent treat, a milkshake is made by blending milk, ice cream, and flavorings like chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry. It can be topped with whipped cream, chocolate syrup, or sprinkles.

5. Slushie: Perfect for hot summer days, a slushie is a frozen drink made by blending ice, fruit juice, and sweeteners like sugar or syrup. It is often enjoyed in flavors like blue raspberry, cherry, or watermelon.

6. Frappuccino: A popular drink from a well-known coffee chain, a frappuccino is a blended beverage made with coffee or cream base, ice, and various flavorings. It can be customized with syrups, whipped cream, or caramel drizzle.

7. Soda pop: A carbonated beverage, soda pop is enjoyed in various flavors like cola, lemon-lime, orange, or root beer. It is usually served chilled with ice and can be paired with a slice of lemon or lime.

8. Fruit punch: A fruity and refreshing drink, fruit punch is made by mixing different fruit juices and sometimes carbonated water. It can be garnished with fresh fruits like oranges, strawberries, or pineapple.

9. Coconut water: Known for its hydrating properties, coconut water is the clear liquid found inside young coconuts. It is naturally sweet and can be enjoyed as is or mixed with other fruits for a tropical twist.

10. Sparkling water: A fizzy and refreshing alternative to sugary drinks, sparkling water is carbonated water that can be enjoyed plain or flavored with natural extracts like citrus or berries.

No matter which cold beverage you choose to beat the summer heat, these English words will help you navigate the menu and enjoy a refreshing drink. Stay cool and hydrated!

夏季各式冷饮英语词汇 篇二

With the arrival of summer, it's time to explore a wide range of cold beverages to cool down and quench our thirst. From traditional classics to innovative concoctions, let's discover a variety of summer cold drinks in English.

1. Popsicle: A frozen treat made by freezing flavored water or fruit juice on a stick. Popsicles are available in various fruity flavors like strawberry, orange, or lime.

2. Shaved ice: A popular summer dessert, shaved ice is made by shaving a block of ice and then topping it with flavored syrups. It is commonly enjoyed with fruity flavors like mango, pineapple, or cherry.

3. Sorbet: A dairy-free frozen dessert made with fruit puree, sugar, and water. Sorbet is known for its refreshing and light texture, and it comes in flavors like lemon, raspberry, or mango.

4. Granita: A semi-frozen dessert made by scraping a mixture of flavored water, sugar, and fruit juice. It has a slushy texture and is often enjoyed in flavors like coffee, lemon, or watermelon.

5. Bubble tea: A popular Taiwanese beverage, bubble tea is made with tea, milk, ice, and chewy tapioca pearls. It can be enjoyed in various flavors like green tea, taro, or passion fruit.

6. Fruit smoothie: A blended drink made with fresh or frozen fruits, yogurt, and ice. Fruit smoothies are versatile and can be customized with a variety of fruits like banana, strawberry, or blueberry.

7. Iced coffee: A refreshing twist on traditional hot coffee, iced coffee is made by chilling brewed coffee and serving it over ice. It can be enjoyed black or with milk and sugar.

8. Milk tea: A popular beverage in many Asian countries, milk tea is made by combining tea with milk and sweeteners. It can be enjoyed in flavors like black tea, green tea, or matcha.

9. Slush puppy: A frozen drink made with crushed ice and flavored syrup. Slush puppies are enjoyed in various fruity flavors and are often served in colorful cups with a straw.

10. Sparkling lemonade: A bubbly and refreshing drink made by mixing lemonade with sparkling water or soda. It is often garnished with lemon slices or mint leaves.

From frozen treats to creamy beverages, these English words will help you explore and enjoy a variety of cold drinks this summer. So kick back, relax, and sip on your favorite cooling concoction. Stay chill!

夏季各式冷饮英语词汇 篇三

  1. 冰激凌(ice cream)

  冰激凌大概是女孩子们最喜欢的的冷饮了,比如哈根达斯(Haagen-Dzas),意大利语里的冰激凌叫gelato。其主要原料包括饮用水、牛乳(milk)、奶粉(milk powder)、奶油(cream)、食糖(sugar)等。加入各种不同原料后可以制成众多口味的冰激凌,满足各种挑剔的味蕾。

  果蔬冰激凌(ice cream with fruits and vegetables):鲜奶液和鲜果酱等,包括哈密瓜、草莓、香蕉、芒果、柠檬、橙、苹果、樱桃、蓝莓、猕猴桃、葡萄、香草、香芋、抹茶

  冻酸奶(frozen yogurt):以“酸奶”冰激凌粉或者浆料为原料,富含活性益生菌,有助提高免疫力

  奶油冰激凌(custard ice cream):以“奶油”为原料制作的冰激凌,口感润滑舒爽,但热量高



  chocolate ice cream 巧克力冰激凌

  vanilla ice cream 香草冰激凌

  mint ice cream 薄荷冰激凌

  mango ice cream 芒果冰激凌

  blueberry ice cream 蓝莓冰激凌

  rosemary ice cream 迷迭香冰激凌

  green tea ice cream 抹茶冰激凌

  strawberry ice cream 草莓冰激凌

  crushed cherry ice cream 樱桃冰激凌

  chocolate /strawberry sundae 巧克力/草莓圣代

  前面说了这么多种类的冰激凌,是不是有人以为冰激凌是从国外引进的?No, 早在800年以前,中国就有冰激凌了。在元朝的时候,一位精明的食品店商人突发奇想,他尝试着在冰中添加一些蜜糖、牛奶和珍珠粉,结果制成了世界上最早的冰激凌。那古代没有冰箱,是怎么储存冰冻食品的呢?

  古人所用的器具叫“冰鉴”, 样子就像现在的瓮。它由内外两件器物构成;外部为鉴,鉴内置一尊缶。鉴与尊缶之间有较大的空隙,夏天可以放入冰块,冬天则贮存温水,尊缶内盛酒,这样就可以喝到“冬暖夏凉”的酒。

  2、雪糕(ice cream bars)/ 冰棍(popsicle)

  不过最怀念的.应该小时候最爱吃的雪糕或者棒冰。中国是冰棍的故乡,早在3000多年以前,中国就有用冰解暑(relieving summer-heat)的记载,发明冰激凌则是很久以后的事儿了。其原料和制作方法与冰激凌类似但相对简单,很多人甚至自己在家制作(homemade),方便实惠。不过注意不要在一大早起来空腹吃冰棍,以免寒气从胃而入,导致胃寒(stomach cold)体虚,免疫力下降。

  冰棍儿 Ice lolly / popsicle / ice pop /freezer pop

  柠檬冰棍 lemon ice lolly


  包括汽水(soda water)、果汁(juice)、酸梅汤(sweet-sour plum juice)和可乐(coke)类以及各种兑制饮料等。

  果汁:又分为原果汁(raw juice)、鲜果汁(fresh juice)、浓缩果汁(concentrated juices)和果汁酱等,是将水果汁液,兑入不同剂量的水和糖配制而成。此类饮料含维生素丰富(特别是维生素C含量较多),此外还含有丰富的有机酸(organic acid)和无机盐(mineral salt)等,是一类营养丰富,易于消化又帮助消化的理想饮料。夏天备受欢迎的大多有西瓜汁、番茄汁、黄瓜汁、梨汁、草莓汁等等。


  苏打水 soda water

  柠檬苏打水 lemon soda water

  橙汁 orange juice

  梨汁 pear juice

  西瓜汁 watermelon juice

  番茄汁 tomato juice

  黄瓜汁 fresh cucumber juice

  草莓汁 strawberry juice

  胡萝卜汁 fresh carrot juice

  葡萄柚汁 grapefruit juice

  山楂胡萝卜汁 haw & carrot juice

  酸梅汤:酸梅汤是老北京传统的消暑饮料,在炎热的季节,多数人家会买乌梅(smoked plum)来自行熬制(也有用杨梅代替乌梅),里边放点白糖去酸,冰镇后饮用。具有消暑开胃、生津止渴(help produce

saliva and slake thirst)的功效,是炎热夏季不可多得的保健饮品。

  可乐:黑褐色、甜味、含咖啡因(caffeine)的碳酸饮料(carbonated beverage)。可乐解暑的原理在于其中含有二氧化碳(carbon dioxide),二氧化碳到了人体里再打嗝出来的时候就会把人体的热量带走。


  啤酒:以大麦芽(barley malt)、酒花(hops)、水为主要原料,经酵母发酵作用酿制而成的饱含二氧化碳的低酒精度酒,被称为“液体面包”(liquid bread),少量饮用对身体健康有益处,所以在炎热的夏季,冰镇啤酒是很多男士的最爱。其他还有苹果酒(cider wine)、各类鸡尾酒(cocktail)等。

  vapid beer 淡而无味的啤酒

  ale 麦芽啤酒

  foaming beer 起沫啤酒

  draft beer 生啤

  fruit beer 果啤

  brown ale/ dark beer 黑啤酒

  Bitter ale / real ale 苦啤酒

  champagne cocktail 香槟鸡尾酒

  caesar cocktail凯撒鸡尾酒

  cherry cocktail 樱桃鸡尾酒

  Wisky Cocktail 威士忌鸡尾酒

  Aurora Jungle-Juice 极光鸡尾酒


  冰镇咖啡 iced coffee

  冰镇柠檬水 iced lemonade

  酸奶饮品 yogurt drinks

  蜂蜜柚子茶 honey citron tea

  绿茶 green tea

  冰镇奶茶 iced milk tea

  冰镇绿豆汤 iced mung bean soup

  矿泉水 mineral water



  冰淇淋 Ice Cream

  提到夏日冷饮,一定首先想到Ice cream。冰淇淋其实可以分成软硬两种,一种是hard ice cream,还有一种是soft serve。我们比较喜欢的意式冰淇淋应该叫gelato,源于意大利语。而Sundae(圣代)也是冰淇淋的一种哦,其拼写来源于"Sunday"。是不是有童鞋特别喜欢吃冰淇淋外面的“华夫脆皮筒”呢?那个叫Waffle Cone。常见的冰淇淋口味有哪些呢?原味-Original,香草味-Vanilla,薄荷味-Mint,草莓味-Strawberry,巧克力味-Chocolate等等,不知道你喜欢哪种味道?我比较喜欢Mint,哈哈!

  冰棍 Ice Lolly/ 冰沙 Smoothie

  Ice lolly也是小伙伴们暑假“解暑”的神器呀!美式英语把它叫做Popsicle或Ice pop。如今的店家可以把冰棍做成各种颜色和形状,给人不光是味觉的享受,更是视觉的“盛宴”哦!Smoothie是一种质地偏厚的饮料,通常会结合新鲜的蔬果、水、冰块、奶制品等来制作,口感也是大家颇为喜欢的一种。它和Milkshake(奶昔)的重大区别是它的冰颗粒较多且粗,另外,冰沙也可以做成不含奶的味道。

  珍珠奶茶 Bubble Tea/ 气泡水 Sparkling Water

  “学生党们”的最爱自然少不了Bubble tea啦,大家知道里面加的珍珠,英语该怎么说吗?对了,tapioca balls!如今的珍珠奶茶也已经被做得相当丰富了,你可以选择很多其他配料加入其中,口感也更好喝。炎炎夏日里,大家一定少不了点几杯美味的Bubble tea来“解解暑气”!气泡水和Soda water(苏打水)还是有区别的,前者是永冻层的冰块在外部力量挤压下自然形成的,而苏打水主要靠人工在净水里加入碳酸氢钠哦!Sparkling water其实是富含钾、钠、钙等矿物质的矿泉水。我个人还是很喜欢这款的,夏日的午后,在冰镇的气泡水里放几片柠檬,喝上几口,会感觉十分凉爽舒适!



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