
建筑的英语词汇 篇一

In the world of architecture, there are numerous English vocabulary terms that are essential to understanding and discussing various aspects of building design and construction. Whether you are an architect, a student, or simply have an interest in the field, it is important to familiarize yourself with these terms. In this article, we will explore some key architectural vocabulary.

1. Blueprint: A detailed plan or drawing that outlines the design and specifications of a building.

2. Facade: The front of a building, often the most visually prominent and decorative part.

3. Foundation: The base upon which a building is constructed, providing stability and support.

4. Structure: The framework or skeleton of a building that supports its weight.

5. Roof: The top covering of a building that protects it from weather elements.

6. Beam: A long, horizontal supporting member that carries loads across open spaces.

7. Column: A vertical, cylindrical support that carries loads from the roof or upper levels down to the foundation.

8. Wall: A vertical structure that encloses and defines the interior space of a building.

9. Staircase: A series of steps that allows passage from one level to another.

10. Arch: A curved structure that spans an opening and supports weight above it.

11. Balcony: A platform projecting from the wall of a building, often with a guardrail or balustrade.

12. Window: An opening in a wall that allows light and air to enter a building.

13. Door: An entrance or exit that allows passage into or out of a building.

14. Floor: The surface on which people walk inside a building.

15. Ceiling: The upper interior surface of a room.

These are just a few examples of the many architectural terms used in the industry. Understanding these terms will not only enable effective communication within the field but also enhance your appreciation for the art and science of building design.

建筑的英语词汇 篇二

Architecture is a fascinating blend of art, science, and engineering. It encompasses the design, construction, and aesthetics of buildings. To fully appreciate and understand this field, it is essential to familiarize oneself with the relevant English vocabulary. In this article, we will explore some additional architectural terms.

1. Fa?ade: The exterior face of a building, including its walls, windows, and doors.

2. Elevation: A drawing that shows the vertical view of a building's exterior, indicating details such as windows, doors, and materials.

3. Floor plan: A diagram that shows the layout of a building's interior, including rooms, walls, and furniture.

4. HVAC: Abbreviation for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning systems, which regulate temperature, humidity, and air quality within a building.

5. Skyscraper: A tall building with multiple floors, typically found in urban areas.

6. Atrium: An open space within a building, often featuring a large skylight or glass roof.

7. Balustrade: A protective railing or barrier, typically found on balconies or staircases.

8. Cladding: The outer layer or covering of a building, usually made of materials such as brick, stone, or metal.

9. Foundation: The base upon which a building is constructed, providing stability and support.

10. Gable: The triangular portion of a wall between the two slopes of a roof.

11. Mezzanine: An intermediate floor between two main floors of a building, often used for additional office space or storage.

12. Pedestal: A base or support on which a statue, column, or structure rests.

13. Scaffolding: Temporary structures used during construction or renovation to provide a platform for workers.

14. Skylight: A window or opening in a roof that allows natural light to enter a building.

15. Threshold: The bottom part of a doorway, often raised slightly above the floor level.

By expanding your architectural vocabulary, you will be better equipped to discuss and appreciate the complexities of building design and construction. Whether you are an architect, a student, or simply have an interest in architecture, these terms will enhance your understanding of this intricate field.

建筑的英语词汇 篇三

  fitting-out 装修

  fitting-out works 装修工程

  Five Year Redevelopment Programme 五年重建计划

  five-day normal 五天平均值

  five-leg tile 五脚砖

  five-year improvement programme 五年期改善计划

  five-year rolling programme 五年期向前推展计划

  fixed bearing 固定承座;固定支座

  fixed charge 固定押记

  fixed end moment 固端弯矩;固端力矩

  fixed level 固定水平

  fixed pump installation 固定水泵装置

  fixed term tenancy 定期租赁;定期租约

  fixture 固定装置;附属装置;夹具

  flame cleaning 火焰清理

  flame cutting 火焰切割

  flame detector 火焰探测器

  flame failure protection 熄火保险装置

  flame monitor 火焰监测器

  flame propagation 火焰传播

  flamed granite tile 烧面花岗岩砖

  flame-proof electrical fittings 防火电气配件

  flange joint 凸缘接头;凸缘接驳位

  flank wall 侧面墙;边墙

  flashing 防雨板;防水盖片

  flat 单位

  flat allocation quota 单位配额

  flat bar 扁钢;条钢

  flat channel 平渠;扁槽钢

  flat inspection 巡查屋 单位

  flat mix 楼宇组合;单位组合

  flat mix report 楼宇组合报告

  flat price 出售单位的价格

  flat production programme 建屋计划

  flat production requirement 建屋需求量

  flat purchaser 买主

  flat rate increase 划一加幅

  flat roof 平屋顶;平台

  flat roof area 平台范围

  flat selection period 选楼期间

  flat selection priority 选楼次序

  flat size 单位面积

  flat size grouping 单位面积组别

  flat slab construction 无梁板建筑

  flat slab structure 无梁板结构

  flat type 单位类型

  Flat-for-Sale Scheme [Hong Kong Housing Society] 住宅发售计划〔香港房屋协会〕

  flatlet 小单位

  flatted development 分层发展

  flatted factory 分层工厂大厦;分层厂房

  flatted factory block 分层工厂大厦

  flatted factory unit 分层工厂大厦单位

  flat-to-flat survey 逐户勘测

  Flemish bond 荷兰式砌合法

  flex-hone 软磨石

  flexi 3 block 弹性十字三型大厦

  flexi block 弹性十字型大厦

  flexible cord 软电线;软线

  flexible frame 弹性构架;柔性构架

  flexible gas tubing 气体接驳软喉

  flexible hose 软管

  flexible joint 弹性接缝;柔性接缝

  flexible load 柔性荷载

  flexible pavement 柔性路面;沥青路面

  flexible pipe 软管

  flexible structure 柔性结构

  flexible wall 柔性墙

  flexural stress 弯曲应力;挠曲应力

  flexure 弯曲;挠曲

  flint gun 火石枪;火石点火器

  float 抹灰;抹子;“磨板”

  float glass 浮法玻璃

  floated finish 粗磨面;粗抹光面

  floating charge 浮动押记

  floating foundation 浮式地基;浮基

  floating house 水上住宅

  floating refuse boom 悬浮垃圾栏

  flood channel 疏洪渠

  flood control strategy 防洪策略

  flood gate 防洪闸

  flood level 溢流水位

  flood monitoring 水浸监测

  flood prevention 防洪工作

  flood protection scheme 防洪计划

  flood protection wall 防洪墙

  flood protection works 防洪工程

  flood storage pond 蓄洪池

  flooding 洪水泛滥;水浸

  flood-prone area 易受水浸影响的地区

  floodwater pumping scheme 洪泛抽水系统

  floodway 泄洪渠

  floor 楼面;楼层;地板

  floor area 楼面面积

  floor drain 地面排水渠

  floor drain outlet 地面排水口;地台去水

  floor finish 地面终饰

  floor hinge 地板掣

  floor level 楼面;楼面标高;地台水平

  floor load 楼面荷载

  floor plan 楼面平面图;楼宇平面图

  floor screed 地台砂浆底层

  floor slab 地板;楼板

  floor space index 楼面面积指数

  floor spring 门脚铰链;“磨地铰”

  floor tile 地砖;地台瓦

  floor timber 木地板

  floor type pump 坐地泵

  flow control device 流量控制装置

  flow line 流线

  flow meter 流量计;流速计

  flow monitoring 流量监测

  flow net 流网

  flow pattern 去水情况

  flow rate 流量;流量率

  flower pot frame 花盆架

  flower rack 花盆架

  flue 烟道;废气道

  flue aperture 通风孔

  flue pipe 烟道管

  fluid mud 淤泥

  fluorescent finish paint 荧光面漆

  fluorescent lamp 荧光灯管;光管

  fluorescent light tube 荧光灯管;光管

  flush 齐平面;冲洗

  flush joint 平缝

  flush kerb 齐平路边石;平埋路缘

  flush water pump 冲水泵;冲厕水泵

  flush with ground 齐地面;放于地面

  flushing cistern 冲水箱;冲厕水箱

  flushing pipe 冲厕喉管

  flushing supply 冲厕用水;冲厕供水

  flushing unit 冲厕系统

  flushing water pipe 冲厕水水管;咸水喉

  flushing water tank 冲厕水水缸;咸水缸

  fluvial terrace 河成阶地

  flying shore 横撑;“飞撑”

  flywheel 飞轮

  foam concrete 泡沫混凝土

  folded and faulted 经历褶皱和断层;褶皱及断裂的

  folding gate 摺闸

  foliation 页理

  follower 送桩

  foot for foot basis [land exchange] 一 换一 的交换率〔换地〕

  foot pump 脚踏泵

  foot rest 脚踏板;脚踏

  foot switch 脚踏开关

  footing 基脚;地基;基础

  footing beam 基脚梁;地脚梁

  footing foundation 底脚地基

  forced draught fan 压力抽风机

  forced eviction 强行迫迁

  forecast completion 预测落成量

  foreclosure 止赎权

  foreclosure order 止赎令

  forecourt 前面的空地;前院

  foreman 管工

  foreman-in-charge 地盘主管管工

  foreshore 海滩;前滨

  forfeiture 没收

  forfeiture of a sum 没收款项

  forfeiture of property right 没收物业权;丧失物业权

  forfeiture of tenancy 没收租赁权;丧失租住权;取消租赁

  forge 锻

建筑的英语词汇 篇四

  air drain 气槽

  air dried lumber 气干材

  air drill hammer 风锥钻

  air drying 空气干燥

  air duct 通气管道

  air entrained agent 加气剂

  air entrained concrete 加气混凝土

  air entraining admixture 加气掺合剂

  air entraining cement 掺加气剂的水泥

  air entrainment 夹杂空气

  air entrainment test 夹杂空气量试验

  air exhaust 排气

  air exhaust opening 排气口

  air filter 空气过滤器

  air filtration 空气过滤

  air float 气动泥刀

  air flow 气流

  air flow meter 空气量计

  air flow switch 气撂电器

  air free concrete 密实混凝土

  air gap 空隙

  air hammer 空气锤

  air handling unit 空气第装置

  air hardening mortar 气硬灰浆

  air hardening of cement 水泥空气硬化

  air heater 空气加热器

  air heating 热风供热

  air hoist 气压提升机

  air humidification 空气加湿

  air humidifier 空气湿润器

  air humidity 空气湿度

  air hydraulic jack 气液千斤顶

  air infiltration 气渗

  air inflow 进气

  air inlet 进气孔

  air insulation 空气绝缘

  air intake shaft 进气竖井

  air jacket 空气套

  air leakage 漏气

  air leakage factor 漏气系数

  air lift 压缩空气杨水泵

  air lift pump 压缩空气杨水泵

  air lock 气闸

  air monitoring 大气监测

  air mortar 加气灰浆

  air outlet 排风口

  air output 送风量

  air permeability factor 空气渗透因数

  air pipe line 空气管路

  air placed concrete 喷注混凝土

  air placer 混凝土气力压送机

  air placing machine 混凝土气力压送机

  air pollution control 大气污染控制

  air preheater 空气预热器

  air pressure 空气压力

  air purification 空气净化

  air purifier 空气净化器

  air receiver 压缩空气箱

  air register 电器

  air requirement 需要风量

  air resistance 空气阻力

  air riveting hammer 空气铆锤

  air sampling 空气采样

  air setting refractory cement 气凝性耐火水泥

  air setting refractory mortar 气凝性耐火灰浆

  air space ratio 空隙比

  air supply 供给空气

  air supply grille 送风格栅

  air supply plant 送气装置

  air supply system 送风系统

  aair supported structure 气璃承结构物

  air tamper 风动打夯机

  air temperature 气温

  air test 气压试验

  air throw 气炼射距离air tight door 气密门

  air tight seal 气密

  air tight test 气密性试验

  air to air heat recovery unit 空气 空气热交换式热回收组合机组

  air to air system 空气 空气式空档统

  air to water heat exchanger 空气 水热交换器

  air to water system 空气 水第系统

  air tool 气动工具

  air treatment 空气处理

  air trowel 气动泥刀

  air ventilator 通风孔

  air vessel 压缩空气箱

  air voids 孔隙

  air volume control 风量第

  air water heat pump 空气 水热力泵

  air winch 风动绞车

  airborne noise 空传噪声

  airless spray unit 真空喷涂装置

  airless spraying 真空喷涂

  airport facilities 飞机场设施

  airslide conveyor 气滑式输送机

  airstrip 飞机跑道

  airview 鸟瞰图

  aisle 通道

  alabaster 雪花石膏

  alarm system 警报系统

  alarming apparatus 警报装置

  aligning 对准

  alignment 对准

  alkali aggregate expansion 碱脱色

  alkali discoloration 因碱脱色

  alkali resistance 耐碱性

  alkali resistant glass fiber 抗碱玻璃纤维

  alkaline soil 碱性土壤

  alkaliproof paint 耐碱油漆

  alkyd paint 醇酸涂料

  all air heat pump 全空气式热力泵

  all air system 全空气式系统

  all brick building 全砖建筑

  all concrete frame 全混凝土框架

  all flanged tee 法兰三通

  all glass facade 全玻璃门面

  all in aggregate 天然混合集料

  all metal building 全金属建筑物

  all metal construction 全金属结构

  all outside air system 全外部空气第系统

  all position electrode 全位置焊条

  all purpose excavator 万能挖土机

  all purpose insulation 万能绝缘材料

  all purpose road 混合交通道路

  all purpose room 多用途房

  all socket cross 全带承窝的'十字接头

  all veneer construction 全胶合板构造

  all welded steel structure 全焊接钢结构

  all wood construction 全木的建筑物

  allege 墙的较薄部分

  alley 狭径

  alligator shears 杠杆式剪床

  alligator wrench 管扳手

  alligatoring 龟皱裂

  allowable bearing pressure 容许支承压力

  allowable bearing value 容许承载力

  allowable error 容许误差

建筑的英语词汇 篇五

  1.allowable pile bearing load 单桩容许荷载

  2.allowable noise level 容许噪声电平

  3.allowable load 容许荷载

  4. 总平面图 site plan

  5. 平面图 floor plan

  6. 立面图 elevation; fa?ade

  7. 剖面图 section

  8. 比例 scale

  9. 透视图 perspective

  10. 住宅;住处 residence; dwelling house

  11. 别墅 villa

  12. 入口 entrance

  13. 台阶(踏步) step

  14. 起居室;客厅 living room

  15. 卧室 bedroom

  16. 会客室;客厅 parlor; drawing room

  17. 客房 guest room

  18. 浴室bathroom

  19. 浴缸bath tub

  20. 阳台 balcony

  21. 厨房 kitchen

  22. 储藏室;库房 storeroom

  23. 车库 garage;carport;carbarn

  24. 楼梯间 stair well

  25. 杂用房utility chamber

  26. 地库;地窖;地下室basement

  27. 停车场 parking lot

  28. 幼儿园 kindergarten;infants' school

  29. 托儿所;幼稚园 nursery school

  30. 门厅 hall

  31. 活动区(室) play area

  32. 寝室 bedchamber

  33. 卫生间;洗手间 toilet 或(美)washroom

  34. 医务保健室 Medical room

  35. 办公室 office

  36. 音乐教室 Music room

  37. 阅览室 reading room

  38. 体育训练教室physical education room

  39. 食品储藏室 pantry;bultery

  40. 食品橱柜 meat safe

  41. 电梯 elevator

  42. 操场 playground

  43. 坡道ramp

  44. 体检室 physical examination room

  45. 走廊 corridor

  46. 柱列 colonnade

  47. 建设,建筑,修

建 To build, to construct

  48. 修筑,建筑物 building

  49. 柱 column



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