
集邮的英语词汇 篇一

Collecting Stamps: Essential Vocabulary for Philatelists


Collecting stamps, also known as philately, is a popular hobby around the world. As a philatelist, it is important to understand the specialized vocabulary associated with stamp collecting. In this article, we will explore some essential English words and phrases that every stamp collector should know.

1. Philately:

Philately is the study and collection of stamps. It comes from the Greek words "philos," meaning love, and "atelos," meaning free from tax. It refers to the love of postage stamps and the history and culture they represent.

2. Stamp:

A stamp is a small piece of paper issued by a postal administration that is affixed to a letter or a package to indicate payment of postage. Stamps usually feature designs depicting various themes, such as historical events, famous personalities, or natural landscapes.

3. Mint:

A mint stamp is a stamp that is in its original, unused condition. It has never been used for postage and is generally considered to be more valuable than a used stamp. Mint stamps are often kept in protective sleeves or albums to preserve their condition.

4. Used:

A used stamp is a stamp that has been used for postage. It has been cancelled with a postmark to prevent its reuse. Used stamps are usually less valuable than mint stamps, but they can still hold historical and cultural significance.

5. Block:

A block refers to a group of four or more stamps that are still attached to each other. Blocks can be vertical, horizontal, or even in a square formation. Collectors often seek out blocks as they are considered more desirable than single stamps.

6. Perforation:

Perforations are small holes punched between stamps to allow for easy separation. The size and pattern of the perforations can vary, and they can also affect the value and rarity of a stamp. Some collectors focus on specific perforation varieties.

7. Watermark:

A watermark is a faint design or pattern that is impressed into the paper of a stamp during its production. It is usually visible when the stamp is held up to light. Watermarks can help identify the authenticity and origin of a stamp.

8. Commemorative:

Commemorative stamps are issued to honor an important event, person, or theme. They are usually printed in limited quantities and can have special designs, colors, or perforation varieties. Collecting commemorative stamps is a popular aspect of philately.

9. First Day Cover:

A first day cover is an envelope that bears a stamp canceled on its first day of issue. It often includes additional information about the stamp, such as the date and location of the issue. First day covers are sought after by collectors as they capture a specific moment in stamp history.

10. Album:

An album is a book or a binder specifically designed for storing and organizing stamps. Stamp collectors use albums to display and protect their collections. Albums can be customized with different layouts and pages for various types of stamps.


Understanding the vocabulary associated with stamp collecting is essential for philatelists. Knowing these terms will not only help you communicate with other collectors but also enhance your overall collecting experience. So, start expanding your stamp collecting vocabulary and dive deeper into the fascinating world of philately!

集邮的英语词汇 篇二

The Art of Stamp Collecting: A Glossary of Advanced Vocabulary for Philatelists


Stamp collecting, or philately, is not only a hobby but also an art form. Advanced collectors often delve into specialized aspects of stamp collecting that require a deeper understanding of the vocabulary associated with the hobby. In this article, we will explore a glossary of advanced English words and phrases that every serious philatelist should be familiar with.

1. Philatelic Exhibition:

A philatelic exhibition is an event where collectors display their collections to the public. It is an opportunity for collectors to showcase their expertise, exchange knowledge, and learn from other enthusiasts. Philatelic exhibitions often feature rare and valuable stamps.

2. Philatelic Society:

A philatelic society is a group of collectors who come together to share their passion for stamps. These societies organize meetings, lectures, and exhibitions to promote the study and enjoyment of stamp collecting. Joining a philatelic society can provide access to valuable resources and expert guidance.

3. Perfins:

Perfins are stamps that have been perforated with initials, symbols, or patterns by businesses or organizations. These perforations were used as a security measure to prevent theft or misuse of stamps. Collecting perfins requires knowledge of the specific patterns used by different companies.

4. Cinderella Stamps:

Cinderella stamps are labels resembling postage stamps but not issued by a postal authority. They are often used for promotional purposes or to raise funds for charities. Collecting cinderella stamps can be a unique and challenging aspect of philately.

5. Plate Number:

A plate number is a number printed on a sheet of stamps that identifies the printing plate used in the production of the stamps. These numbers can provide valuable information about the printing process and can be sought after by collectors.

6. Philatelic Literature:

Philatelic literature refers to books, magazines, and journals that focus on stamp collecting. These publications provide valuable information about stamp history, identification, and collecting techniques. Building a philatelic library is an essential aspect of advanced stamp collecting.

7. Error Stamp:

An error stamp is a stamp that contains a mistake or printing error. These stamps can be highly sought after by collectors due to their rarity and uniqueness. Examples of errors include inverted designs, missing colors, or incorrect perforations.

8. Philatelic Expertization:

Philatelic expertization is the process of verifying the authenticity and condition of stamps. Experts examine stamps for signs of forgery, repairs, or alterations. Philatelists often seek expert opinions to ensure the value and integrity of their collections.

9. Philatelic Investment:

Philatelic investment refers to the practice of collecting stamps for potential financial gain. Some collectors view stamps as an investment opportunity and carefully select stamps based on their potential appreciation in value. Philatelic investment requires knowledge of market trends and stamp valuation.

10. Philatelic Auction:

A philatelic auction is an event where stamps and stamp collections are sold to the highest bidder. These auctions can be conducted in person or online and attract collectors, dealers, and investors from around the world. Participating in auctions can be an exciting way to acquire rare stamps.


As a serious philatelist, expanding your knowledge of stamp collecting vocabulary is crucial for exploring the advanced aspects of the hobby. Understanding these terms will enable you to engage in deeper discussions, explore specialized areas of collecting, and enhance your overall stamp collecting experience. So, immerse yourself in the world of advanced philatelic vocabulary and continue to appreciate the art of stamp collecting.

集邮的英语词汇 篇三


  挂号邮件回执Advicebf Receipt (A.R.)

  广告副票Advertising Labels


  航空签条Airmail Label

  航空邮票Airmail Stamp

  航空邮资信封Airmail Stamped Envelope

  到达戳Arrival Postmark

  前日封Before Day Cover (B. D. C.)


  盲齿B1ixd Perforation

  方连Block (B)

  4方连Block of Four


  长尾Bottom Margin Imperf

  漏盖Cancellation Missed

  盖销票Canceled Stamp

  目录Catalogue (Cat.)

  目录价Catalogue value (c/v)


  粉面纸Chalky Paper (C)

  附捐邮票Charity Stamp

  化学变色Chemical Color Changeling

  化学胶Chemical Gum

  光齿C1ean—cut Perforation

  卷简邮票Coil Stamp


  有色纸Colored Paper

  纪念封Commemorative Envelope

  纪念邮戳Commemorative Postmark

  纪念邮票Commemorative Stamp

  纪念邮资信封Commemorative Stamped Envelope

  纪念邮资明信片Commemorative Stamped Postcard

  复合齿孔Compound Perforation


  折白Crease and Fold

  护邮袋Crystal Mount

  发行日期Date of Issue

  面值Denon Lination


  复盖Double Cancellation

  实寄封Entire Cover

  实寄片Entire Postcard

  估价Estimated (Est)

  展品评审Exhibit Evaluation

  快递签条Express Labels

  快递邮票Express Stamp



  伪造实寄封Faked Entire

  伪造背胶Faked Gum

  假无齿票Faked Imperforate Stamp

  伪造齿孔Faked Perforation

  假盖销票Faked Used Stamp

  佳品Fine (F)

  首日封First Day Cover (F.D.C.)

  首日实寄封First Day Entire Cover

  首航封First Flight Cover (F.F.C.)


izontal Line Perforation Dropped

  横中缝漏齿Horizontal Middle Line Perforation Dropped

  国际集邮展览International Philatelic Exhibition

  国际明信片International Postcard

  国际回信券International Reply Coupon

  倒盖兼复盖Inverted and Double Cancellation

  倒盖Inverted Cancellation

  倒水印 Inverted Water Mark

  风景日戳Landscape Datemark

  风光邮资明信片Landscape stamped Postcard

  尾日封Last Day Cover (L.D. C.)

  左阔边Left Mar.ginlmperf

  邮简Letter Sheet

  文献集邮Literature Philately

  本埠明信片 Local Postcard


  马耳他十字邮戳Maltese cross Postmark (M.C.)

  手写注销Manuscript Cancellation


  极限明信片Maximum Card

  镶嵌封Medalist Cover

  中缝漏齿Middle Line Perforation Dropped

  军邮封 Military Postal Cover

  军用明信片Military Postmark

  军用邮戳Military Postcard

  军用邮票Military Stamp

  小型张Miniature Sheet

  新票Mint Stamp (M.)



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