100个最常用英语单词的替换词 篇一
1. the - that
2. be - exist
3. and - as well as
4. of - from
5. a - an
6. in - within
7. to - towards
8. have - possess
9. it - this
10. for - in favor of
11. I - me
12. not - no
13. on - upon
14. with - together with
15. he - him
16. as - just like
17. you - your
18. do - perform
19. at - located at
20. this - that one
21. but - yet
22. his - belonging to him
23. by - through
24. from - originating from
25. they - them
26. we - us
27. say - express
28. her - belonging to her
29. she - her
30. or - alternatively
31. an - one
32. will - shall
33. my - belonging to me
34. one - a single
35. all - every
36. would - could
37. there - in that place
38. their - belonging to them
39. what - which
40. so - therefore
41. up - upwards
42. out - outside
43. if - in case
44. about - regarding
45. who - whom
46. get - obtain
47. which - that one
48. go - travel
49. me - myself
50. when - at the time
51. make - create
52. can - able to
53. like - similar to
54. time - period
55. no - not any
56. just - only
57. him - himself
58. know - aware of
59. take - seize
60. people - individuals
61. into - within
62. year - annum
63. your - belonging to you
64. good - excellent
65. some - a few
66. could - would be able to
67. them - themselves
68. see - observe
69. other - different
70. than - compared to
71. then - at that time
72. now - at the present time
73. look - observe
74. only - just
75. come - arrive
76. its - belonging to it
77. over - above
78. think - consider
79. also - in addition
80. back - return
81. after - following
82. use - utilize
83. two - a pair of
84. how - in what way
85. our - belonging to us
86. work - labor
87. first - initial
88. well - in a satisfactory manner
89. way - method
90. even - including
91. new - novel
92. want - desire
93. because - due to the fact that
94. any - whichever
95. these - those
96. give - provide
97. day - daytime
98. most - the majority of
99. us - ourselves
100. are - exist
100个最常用英语单词的替换词 篇二
1. the - that
2. be - exist
3. and - as well as
4. of - from
5. a - an
6. in - within
7. to - towards
8. have - possess
9. it - this
10. for - in favor of
11. I - me
12. not - no
13. on - upon
14. with - together with
15. he - him
16. as - just like
17. you - your
18. do - perform
19. at - located at
20. this - that one
21. but - yet
22. his - belonging to him
23. by - through
24. from - originating from
25. they - them
26. we - us
27. say - express
28. her - belonging to her
29. she - her
30. or - alternatively
31. an - one
32. will - shall
33. my - belonging to me
34. one - a single
35. all - every
36. would - could
37. there - in that place
38. their - belonging to them
39. what - which
40. so - therefore
41. up - upwards
42. out - outside
43. if - in case
44. about - regarding
45. who - whom
46. get - obtain
47. which - that one
48. go - travel
49. me - myself
50. when - at the time
51. make - create
52. can - able to
53. like - similar to
54. time - period
55. no - not any
56. just - only
57. him - himself
58. know - aware of
59. take - seize
60. people - individuals
61. into - within
62. year - annum
63. your - belonging to you
64. good - excellent
65. some - a few
66. could - would be able to
67. them - themselves
68. see - observe
69. other - different
70. than - compared to
71. then - at that time
72. now - at the present time
73. look - observe
74. only - just
75. come - arrive
76. its - belonging to it
77. over - above
78. think - consider
79. also - in addition
80. back - return
81. after - following
82. use - utilize
83. two - a pair of
84. how - in what way
85. our - belonging to us
86. work - labor
87. first - initial
88. well - in a satisfactory manner
89. way - method
90. even - including
91. new - novel
92. want - desire
93. because - due to the fact that
94. any - whichever
95. these - those
96. give - provide
97. day - daytime
98. most - the majority of
99. us - ourselves
100. are - exist
100个最常用英语单词的替换词 篇三
1. think认为,思考 = take...into consideration, consider, ponder, meditate, contemplate, think over, reflect on/upon.
2. decide:断定 = come to the conclusion, arrive at the conclusion, draw the conclusion, conclude, judge, assert, wind up.
3. get: 得到 = acquire, obtain, attain, reap, earn, gain, procure
4. support: 支持 = approve of, in favor of ,uphold, stand by one's side, agree with, give ones' assent,advocate, recommend
5. say no to: 反对 = oppose, object to, be against,resist,
6. important: 重要的 = far-reaching, profound, significant, eventful,key, essential, fundamental, crucial, decisive, vial, substantial,play an important part in ```
7. use: 使用 = optimize, make best/full use of ,employ, utilize,apply
8. glad, happy: 高兴的 = be in a good mood, cheerful, joyful, joyous, pleased, delighted
9. hard-working: 勤奋的 = diligent, studious, industrious
10. serious:认真的 = conscientious, cautious
11. calm:平静的 = sober, reasonable, sensible, rational
12. clever:聪明的 = intelligent, bright, wise, brilliant, smart, ingenious
13. tired:累的 = exhausted, fatigued, run-down, worn-out, weary
14. be used to : 适应 = be adapted to, be accustomed to , be adjusted to
15. stop:阻止 = hinder, curb, hamper, restrain, prevent, ward off, avoid
16. 好处:good side 坏处:bad side
好处,优点:advantage, merit, benefit
坏处,缺点:disadvantage, defect, flaw, drawback, deficiency
17. join:参加 = participate in , attend, take part in, go in for, engage in
18. pay one's attention to: 注意 = focus on, center on, concentrate on, set one's mind on, be lost in, be occupied in, be attentive on
19. dep
20. ability:能力 = capability
21. aim:目的 = objective
22. always:始终 = invariably
23. ancient:古老的 = archaic
24. angry:生气的 = enraged
25. appear:出现 = emerge
26. arrest:逮捕 = detention
27. attack:攻击 = assault
28. attractive:吸引力 = fascinating
29. avoid:避免 = shun
30. bad:坏的` = decayed
31. bear:承担 = tolerate
32. beautiful:美丽的 = elegant
33. best:最好的 = optimal
34. big:大的 = massive
35. blame:责怪 = condemn
36. boring:闷 = tedious
37. brave:勇敢的 = bold
38. brief:简要 = concise
39. build:建造 = construct
40. busy:繁忙 = occupied
41. buy:买 = purchase
42. careful:小心的 = cautious
43. catch:抓住 = capture
44. change:改变 = convert
45. clean:清洁 = purified
46. clever:聪明的 = intelligent
47. cold:冷的 = chilly
48. common:常见的 = universal
49. danger:危险 = peril
50. dangerous:危险的 = hazardous
51. difficult:困难的 = burdensome
52. difficulty:困难地 = challenge
53. dislike:不喜欢 = disgust
54. enlarge:增大 = magnify
55. expensive:贵的 = costly
56. fair:公平 = impartial
57. fame:成名 = prestige
58. famous:著名的 = distinguished
59. field:领域 = domain
60. force:强迫 = compel
61. forever:永远 = perpetual
62. form:形式 = constitute
63. free:自由 = liberal
64. good:好的 = beneficial
65. greatly:非常 = increasingly
66. hot:热的 = boiling
67. lonely:孤单的 = solitary
68. method:方法 = approach
69. near:靠近 = adjacent
70. nowadays:现今 = currently
71. obey:服从 = comply with
72. obvious:明显 = apparent
73. only:只有 = unique
74. opinion:意见 = standpoint
75. part:部分 = component
76. partner:拍档 = associate
77. poor:贫穷的 = pathetic
78. possible:可能 = feasible
79. problem:问题 = issue
80. quite:相当 = fairly
81. rapid:快速 = swift
82. result:结果 = consequence
83. rich:富有的 = abundant
84. ruin:毁灭 = devastate
85. run:跑 = chase
86. sharp:锋利的 = acute
87. short:短的 = deficient
88. show:表明 = demonstrate
89. so:所以 = consequently
90. stop:停止 = cease
91. strange:奇怪 = weird
92. top:顶部 = peak
93. ugly:丑陋的 = hideous
94. use:利用 = utilize
95. vague:模糊的 = obscure
96. wet:湿的 = humid
97. whole:整个 = entire
98. wrong:错的 = erroneous
99. smelly:臭的 = unpleasant
100. surprise:惊奇 = startle