旅游英语:西餐厅口语 篇一
1. 点菜
- Can I see the menu, please?(请给我看看菜单。)
- What do you recommend?(你推荐什么?)
- I'd like to order the steak, please.(我想要点一份牛排。)
- Is there a vegetarian option?(有素食选项吗?)
- How long will it take for the food to be ready?(食物需要多长时间准备好?)
2. 特殊要求
- I'm allergic to peanuts. Can you make sure there are no peanuts in my dish?(我对花生过敏。你们能确保我的菜里没有花生吗?)
- Can I have my steak well done?(我可以要一份全熟的牛排吗?)
- Could you please make it less spicy?(可以请稍微不要放那么多辣椒吗?)
3. 饮料
- Could I have a glass of water, please?(我可以要一杯水吗?)
- Do you have any recommendations for wine pairing with this dish?(你们有什么推荐的搭配这道菜的葡萄酒吗?)
- I'll have a Coke, please.(我要一杯可乐。)
4. 结账
- Can we have the bill, please?(可以给我们结账吗?)
- Can I pay by credit card?(我可以用信用卡支付吗?)
- How much is the total?(一共多少钱?)
5. 其他问题
- Is there a dress code for this restaurant?(这个餐厅有着装要求吗?)
- Do you have any vegetarian options?(你们有素食选项吗?)
- Can we split the bill?(我们可以分开付账吗?)
旅游英语:西餐厅口语 篇二
1. 入座礼仪
- When entering the restaurant, wait to be seated by the host or hostess.(进入餐厅后,请等待主人或女主人引导入座。)
- Pull out the chair and sit down, placing the napkin on your lap.(拉出椅子坐下,将餐巾放在腿上。)
- If you need to leave the table during the meal, place the napkin on your chair.(如果需要在用餐过程中离开餐桌,请将餐巾放在椅子上。)
2. 用餐用具
- Start from the outside and work your way in when using the cutlery.(使用餐具时,从外面开始,逐渐往里使用。)
- The fork is used for solid food, while the spoon is used for soup or dessert.(叉子用来吃固体食物,勺子用来喝汤或吃甜点。)
- When you have finished eating, place the knife and fork together on the plate with the handles facing to the right.(用餐结束后,将刀叉放在盘子上,手柄朝右。)
3. 餐巾使用
- Unfold the napkin and place it on your lap.(展开餐巾,放在腿上。)
- Use the napkin to wipe your mouth and hands, but not your face.(用餐巾擦嘴和手,但不要擦脸。)
- Place the napkin neatly on the table to the left of your plate when you finish the meal.(用餐结束后,将餐巾整齐地放在盘子的左边。)
4. 礼貌用语
- Thank you for the meal.(谢谢您的招待。)
- The food was delicious.(食物很好吃。)
- Excuse me, could I have some more water, please?(对不起,我可以要一些水吗?)
旅游英语:西餐厅口语 篇三
1、grapefruit 葡萄柚
Which kind of juice would you pre-fer,grapefruit or orange?
2、ham n、火腿
We serve ham or bacon with your eggs、Which would you prefer?
3、menu n、菜单,菜谱
May I show you our breakfast
4、toast v、/n、烤面包-吐司
Your toast,Madam, light or dark?
5、green adj、绿色的,青的,未熟的
I'II have a green salad、What about you,Tom?
6、variety n、变化,多变,种类
Do you make it with a variety of ltal-ian cheeses?
7、iced adj、冰的
Could I have an iced tea, please?
8、selection n、选择;种类
Would you like to see our cake selection?
9、flavour n、口味;味道
Which flavour would you prefer,A or B?
10、remove v、移动,除去
Remove the seeds from the man goes、