圣诞节英语词汇 篇一
Christmas Vocabulary
Christmas is a widely celebrated holiday around the world, and it is no exception in English-speaking countries. In this article, we will introduce some common Christmas vocabulary in English.
1. Christmas Tree - A decorated evergreen tree, often a fir or pine tree, that is traditionally associated with the celebration of Christmas.
2. Santa Claus - A legendary figure who is said to bring gifts to children on Christmas Eve. He is depicted as a jolly, white-bearded man wearing a red suit and hat.
3. Reindeer - A type of deer that is often associated with Christmas due to their role in pulling Santa Claus' sleigh.
4. Stockings - Large socks or fabric bags that are traditionally hung by the fireplace on Christmas Eve for Santa Claus to fill with small gifts and treats.
5. Presents/Gifts - Items given to others as a symbol of love and appreciation during the Christmas season.
6. Caroling - The act of singing Christmas songs, often going from house to house to spread holiday cheer.
7. Mistletoe - A plant with small, white berries that is hung in doorways during Christmas. According to tradition, people standing under the mistletoe are allowed to kiss.
8. Nativity - A scene or model depicting the birth of Jesus Christ, often including figures such as Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the three wise men.
9. Snowman - A figure made of snow, typically consisting of three large snowballs stacked on top of each other and decorated with sticks for arms, rocks for eyes, and a carrot for a nose.
10. Eggnog - A traditional Christmas drink made from a mixture of beaten eggs, milk, sugar, and often spiked with alcohol such as rum or brandy.
These are just a few examples of the many Christmas-related words in English. Learning and using these words can help you better understand and participate in the holiday festivities in English-speaking countries.
圣诞节英语词汇 篇二
Christmas Vocabulary
Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, and it is important to understand the vocabulary associated with this holiday. In this article, we will introduce some more Christmas vocabulary in English.
1. Gingerbread - A type of sweet, spicy cookie or cake often shaped like a person or house and decorated with icing.
2. Ornaments - Decorative objects, often made of glass, ceramic, or metal, that are hung on a Christmas tree.
3. Wreath - A circular arrangement of flowers, leaves, or other materials, often hung on doors or walls as a decoration during Christmas.
4. Tinsel - A shiny, metallic material used to decorate Christmas trees and other holiday decorations.
5. Snowflake - A delicate, ice crystal that falls from the sky in colder temperatures, often associated with winter and Christmas.
6. Nutcracker - A wooden figurine often shaped like a soldier or king that is used to crack open nuts.
7. Sleigh - A vehicle typically pulled by horses or reindeer, used for transportation on snow or ice. It is often associated with Santa Claus.
8. Jingle Bells - Small bells that make a ringing sound when shaken, often used as a decoration during Christmas.
9. Yule Log - A large log traditionally burned in the hearth as a part of Christmas celebrations.
10. Boxing Day - The day after Christmas, observed as a holiday in many countries, originally associated with giving gifts to the less fortunate.
By learning and using these Christmas words, you can better understand and participate in the holiday traditions and celebrations in English-speaking countries. Have a merry Christmas!
圣诞节英语词汇 篇三
angel 天使
artificial tree 人造树
bells 铃,钟
birth 出生
blizzard 暴风雪
boots 靴子
bough 树干
bow 弓
box 盒子,箱子
candle 蜡烛
candy 糖
candy cane 圣诞的拐杖糖,典型的红白相间的那种。
cap 帽子
card 卡片
caroling 唱圣诞颂歌
carols 颂歌
celebrate 庆祝(动词)
celebration 庆祝(名词)
ceremony 仪式
charity 慈善,慈善机构
chestnuts 栗子
chimney 烟囱
Christmas 圣诞
Christmas card 圣诞卡片
Christmas carol 圣诞颂歌
Christmas Eve 平安夜
Christmastide 圣诞节节期(从圣诞夜到元旦的假期时间,在英国一直到1月6日)
Christmas tree 圣诞树
Christmas tree stand 圣诞树支架
cider 苹果酒
coal 煤炭
cookie 饼干
decorate 装扮,装饰(动词)
decorations 装扮,装饰(名词)
display 展示
eggnog 蛋酒,eggnog latte就是蛋酒拿铁
elf 小精灵
elves 小精灵复数
eve 前夕
evergreen 常绿树,常绿的'
exchange 交换
family 家庭
family reunion 家庭欢聚
Father Christmas 圣诞老人
feast 节日
Feliz Navidad 圣诞快乐,这个是西班牙语,一起了解。
festival 节日
fir 枞木,就是圣诞树
fireplace 壁炉
firewood 柴
frankincense 乳香,是从树上提炼的一种有甜味的树脂.
frosty 冷冰冰的
fruitcake 水果蛋糕
garland 花环
gift 礼物
gift-giving 赠送礼物
gingerbread 姜饼
gingerbread house 姜饼屋
gingerbread man 姜饼人
gingerbread woman 姜饼女人
goodwill 善意,友好
greetings 招呼
guest 客人
happy 快乐
holiday 假日
holly 冬青
hot chocolate 热巧克力
hot cider 热苹果酒
hug 拥抱
ice skates 滑冰
icicle 冰柱
icy 冰的
ivy 常春藤
Jack Frost 严寒
Jesus 耶稣
jingle bells 铃儿响叮当
jolly 欢乐
joy 欢乐
joyful 欢乐的
Joyeux Noel 法语的圣诞快乐
kings 国王
Krampus 坎卜斯(Krampus)是在奥地利传说中流传了千百年的一个半羊半魔的角色,最为人所知的就是会在圣诞节时修理顽皮的小孩。
Kris Kringle 圣诞节礼物交换的一个说法,在美国,这个交换礼物的游戏也叫做white elephant。
lights 灯
list 清单
manger 马槽
merry 愉快的
Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐
mince pie 肉馅饼
mistletoe 槲寄生,是一种植物,通常用作圣诞节装饰物,在圣诞节时每家都要在门上挂一个槲寄生做的圈,有一个说法是你可以在槲寄生下亲吻你想亲吻的人,他也不能拒绝!上海的新天地在圣诞期间就有一个活动叫做kiss the moment, 只要有人在槲寄生下亲吻,灯就会从白变成红的,有兴趣的同学可以了解一下哦。
mittens 手套
nativity 诞生
naughty 淘气
nippy 刺骨的
Noel 法语中的圣诞日,和christmas一样。
North Pole 北极
nutcracker 胡桃夹子
occasion 场合
ornaments 装饰品
package 包裹
pageant 盛会
parade 游行
partridge 鹧鸪
party 派对
pie 派
pine tree 松树
pinecone 松球
plum pudding 葡萄干布丁
presents 礼物
receive 接收
reindeer 驯鹿
rejoice 高兴
reunion 相聚
ribbon 色带,就是包在礼物外面的那个绸缎带
ritual 仪式
Rudolph 鲁道夫,红鼻子驯鹿
Saint Nicholas 圣诞老人
Santa Claus 圣诞老人
Santa's elves 圣诞老人的精灵
Santa's helpers 圣诞老人的助手,通常指小精灵
Santa's list 圣诞老人的礼物列表
Santa's workshop 传说中圣诞老人在北极的小木屋,他在里头包好礼物,然后送出去
scarf 围巾
Scrooge 守财奴
sled 雪橇
sleigh 雪橇
sleigh bells 雪橇铃
snowball 雪球
snowbound 大雪
snowfall 降雪
snowflake 雪花
snowman 雪人
socks 袜子
spirit 精神
stocking 丝袜
stocking stuffer 圣诞袜
sugarplum 小糖果
sweater 毛衣
toboggan 雪橇
togetherness 欢聚
toy 玩具
tradition 传统
trimming 修剪
trips 旅行
turkey 火鸡
unwrap 打开,拆开礼物
vacation 假期
visit 拜访
wassail 痛饮
wintertime 冬日时光
wintry 寒冬
wise men 智慧的人
wish 希望
wonder 想
workshop 作坊
wrap 包装(包礼物)
wrapping paper 包装纸
wreath 花圈
Xmas 圣诞节的简写
yule 圣诞节(圣诞节的说法真的有N个)
yule log 圣诞节专门用在壁炉里烧的柴
yuletide 圣诞季节