
商务英语BEC高级难词解析 篇一


1. Benchmarking(基准定位)


2. Disruptive innovation(颠覆性创新)

Disruptive innovation是指一种新的技术、产品或服务,能够彻底改变现有市场格局,颠覆传统的商业模式。在商务英语中,Disruptive innovation常常用于描述企业通过创新来打破现有市场的局面,获得竞争优势。

3. Synergy(协同效应)


4. Paradigm shift(范式转变)

Paradigm shift是指一种思维模式或观念的彻底转变,从而带来新的发展方向和机会。在商务英语中,Paradigm shift常常用于描述企业在面对新的市场环境和竞争压力时,需要进行思维方式的转变,以适应新的发展趋势。

5. Blue ocean strategy(蓝海战略)

Blue ocean strategy是指企业通过创造新的市场空间和需求,避开激烈竞争的红海市场,实现市场份额和利润的增长。在商务英语中,Blue ocean strategy常常用于描述企业通过创新和差异化来开拓新的市场,并实现市场领导地位。


商务英语BEC高级难词解析 篇二


1. Stakeholder(利益相关者)


2. Value chain(价值链)

Value chain是指一系列与产品或服务相关的活动,包括原材料采购、生产制造、销售和售后服务等。在商务英语中,Value chain常常用于描述企业通过优化和整合各个环节的活动,实现产品和服务的增值。

3. Franchise(特许经营)


4. Outsourcing(外包)


5. Intellectual property(知识产权)

Intellectual property是指由人类创造的知识、技术、创意和创新成果的产权。在商务英语中,Intellectual property常常用于描述企业需要保护和管理自己的知识产权,以维护自己的竞争优势。


商务英语BEC高级难词解析 篇三


  eg: Photocopying is a breach of copyright or patent protection.


  eg: Since the beginning of January we have experienced a number of serious breakdown of the computer equipment in this area.

  breakdown rescue

  break even

  eg: The company just manages to break even.

  break -even point

  eg: The company expects the product to reach break-even point within one year.

  7. brokerage industry

  The broderage industry is booming these few years.


  8. brown goods

  Manufacturers of brown goods have to face competition from Japan.


  9. brunch

  Brunch is a meal which you eat in the late morning.


  10.bubble economy

  During the ~ yeas of rapid growth in the late 1980s, some bureaucrats outrageously greedy.


  bubble wrap

  Thanks to the bubble wrap, these books arrived in pretty good shape

  budget priced goods

  Budget priced goods are low-priced goods.

  buffet reception

  Buffet receptions offer good chances for doing useful networking


  Built-ins now include playstations, Internet access and televisions.


  1. These grains were shipped in bulk.

  2. They were able to buy in bulk and to sell at low margins.

  Bulletin Board Systems (BBS)

  2. bull market 牛市(通常指股市、汇市等金融市场价格持续上升或坚挺)

  e.g. If the market is thought to be good and prices on the Stock Exchange are thought to be likely to rise, the market is called a bull market.


  3. bundle 捆绑销售

  e.g. The department is trying to stop Microsoft from forcing personal-computer makers to bundle its Internet browser software with every copy of Windows.


  4. burglar alarm 电子防盗报警装置

  e.g. The burglar alarm will make a loud ringing noise when someone tries to enter the building secretly and illegally.


  5. burglar-proof padlock (U型)防盗锁

  e.g. This is a manufacturer of burglar-proof padlock.


  6. business 公司,企业

  e.g. He set up several adverting consultancy business in the UK.


  8. business class section 商务舱(座位)

  e.g. The airline is to introduce a business class section.


  business operation pattern 商业运作模式

  e.g. The computer Internet is transforming business operation patterns and contributing to what is called the new information economy.


  1. business executive 企业主管人员

  2. business-format franchise 经营模式特许(店)

  e.g. Business-format franchises are characterized by an ongoing business relationship between franchisor and franchisee that includes not only the product, service and trademark but the entire business concept itself.


  3. by-product 副产品

  e.g. Skimmed milk powder is a by-product of butter production.


  4. cable license 有限电视许可证

  5. cafeteria plan 自助餐式计划(员工可以从一系列的选项中做出选择)

  e.g. Cafeteria plans are an innovative, new way for you to save tax dollars while receiving the best in fringe benefit plans.


  6. callback 电话回话(服务)

  e.g Callback services, most of which are garage-side start-ups, have soared in popularity and sophistication in the last several years.

  电话回话服务公司大多是一些只有车库那样大小的新兴公司。 最近几年来,它们备受欢迎,并日趋成熟。

  7. call-blocking 呼叫限制(服务)

  e.g. Some phone companies in the US already offer call-blocking service, allowing the user to block calls from numbers that are proving a nuisance.


  8. Call center 电话销售中心,电话销售点,呼叫中心

  e.g. With a call center you don’t have to pay high rents for good high street locations or pay commission to brokers and agents.


  9. caller ID 来电显示(服务)

  e.g. Caller ID is a service that tells people who is calling before they answer the phone.


  10. Call forwarding 呼叫转送(服务)

  e.g. Services such as call forwarding are also available.


  1. Call-in Medical Care 电话求医市场

  2. camcorder (便携式)摄像机,由camera + recorder构成。

  3. campaign 宣传活动

  e.g. The company is planning a new advertising campaign to increase sales.


  4. canteen 职工食堂

  e.g. Subsidised canteen is one of staff benefits.



  1. Why do you think you are qualified for this position?

  I graduated from Beijing University in 1993, and hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. Therefore, I have a firm knowledge background in this field.

  I have spent the last 3 years working specially in this field. I think I can bring a lot of experience and knowledge with me.

  Yes. Because I do believe that my qualifications and experience perfectly match what you are looking for.

  Yes. Because I have the experience you are looking for,and think I will be one of the best in this field.

  Yes. I know exactly what's involved. I am a hard worker and will perform to the best of my ability.

  2. What salary do you expect?

  This will be my first job and I lack experience, so I hesitate to suggest a salary.

  I don't mind if I start with a low salary because it is my first time to hunt for a job and I lack experience. I'll leave it to you, because I'm not in the position to ask for a certain salary at present."

  I think we can reach an agreement on the salary if I can be sure that there is a good chance to advance in this company.

  I believe you must have a standard starting salary, which should be satisfactory.

  I am making RMB2000 a month at my present work. I should expect not lower than RMB3000 a month.

  One good qualified man is better than a score of men. I can handle this work quite easily by myself and you will end up saving money if you pay me RMB4000 a month.

  3. What type of people do you prefer working with?

  I like working with all types of people.

  I like working with people who work well under pressure.

  I can work with anyone as long as they are honest.

  Occasionally I might run into a conflict with someone. When this happens, I usually focus on what the conflict is about rather than on personalities. I find that approach helps me to maintain a successful relationship with anyone and often leads to resolution and strengthened relationships.

  If the solution is an easy one and not time consuming I will help my teammate. Otherwise I will tell him to wait till I finish my project and then I will help him.

  4. Tell me about yourself?

  Ever since I was a child…

  to be fascinated with sth.


  to be heavily involved in sth.

  elaborate on

  5. Where would you like to be in 5 years?

  I would like to follow the management career path.

  I would like to try the secretary career track

  I'd like to be a senior manager of your company in five years.

  Although it's certainly difficult to predict things far into the future, I know what direction I want to develop toward. Within five years, I would like to become one of the best engineers in your company.

  “I would like to become the expert that others rely upon. And in doing so, I feel I will be fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities that might be presented in the long term."

  In five years I want to be a valuable part of this company and help it to reach its goal. I also want to manage a challenging project and bring in latest technology that will benefit the company.

  In the next five years, I want to learn new things, gain more experience and increase my value to your company. I want to learn my job well and eventually to achieve a position of higher responsibility within your company.

  In the next five years, I will not plan on moving or going back to school, I want to stay with this company for many years, and expect I would be very happy with this job.

  6. Tell me something about your educational background.

  I've taken every class the college has to offer in the field and also completed an independent study project specifically in this area.

  It seems as if organizations are more dependent than ever on the ability of employees to be articulate both orally and in writing. I am constantly taking advantage of opportunities to develop my oral and written communication skills.




  Ⅰ Mock Exam

  1. Conversation

  Where do you live?

  Do you like living in London?

  What do you like about living there?

  Where would you like to live?

  If you couldn’t live in London, where would you like to live?

  How do you travel to work?

  Do you like traveling by tube?

  In future, how do you think people will travel by work?

  2. Presentation





  3. Discussion

  English Language Training

  Your company is planning to offer an English language training to employees.

  You have been asked to help with the planning and organization of the training.

  Discuss the situation together, and decide:

  l Who should be given the chance of having English classes

  l How to encourage employees to take part in the training

  Ⅱ Interview Question

  1. What do you consider your major strength?

  A. self-motivated

  B. hard working and honest

  C. look for better ways of doing the work

  D. good interpersonal relationships

  2. What do you consider your major weakness?

  I cannot leave a job half-done and usually find myself thinking of possible solutions to problems while I am driving to work or in the shower. I also know I spend too much time in my work. I can't get enough leisure time.

  3. Why do you want to leave your present job / previous job?

  There is no room for my career growth and promotion I want in my previous job. So I'm looking for a company, which recognizes and rewards hard workers.

  There is room for improvement in your work. It is not as good as it could be.

  My reason for leaving my present employer is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.

  I am leaving my present job in order to improve my position and have more responsibility.

  4. What is it about this job that interests you? / Why do you want to join our company?

  Your company enjoys a good reputation in this field. I've heard you take care of your employees and offer good salaries and benefits.

  Your company is well respected in this field. I have heard nothing but good things about your company.

  I've heard you take care of your employees and offer good salaries and benefits.




  Ⅰ Presentation Topics

  Entertaining clients




  l COST

  Types of Activities:

  Entertaining client is done by way of a series of activities. Such as a sightseeing tour, a football match, a ballroom party, an orchestra performance, a ballet show, a fashion show, playing tennis and a formal meal, etc.

  The activities that you choose will constitute a part of the first impression that you will give to your clients. So you should be careful when choosing the type of activities. You need to consider the client’s age, educational and cultural backgrounds and do some research about your clients’ characters and hobbies.

  For well-educated clients, they may expect some high class-associated activities, such as ballet, ballroom parties, and orchestra performances. If you fulfill their expectation/standard, your efforts will put a lot of weight on your credibility.

  For some young clients, you may wish to take them to some more fashionable activities, such as a music bar, a pop music show, a fashion show.

  For those sporty clients-football, tennis

  However, you should always end up all kind of activities with having a formal meal. You don’t want to talk about business with your clients in the tennis court or theatre; they are just the warming-up activities for the key matter-business. After a whole day or a few days’ entertainment, you may find the distance between the two sides are much narrower than the beginning, and there might be a lot of things that you both want to talk about.

  The costs of entertainment

  Not always the essential thing. Depending on the nature/characteristics of the transaction or the size of the deal.

  Should consider the profit issue. If the company is expecting to make big gain/profits out of a specific client, it should at least put in proportional investment to entertain/please its clients. E.g.….

  If the company foresees that the client is not very lucrative, then….

  The ideal plan would be spending as little money as possible to get the deal done. But you must not offend your clients. You should make them feel being welcomed.

  Complaint handling





  Offering an apology is the very basic level.

  When the clients think that they have received unfair treatments, the first thing that the company should do is to calm them down and try to keep the client.

  An apology is the first step and a useful method to maintain control of the situation.

  Offering an apology is an important gesture to show that the hosting company is fully aware of the situation and would like to take the potential responsibility for its mistakes.

  The complaining clients would feel that their complaints are being paid attention and may therefore be happy to proceed to the transaction with the hosting company.

  It is necessary to suggest a solution to the problem as well.

  The clients want to enter into the transaction in a good mood and with a reliable and trustworthy business partner. Apart from an apology, the client would want to have the problems and misunderstanding solved before their communication moves to the next level. If the hosting company failed or refused to suggest a solution, its sincerity of entering into the transaction would be put into doubt.

  Ⅱ Discussion Topic

  Entertaining Foreign Clients

  Your company is entertaining a group of foreign clients for three days, including one non-working day.

  You have been asked to plan a programme for the visit.

  Discuss the situation together, and decide:

  l What kinds of activities would be suitable for the visit

  l What information it would be useful to know about the clients before finalizing the programme

  Interlocutor: [Select one or more of the following questions as appropriate, to redress any imbalance or to broaden the discussion.]

  l What kinds of arrangements need to be made before foreign visitors arrive? (Why?)

  l Are there any disadvantages for a company in having a visit from foreign clients? (Why / Why not?)

  l Where would you take foreign visitors in your home town? (Why?)

  l Would you enjoy looking after business visitors for a few days? (Why / Why not?)

  l What problem might there be when socializing with foreign business people? (Why?)

  l What are the long-term benefits of establishing personal contacts with foreign clients?

  Thank you. That is the end of the speaking test.

  [Retrieve materials.]

  Ⅲ Discussion Functional Sentences

  (一) 开始某个话题

  Let’s start with …

  Shall we begin with …

  So, the first item on the agenda is …

  Linda, would you like to kick off?

  (二) 结束某个话题

  Right, I think that covers the first item.

  Shall we leave that item?

  If you don’t have anything else to add, …

  (三) 转移话题

  Let’s move on to the next item …

  The next question on the agenda is …

  Now let’s come to the question of …

  (四) 打断对方

  Excuse me, may I interrupt?

  Just a moment, but …

  Can I say something here?

  Mark, sorry, …

  Sorry to interrupt, but …

  五) 评价

  1. 同意

  That’s a good point.

  I agree with you. I can’t agree with you more.

  I see what you mean.

  Yes, …

  That’s quite a good idea.

  That’s absolutely true.

  2. 反对

  I totally disagree with you.

  I couldn’t agree less.

  You must be joking!

  (六) 询问对方意见

  What do you think about this?

  What’s your opinion on this?

  Have you considered …

  I haven’t heard your opinion about …

  (七) 表达自己观点

  I think/feel/believe that …

  You mentioned that …, but, in my view …

  In my opinion, we should …

  I’d like to point out …

  Let me emphasize …

  My view is that …

  Just let me finish.

  (八) 评论

  That’s a good idea/an excellent idea.

  That’s very interesting.

  I’m sure we’d all agree with that.

  That’s a very good point/an important point.

  (九) 要求对方澄清观点

  I don’t see what you’re getting at.

  I’m not sure what you mean.

  I’m not sure what you are saying.

  It’s not clear what you mean.

  (十) 避免跑题

  We’re missing the point.

  We’re getting off the point.

  Let’s get back to the main point.

  It’s not on the agenda, but …

  (十一) 回应

  That’s marvelous.

  That’s great.

  That’s fine.


  All right.

  I see your point.

  I understand your concern.



  As stakes go, these ones are well done. Western banks which bought positions in Chinese lenders are now sitting on almost ridiculous capital gains. The nine biggest listed stakes by value are now worth an estimated $81bn, compared with a cost of $11bn. The implied profits exceed the $50bn-odd of subprime write-offs that global banks have announced so far. One bubble, it seems, could help plug the balance sheet hole created by the collapse of another.

  卖出这些股票的理由颇为强大。中国四大银行的预期市盈率在25倍左右。会计处理方法差别很大——汇丰(HSBC)按成本价计算投资,而经纪商兼交易商高盛(Goldman Sachs)必须按市价来记入其持有的股票头寸。但正如美国银行(Bank of America)上周所示,对于多数银行而言,这些股份必须在卖出后,它们的一级资本充足率才会受益。

  The case for selling is strong. China’s big four banks trade on forward price earnings multiples in the mid twenties. Accounting treatments vary – HSBC carries its investments at cost, while broker-dealer Goldman Sachs must mark its position to market. But for most banks, the stakes would have to be sold before their Tier 1 capital ratios would benefit, as Bank of America indicated last week.

  这些考量不太可能影响那些持有真正战略性股权的银行。获得破例待遇的花旗集团(Citigroup)对未上市的广东发展银行(Guangdong Development Bank)拥有运营控制权。汇丰可能继续持有其颇具影响力的股权;不过,该公司也在扩张其在中国内地的分支网络,以对冲这项赌注。其它西方银行通常面临股权禁售期,大体在2008年至2010年到期,不过,运用一点想像力,即可绕开这些禁售规定。但多数银行也坚称,卖出其持有的少数股权,可能导致它们丧失重大的战略优势。

  Such considerations are unlikely to sway those with genuinely strategic positions. Privileged Citigroup has operational control of unlisted Guangdong Development Bank. HSBC will likely hang on to its influential equity stakes, although it is hedging its bets by expanding its own mainland branch network. The other western banks typically face lock-ups that expire in 2008-2010, although these may be circumventable with a little imagination. But most also insist that selling their small stakes would forfeit big strategic advantages.

  上述说法并不罕见——沃达丰(Vodafone)在中国移动(China Mobile)的持股令其获利100亿美元,但该集团并未表现出售出这些股权的打算。此外还有一些证据表明,在这方面存在切实的商业利益——在中国工商银行(ICBC)最近与南非标准银行(Standard Bank)的交易中,高盛担任了交易顾问。但事实上,西方银行应该考虑卖出这些股份,特别在其股东如今可以直接购买中国内地银行股票之后。这种现实主义做法确实有先例可循。埃克森(Exxon)、壳牌(Shell)和英国石油(BP)曾“瞄准”中国石化(Sinopec)上市,但到2005年,它们已经撤离。与此同时,美国铝业(Alcoa)刚刚悄然卖出了持有的20亿美元中国铝业(Chalco)股份,这就是双方在2001年缔结的“长期战略伙伴关系”远景。

  This is not an unusual argument – Vodafone, sitting on a $10bn profit from its China Mobile stake shows no inclination of selling. And there is some evidence of tangible commercial benefits – Goldman Sachs advised ICBC on its recent deal with South Africa’s Standard Bank. But the reality is that western banks should be considering selling out, particularly since their sharehold

ers can now buy into Chinese banks directly. Such realism does have precedents. Exxon, Shell and BP, having “anchored” Sinopec’s floatation, had exited by 2005. Alcoa, meanwhile, has just uncerimoniously offloaded its $2bn position in Chinese counterpart Chalco – so much for the “long term strategic partnership” envisioned back in 2001.



  Some while ago I read a newspaper story saying male cyclists who rode a lot risked impotence because of the damaging effect of the saddle on their reproductive organs. It quite made my day. In my opinion, anything that stops cyclists breeding is to be welcomed as an unmitigated good.


  I hate cyclists. At least, I hate the ones I see in London every day. Outwardly, they may appear to be nice, respectable, law-abiding, middle-class people, and perhaps they normally are. But the moment they straddle their bikes, something snaps.


  It is not just the self-righteousness that gets to them. It is a deep-seated sense of injustice. On the one hand, they feel smug and superior, yet on the other, they are constantly humiliated by the knowledge of their acute vulnerability. The unfairness of it all fills them with such outrage that they turn into complete nutters, gripped by a desire for vengeance on a world that has wronged them so cruelly.


  Their contempt for the law is breathtaking. They routinely ignore red traffic lights, menacing pedestrians crossing the road when it ought to be safe. They cycle the wrong way along one-way streets, notably outside our local primary school where they play dodge ’em with the parents and children every morning. They race over pedestrian crossings and along the pavements whenever it suits them, the more aggressive of them screaming abuse at anyone who gets in their way. Yet heaven help anyone, car driver or pedestrian, who strays even momentarily into a cycle lane.


  Does it matter? Yes, very much. Obviously, cyclists’ flagrant disrespect for the law is a threat to public safety. It also affects the quality of life in London, not just by making walking unpleasant and sometimes even frightening, but by contributing to a sense of lawlessness and disorder.


  More important, it is bad enough that a particular group of road users should regard themselves as above the law; it is much worse that the government and police should connive in it. Why should cyclists be allowed to commit dangerous traffic offences at will while vast numbers of police, traffic wardens and private sector contractors, assisted by spy cameras and other technology, are ready to pounce on car drivers for even the most trivial violations and punish them with heavy fines, the confiscation of their vehicles or worse?


  It is time London cracked down on cyclists’ behaviour. I do not want to stop people cycling but I do want them to realise that the green halo hovering over their helmets does not put them in a special category of road users to whom no laws apply, any more than cycling to the supermarket gives them the right to shoplift with impunity.


  I realise the difficulty. At present, it is difficult to punish cyclists for breaking the law. The police stop a cyclist for jumping a red light, she gives them a false name and address and off she goes, the wrong way up a one way street. There is nothing much anyone can do.


  Except, there is. It is time to introduce cyclist licensing. All cyclists over the age of 16 using public roads should be required to hold a licence. They would not need to pass a test to obtain one but the system would have to be self-financing, requiring applicants to pay a fee. This is not asking much when you consider that cyclists are otherwise freeloaders on road infrastructure that is overwhelmingly paid for by motorists.


  Licensing would transform enforcement. Cyclists would be required to carry their licences with them at all times, providing proof of their identity. Those stopped for an offence who failed to produce one would have their cycles confiscated until they did so. As with motorists, cyclists endangering pedestrians or other road users would have their licences endorsed, with three offences leading to a ban.


  Today’s piffling fines – £30 for riding on the pavement – should also be drastically raised. Then, enforcement could become self-financing. As with motorists, local authorities could employ teams of wardens to hunt down and penalise errant cyclists, or else turn the job over to private contractors.


  I realise not all cyclists are bad; just a few months ago, I saw one stop at a red light. But the good ones will benefit from these measures if the rest of us hate cyclists less. So that is what I would change. I would introduce cyclist licensing now, for a safer, fairer and altogether more civil society



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