数控专业英语 篇一
1. Numerical Control Machine Tool - 数控机床
2. CNC Machine Tool - 数控机床(CNC为Computer Numerical Control的缩写)
3. Machining Center - 加工中心
4. Lathe - 车床
5. Milling Machine - 铣床
6. Drilling Machine - 钻床
7. Grinding Machine - 磨床
8. Turning - 车削
9. Milling - 铣削
10. Drilling - 钻削
11. Grinding - 磨削
12. Cutting - 切削
13. Tool Holder - 刀柄
14. Cutting Tool - 刀具
15. Spindle - 主轴
16. Feed Rate - 进给速度
17. Cutting Speed - 切削速度
18. Spindle Speed - 主轴转速
19. Workpiece - 工件
20. Fixture - 夹具
21. Control Panel - 控制面板
22. Program - 程序
23. G-code - G代码(数控机床的控制程序语言)
24. Axis - 轴
25. X-axis - X轴
26. Y-axis - Y轴
27. Z-axis - Z轴
28. Coordinate System - 坐标系
29. Interpolation - 插补
30. Rapid Traverse - 快速移动
数控专业英语 篇二
1. Understand the Drawing - 理解图纸
Before starting the programming process, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the engineering drawing of the workpiece. Pay attention to the dimensions, tolerances, and features that need to be machined.
2. Select the Suitable Machine Tool - 选择适合的机床
Different machine tools have different capabilities and limitations. Choose the appropriate machine tool based on the requirements of the workpiece and the machining process.
3. Determine the Machining Sequence - 确定加工顺序
Plan the order of operations based on the complexity of the workpiece and the machining requirements. This will help optimize the machining process and reduce the total machining time.
4. Calculate the Cutting Parameters - 计算切削参数
Determine the cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut based on the material properties, tooling, and machining requirements. These parameters directly affect the quality and efficiency of the machining process.
5. Write the Program - 编写程序
Use the appropriate programming language, such as G-code, to write the program that contains the instructions for the machine tool. Pay attention to the syntax and format of the programming language.
6. Test the Program - 测试程序
Before running the program on the machine tool, it is important to simulate and verify the program using software or a virtual machine. This will help detect any potential errors or collisions.
7. Set Up the Machine Tool - 设置机床
Prepare the machine tool by installing the necessary tools and fixtures. Make sure everything is properly aligned and secured to ensure safe and accurate machining.
8. Run the Program - 运行程序
Load the program into the machine tool's control system and start the machining process. Monitor the operation and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the desired results.
9. Inspect the Finished Workpiece - 检查成品工件
After the machining process is complete, inspect the workpiece to ensure it meets the specified requirements. Use measuring tools such as calipers and micrometers to check dimensions and tolerances.
10. Document the Program and Process - 记录程序和工艺过程
Record the program and the machining process parameters for future reference. This documentation is important for quality control and process improvement.
These basic principles of CNC programming provide a foundation for efficient and accurate machining. Practice and experience are key to mastering the art of CNC programming in the field of numerical control.
数控专业英语 篇三
ROM n.只读存储器
rotate v.旋转
rotation n.旋转
rotor n.转子
rough adj.粗糙的
RPM n.转/分
RSTR(restart) v.重启动
run v.运行
sample n.样本,示例
save v.存储
save as 另存为
scale n.尺度,标度
scaling n.缩放比例
schedule n.时间表,清单
screen n.屏幕
screw n.丝杠,螺杆
search v.搜索
second n.秒
segment n.字段
select v.选择
selection n.选择
self-diagnostic 自诊断
sensor n.传感器
sequence n.顺序
sequence number 顺序号
series n.系列,adj.串行的
series spindle n.数字主轴
servo n.伺服
set v.设置
setting n.设置
shaft n.轴
shape n.形状
shift v.移位
SIEMENSE (德国)西门子公司
sign n.符号,标记
signal n.信号
skip v,n.跳步
slave adj.从属的
SLC n.小型逻辑控制器
slide n.滑台,v.滑动
slot n.槽
slow adj.慢
soft key n.软键盘
software n.软件
space n.空格,空间
SPC n.增量式脉冲编码器
speed n.速度
spindle n.主轴
SRAM n.静态随机存储器
SRH(search) v.搜索
start v.启动
statement n.语句
stator n.定子
status n.状态
step n.步
stop v.停止,n.挡铁
store v.储存
strobe n.选通
stroke n.行程
subprogram n.子程序
sum n.总和
surface n.表面
SV(servo) n.伺服
switch n.开关
switch off v.关断
switch on v.接通
symbol n.符号,标记
synchronous adj.同步的
SYS(system) n.系统
system n.系统
tab n.制表键
table n.表格
tail n.尾座
tandem adv.一前一后,串联
tandem control n.纵排控制(加载预负荷的'控制方式)
tank n.箱体
tap n,v.攻丝
tape n.磁带,纸带
tape reader n.纸带阅读机
tapping n.攻丝
teach in 示教
technique n.技术,工艺
temperature n.温度
test v,n.测试
thread n.螺纹
time n.时间,次数
tolerance n.公差
tool n.刀具,工具
tool pot n.刀杯
torque n.扭矩
tower n.刀架,转塔
trace n.轨迹,踪迹
track n.轨迹,踪迹
tranducer n.传感器
transfer v.传输,传送
transformer n.变压器
traverse v.移动
trigger v.触发
turn v转动,n转,回合
turn off v.关断
turn on v.接通
turning n.转动,车削
unclamp v.松开
unit n.单位,装置
unload n.卸载
unlock v.解锁
UPS n.不间断电源
user n.用户
value n.值
variable n.变量,adj.可变的
velocity n.速度
velocity loop n.速度环
verify v.效验
version n.版本
vertical a.垂直的
voltage n.电压
warning n.警告
waveform n.波形
weight n.重量,权重
wheel n.轮子,砂轮
window n.窗口,视窗
workpiece n.工件
write v.写入
wrong n.错误,adj.错的
year n.年
zero n.零,零位
zone n.区域