巧记星期一到星期日的英语单词 篇一
Monday is the start of the workweek for most people. It can be a tough day to get back into the groove after a relaxing weekend. To help remember the word "Monday," think of it as "Mon" + "day." Mon sounds like "man," and on Monday, you have to be a man and face the challenges of the week ahead.
Tuesday is the second day of the week. To remember the word "Tuesday," think of it as "Two" + "day." Tuesday is the day when you have to double your efforts and work twice as hard to catch up with the tasks and responsibilities.
Wednesday is often called "hump day" because it is the middle of the workweek, and once you get past it, you're on the downhill towards the weekend. To remember the word "Wednesday," think of it as "Wed" + "nesday." Wednesday can be seen as a wedding between the beginning and the end of the week.
Thursday is the fourth day of the week. To remember the word "Thursday," think of it as "Thurs" + "day." Thursday is a day to be thankful for, as it brings us closer to the weekend. "Thurs" sounds like "thanks," reminding us to be grateful for the progress we've made during the week.
Friday is often everyone's favorite day of the week because it marks the end of the workweek and the beginning of the weekend. To remember the word "Friday," think of it as "Fri" + "day." Friday is a day to celebrate and have fun, just like fries make any meal more enjoyable.
Saturday is the weekend, a day for relaxation and leisure activities. To remember the word "Saturday," think of it as "Sat" + "urday." On Saturday, you can sit back and enjoy some "me" time, doing whatever makes you happy.
Sunday is the last day of the week and is often associated with rest and preparation for the upcoming week. To remember the word "Sunday," think of it as "Sun" + "day." Sunday is a day to bask in the warmth of the sun and recharge for the week ahead.
巧记星期一到星期日的英语单词 篇二
Monday is the first day of the week, and it sets the tone for the rest of the days. To remember the word "Monday," think of it as "Money" + "day." Monday is the day when you have to start working for your money and put in the effort to achieve your goals.
Tuesday is the second day of the week and can sometimes feel like a continuation of Monday. To remember the word "Tuesday," think of it as "Two" + "choose" + "day." Tuesday is a day to make choices and decisions that will shape the rest of your week.
Wednesday is the middle of the week, and it's a time to assess your progress and make adjustments if needed. To remember the word "Wednesday," think of it as "Wise" + "day." Wednesday is a day to reflect on your actions and make wise choices for the remainder of the week.
Thursday is the fourth day of the week and can be seen as a bridge between the beginning and the end. To remember the word "Thursday," think of it as "Thor" + "day." Thor is the Norse god associated with strength and power. On Thursday, channel your inner Thor and tackle any challenges that come your way.
Friday is the end of the workweek and a day to celebrate. To remember the word "Friday," think of it as "Fri" + "joy" + "day." Friday is a day to experience joy and happiness after a week of hard work. It's a time to unwind, have fun, and enjoy the company of loved ones.
Saturday is the weekend, a day to take a break from work and indulge in leisure activities. To remember the word "Saturday," think of it as "Sat" + "your" + "day." Saturday is your day to do whatever brings you joy and relaxation. It's a time to focus on self-care and recharge for the week ahead.
Sunday is the last day of the week, and it's a day for rest and renewal. To remember the word "Sunday," think of it as "Sun" + "day." Sunday is a day to soak up the sun, both literally and metaphorically. It's a time to rejuvenate and prepare for a fresh start in the new week.
巧记星期一到星期日的英语单词 篇三
在古罗马神话中,月亮为太阳之妻。因此,在一星期中也必须有一天是献给月亮的。他们把一星期的第二天叫做Lunaedies,盎格鲁--撒克逊人借译了该词,作Monandaeg,意即Moon day,现代英语作Monday。
在北欧神话中,有一个战神名叫Tyr,相当于罗马神话里的` Mars。当狼精Fenrir在人间作恶时,Tyr自告奋勇前往擒拿,在绑缚狼精时,一只手被咬掉了。Tyr在古英语中拼作Tiw,从Tiw产生了古英语词Tiwesdaeg,意即the day of Tiw,这就是现代英语Tuesday的原始形式。
在古英语中原作 Modnesdaeg,意即Woden's day。Woden乃日尔曼战神Tyr之父,相当于罗马神话里的商业神Mercury。古罗马人以Mercury来命名星期三,把星期三叫做Mercurii dies。其实,英语Wodnesdaeg就是译自该拉丁词,只是在借译时Mercury换成了Woden而已。
在北欧神话中,最有权势、最勇敢的神要数雷神Thor。他相当于罗马神话里的主神Jupiter /Jove。当Thor驾着公山羊拉的战车奔驰而过时,天空顿时雷轰电闪。Thursday正是以Thor命名的,它在古英语原作Thuresdaeg,意即the day of Thor。
在古英语中,Fri- day原作Frigedaeg,意即the day of Frigg /Freya。Frigg /Freya乃北欧爱情女神,亦即战神Woden之妻,由于沉溺于奢侈的生活而遭丈夫遗弃。该女神相当于罗马神话中的Venus,罗马人以Venus来命名星期五,称之为Dies Veneris,意即the day ofVenus,而英语借译该词时把Venus换成Frigg,作Frigedaeg。 Wednesday和Thursday是分别以Frigg /Freya之夫Woden及其子Thor命名的,因此作为一种抚慰英语就把星期五献给了她。北欧人将星期五视为一周中最吉利的一天,是结婚日。对基督教徒来说,星期五则是不吉利的一天,因为耶稣正是在这一天被钉死在十字架上的。
Saturn乃罗马神话中的农神或播种之神。每年12月17日,古罗马人都要举行农神节(Saturnalia),纵情狂欢,他们还以农神的大名来命名一星期中最后一天,亦即the day of Saturn,英语Saturday即由此借译而来。