不俗 双语例句
1. 报告中称北京制卡和会员卡制作行业表现不俗。
Report says that Beijing business card printing and members
2. 坐定之后,开始细审四周,室内的布置,凝重而不显刻板,淡雅而不至苍白,简明随意中尽显主人不俗的品味。
After seated, begin to look around carefully, the col本地 indoor is nothing straitlaced but dignified, compact but not blank, shows the outstanding taste of the host freely and directly.
3. 这个技能在游戏全局都能给裂魂人带来不俗的伤害输出。
This skill provides Barathrum with the emormus amount of damage that he has throughout the game.
4. 初三下午到中环码头揾食,决定一试Watermark这间装潢不俗的餐厅。
I ordered a prime rib set lunch and the waitress did not even bother to ask how my steak should be done.
5. 二是色秀。不艳不俗,浼着大雅,朴素大方,清新冷隽,明秀柔和,悦心舒目
Yan is not impressive, ask a favor of the Taiga, simple and generous, fresh and cold-jun, Ming Xiu soft, Yue Xin Shu head
6. 同时,我们的厢式货车在中国特种改装车市场也有不俗的表现。
Mercedes-Benz is also quite active in China's special van applications as well.
7. 这是高级口语训练,效果不俗。
And at last repeat theabove-mentioned for three minutes.
8. 用蒸肠粉器和布做的传统肠粉较为薄身,而这份食谱是家庭式简化做法,毋需专业用具也做到效果不俗的肠粉!
Traditionally special steamer is used for making rice sheet rolls, but for family, a shallow baking
9. 用蒸肠粉器和布做的'传统肠粉较为薄身,而这份食谱是家庭式简化做法,毋需专业用具也做到效果不俗的肠粉!
Traditionally special steamer is used for making rice sheet rolls, but for family, a shallow baking tray is good enough.
10. 所以,这些设备将成为pRINTCHINA2007展会上最大的卖点,特别是高技术含量的商业轮转胶印机、双面交替制卡和会员卡制作的对开单张纸胶印机以及超大幅面的单张纸胶印机将会有不俗的表现。
Therefore, these devices will become pRINTCHINA2007 presented the biggest selling point, especially high-tech business offset, double-sided alternating business card printing and membership card making back sheet-fed offset presses, as well as large of sheet-fed offset presses will be making appearances.
11. 北京外国语大学的美女气质不俗,开朗活泼。
Beijing Foreign Studies University:Good temperament, cheerful and lively.
12. 本文通过考察废名家乡黄梅所带有的儒禅文化精神和优美的自然环境,来揭示作者不僧不俗、亦僧亦俗的心理结构特征及超然物外的审美眼光所赖以形成的客观背景,指出黄梅作为一种具有独特文化特色和传统的乡土记忆对废名主体生命文化精神和废名文本独特审美风格形成的深远而复杂的影响。
By examining the Confucian cultural spirit and the elegant environment in Huangmei, Fei Ming's hometown, this paper reveals Fei Ming's special psychological structure and aesthetic insight based on the objective background. It also discusses the profound and complex impact of unique culture characteristics and traditional memory of hometown in Huangmei on Fei Ming's cultural spirit of life and his unique aesthetic style.
13. 由政府与业界合作打击盗版活动已取得不俗成果,对香港的未来发展很有帮助。
Anti-piracy efforts by government and industry bodies are producing positive results and will continue to benefit Hong Kong's future.
14. 香港明星李灿森、张兆辉等也将在该片中有不俗表现。
Hong Kong, star Sam Lee, 张兆辉will also have good performance in the film.
15. 李不俗说:「这个会与妳可能无关,却与红教的盛会大有干系。
But it has a lot to do with the grand celebration that`ll be held by the Nyingmapa.
16. 刺绣,是在高级成衣中被较多运用的手法,它在婚纱上的运用能为婚纱带来精致细腻的感觉,同时也能突显出新娘的不俗品位。
Inwrought, it is to be in advanced hand-me-down by more the technique that use, it goes up in marriage gauze apply can bring delicate and exquisite sense for marriage gauze, at the same time also can dash forward show a bride not common grade.
17. 白族的民族服装清秀、端庄、艳而不俗,刺绣部位多在头饰、领口、袖口、围裙、裤角和鞋。
The ethical dress of the Bai nationality is comely, dignified, colourful and not common, inwrought place is in more role of tire, collarband, cuff, apron, trousers and shoe.
18. 如果想增强空间的多样化,选择一些富于变化的颜色也会产生不俗的效果哦,如紫色、青绿色和品蓝。
To add to your perse spaces, choose a variety of fun colors like purple, turquoise and royal blue.
19. 从中得到的教训就是,尽管业绩不俗,但经济乃至金融领域仍面临著压力:如果你能筹集股本,就去筹集。
The lesson is that, despite blow-out results, the economy and financial sector remain under stress: If you can raise equity, you do so.
20. 在书法领域内,陈独秀严格意义上不属于一个专业的书法家,但他深谙书法,他的文化底蕴和个性气质使得他在书法这一领域同样也取得了不俗的成绩。
Chen Duxiu was not an expert in the field of autography, but due to his deep understanding of it, his inside culture quality, his personality and temperature, he gained success in the same field as well.