1. 却都有点异样的感觉:——幸好是友,如果是敌,那就很遗憾,甚至极遗恨了。。。。。。-----会不会有一天大家形同陌路,如同强仇,大家在拳脚上见真章呢?
Could there possibly be a day when the friendship would be strained and estranged, and we`d become enemies and have to resolve matters by ways of a physical altercation?
2. 但是无数对因财产纠纷而分道扬镳的的结发夫妻形同陌路。
Thus, a lot of couples turn their backs to each other and become total strangers due to property dispute.
3. 也许还能继续联系,甚至再见,也许从此侥无音训,形同陌路。但重要的是,她会一直拥有这段美好的回忆。
She imagined that now he was crossing some touching boundless desert, while she was standing on the small terrace facing the huge grey city.
4. 他的职业生涯大都由阿鲁姆推广,不过他们俩现已形同陌路。
He was promoted by Arum for most of his career, though the two are at odds now.
5. 直到一天蓦然回首时才发现我们不再促膝倾谈,疏远得有些形同陌路了。
All I know is that when I looked up, me and my buddy weren't talking anymore. Somehow we had become like strangers.
6. 这对夫妇
The couple might as well have been strangers
7. 很久以后,在你我形同陌路的时光里。
Long after that we are like to be strangers.
8. 我们在梦中形同陌路,醒来发现我们还深爱着对方。
Once we dreamt that we were strangers. we wake up to find that we were dear to each other.
9. 她对我很冷淡,形同陌路人。
She treated me as if I had been a stranger.
10. 现在你和我形同陌路,现在你已经和另一个TA相守相依。
Now I`m nothing to you, you`re with another guy
11. 有一次我们在梦中形同陌路,醒来时却发现彼此相亲相爱
Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.
12. 你要明白,现在咱们两个形同陌路。
You must remember that we are now strangers.
13. 我们现在形同陌路。
We are strangers now.
14. 这点我了解,但是为什么多年以后你要形同陌路?
I know, But why many years later you change so much like a stranger?
15. 我们现在就好像形同陌路。
It's like we're strangers now.
16. 我们能否只要形同陌路,才不会累?
We whether only visible with stranger, only then cannot be tired?
17. 但那样我们就形同陌路。
But we'll wind up perfect strangers.
18. 比如,村里人相互关照,而大城市里的人们形同陌路。
So villagers do each other favours while residents of large, anonymous cities do not.
19. 挂在壁炉上的结婚照,当年年轻的他们笑靥如花,对现在形同陌路的他们简直就是一种极大的嘲讽。
Their wedding day photograph of the young, happy, smiling couple on the mantle of their fireplace was almost mocking those two minds that no longer touched.