英语表达支持的句子 篇一
标题:The Importance of Supporting Others
In today's society, it is crucial for individuals to support and uplift one another. Supporting others not only creates a positive environment, but it also allows for personal growth and development. There are several reasons why expressing support in English is important.
Firstly, supporting others in their endeavors helps to build strong relationships. When we offer encouragement and praise to our friends, family, and colleagues, we create a sense of trust and camaraderie. This support fosters a positive bond and strengthens our connections with others. By expressing our support in English, we can effectively communicate our genuine care and concern for their success.
Secondly, supporting others boosts their confidence and self-esteem. When individuals receive validation and recognition for their efforts, they are more likely to believe in themselves and strive for greater achievements. English expressions of support such as "You're doing great!" or "I believe in you!" can provide the encouragement needed for someone to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential.
Moreover, supporting others contributes to a harmonious and collaborative environment. When individuals feel supported, they are more willing to share ideas, collaborate, and work together towards a common goal. By expressing support in English, we can inspire a sense of unity and create an atmosphere of teamwork and cooperation.
In addition, supporting others helps to create a positive ripple effect. When we support and uplift one another, it encourages others to do the same. This creates a cycle of positivity and support that spreads throughout our communities. By using English expressions of support, we can influence others to be kind and supportive, ultimately creating a more compassionate and empathetic society.
Lastly, supporting others allows for personal growth and development. When we support and celebrate the achievements of others, we cultivate a mindset of abundance and gratitude. This mindset helps us to appreciate our own accomplishments and value the support we receive from others. English expressions of support such as "Congratulations!" or "Well done!" can be used to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of others, thereby fostering a culture of growth and positivity.
In conclusion, expressing support in English is essential for building strong relationships, boosting confidence, creating a harmonious environment, and fostering personal growth. By using English expressions of support, we can contribute to a more positive and supportive society. Let us remember the power of our words and the impact they can have on others. Together, let's support and uplift one another to reach new heights.
英语表达支持的句子 篇二
标题:The Power of Encouragement in English
Encouragement is a powerful tool that can inspire others to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Whether it is in personal or professional settings, expressing support in English can make a significant difference in someone's life. Here are several reasons why encouragement in English is important.
Firstly, encouragement motivates individuals to push through their obstacles. English expressions such as "You can do it!" or "Keep going!" can provide the push someone needs to persevere when faced with difficulties. By expressing encouragement in English, we show our belief in their abilities and help them to believe in themselves.
Secondly, encouragement boosts confidence and self-belief. When individuals receive words of encouragement in English, it helps to build their self-esteem and confidence. Hearing phrases like "I believe in you!" or "You are capable!" can reinforce their belief in their own abilities and empower them to take on new challenges.
Moreover, encouragement creates a supportive and positive environment. When we express support and encouragement in English, it fosters an atmosphere of teamwork and collaboration. This environment allows individuals to feel safe to take risks, share ideas, and contribute their best efforts. By using English expressions of encouragement, we can contribute to a culture of support and foster a sense of belonging.
In addition, encouragement can have a lasting impact on an individual's personal growth and development. English expressions such as "You're making progress!" or "You're on the right track!" can provide the validation needed for someone to continue their journey of self-improvement. Encouragement in English helps individuals to recognize their achievements and motivates them to continue working towards their goals.
Lastly, encouragement in English can inspire others to pay it forward. When individuals experience the positive impact of encouragement, they are more likely to uplift others in return. This creates a ripple effect of positivity and support within our communities. By expressing encouragement in English, we can inspire others to spread kindness and support, ultimately creating a more compassionate and uplifting society.
In conclusion, expressing encouragement in English has the power to motivate, boost confidence, create a supportive environment, and foster personal growth. Let us recognize the importance of our words and the impact they can have on others. By using English expressions of encouragement, we can uplift and empower those around us to reach their full potential. Together, let's make a difference through the power of encouragement.
英语表达支持的句子 篇三
1. 只要你敢在我身上赌,我拼了命也不会让你输。
2. Music is an epression of the people.音乐是人类情感的表达
3. Here, I stand for all of my faculties to welcome our friends who come from afar: welcome to china, welcome to Hunan University. 在此,我代表我校广大学生,再次向我们远道而来的朋友表示欢迎:中国欢迎你们,湖南大学欢迎你们!
4. 他静静地站着眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。
5. Life can not be too complete,but not necessarily regret.
6. 若有重来,我愿倾尽全力去保护你最初的美好。
7. QiaoJinFan understand, he thanked the summer night Yang. 乔津帆明白了,他对夏晚阳表示感谢。
8. Company is better than detail than love.
9. People lined the streets as the militants marched through the town swigging whisky, chanting and singing. 好战分子沿街道行进,高声喝彩和歌唱,人们列道两旁表示欢迎。
10. 习惯难受,习惯思念,习惯等你,可是却一直没有习惯看不到你。
11. 该给的我都给了,我都舍得,除了让你知道我心如刀割。
12. Many Cubans welcomed the fall of the Batista government. 很多古巴人对巴蒂斯塔xxxxxx表示欢迎。
13. 感谢您对我的培养,而且教会了我这么多。
14. 你出生,我陪你徒步人海。
15. 岁月会带走美丽,时光会带去风雨,可是纵使一切都会改变,也带不走我对你的感激,和你为我付出的点滴。祝:健康欢乐!
16. Despite the 3,000 different expressions we may deploy each day, it's the fleeting microexpressions that betray many feelings. 虽然每天人们可能做出的表情可达3000多种,可流露许多感受的往往是那些瞬间即失的细微级表情。
17. 感谢你们给我提供了这个平台,让我们能更好地展示自己!
18. 既然选择了追求,就不要哭泣。坚持一下,扛过今日,幸福就更近一步。真正能把人累垮的,是心里的绝望。
19. At the wedding reception, the bride and groom greet their guests. 在结婚喜宴上,新娘和新郎向宾客表示欢迎。
20. Totheworldyoumaybeoneperson,buttoonepersonyoumaybetheworld.对于世界而言,你是一个人,但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。
21. 感激领导让我懂得自我的价值无价,感恩节欢乐。
22. XX领导、主管、经理,我进入公司有XX时间了,在这阶段你给了我很大帮助,非常感谢你的教导、培养,也很高兴能够在你手下干活,是件非常愉快的事情。
23. Thank you very nuch indeed for your help. Thank you very nuch indeed.真的非常感谢你。
24. 一阵醉人的快乐浸透了她的心。
25. 她觉得自己的心好像被人从身上撕开了。
26. 愿我的心靠在你心里,心心相印永不渝。
27. 前置法
28. Being able to sing songs about an emotion is to triumph over the emotion. 要想在歌曲中唱出一种情感,你必须首先战胜这种情感。(关于表达内心情感)
29. 转换法
30. 孩子们互相追逐着。他们的脸。上充满了喜悦。
31. 你的伙伴他们已经朝那边走了. Your companions have already gone toward that way. 你男朋友的衣服丢失了吗?
32. Thanks a lot what you’ve told me.多谢你告诉我。
33. We held a welcome meeting in honor of him. 我们举行了欢迎会向他表示敬意。
34. 领导有领导的难处,我们要把自己的工作做好,不给领导添麻烦。
35. in high spirits 情绪高涨
36. Therefore, because an unfamiliar distance because so brave beauty (因为陌生,所以勇敢,因为距离,所以美丽。
37. 天天走过你的身边,却一向没有进去看望过你,今日我最终决定鼓起勇气,敲开你的办公室:老大,节日欢乐!
38. 花儿在灿烂地微笑,鸟儿在快乐地欢叫,我的心情啊,像吃了蜜一样甜。
39. 我因你而快乐,就连起床也变成幸福的事。
40. Thank you very nuch for the book.非常感谢你给我这本书。
41. 省译法
42. 爱情是两个人相濡以沫,一生一世。
43. 她几乎冻僵了,脸色苍白,眼睛通红。
44. 她的心跳得厉害,几乎窒息而死。
45. (veduchina.com) [5] At the wedding reception, the bride and groom greet their guests. 在结婚喜宴上,新娘和新郎向宾客表示欢迎。
46. 愿你一生努力,一生被爱,想要的都拥有,得不到的都释怀。
47. indifferent 漠不关心的;冷漠的
48. No one will live to be an island.l hope you will always have love
49. Nomanorwomanisworthyourtears,andtheonewhois,won'tmakeyoucry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。
50. 我一直在,可是在你眼里我隐身!
51. His heart missed a beat when he met her eyes.
52. 我不是变心,是不爱了。
53. Liu Qianqian, a student, said, "I'm very grateful for my father. 学生Liu Qianqian表示:“我很感谢我的父亲。
54. 我不想博得你的感激,我只想和你在一起。
55. to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;
56. 乌云似乎一直笼罩着她的头顶。
57. Positive Bewertung Worthy of trust of friend! 很好的朋友。值得信赖,表示感谢!
58. shake with fears 害怕得瑟瑟发抖
59. be weary of 对......感到厌倦
60. 如把你养胖了,你就只能是我的。
61. 寒夜凄凄,想着你的漂亮取暖。
62. 值此春回大地、万象更新之良辰,敬祝您福、禄、寿三星高照,阖府康乐,如意吉祥!祝您万事如意,心想事成!
63. 他心中涌起一阵恐惧。
64. Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of April 我想要向你的哥哥因为他的帮助表示感谢
65. Time and space shuttle, you are my most beautiful back, the best of us will meet tomorrow.
66. 每天看着你的背影就很满足。
67. With me, you are the basis of everything.
68. Some of them agree with the idea that English learning should start early I childhood.
69. 只有顺其自然,才能随遇而安。
70. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude。 仅这一天远不足以表达我们对您的感激之情。
71. 例如On behalf of my colleagues and myself I thank you. 我代表我的同事和我本人向你表示感谢
72. 感激您的关怀,感激您的帮忙,感激您对我做的一切……请理解我新春的祝愿,祝您平安幸福。
73. 一个爱笑的人一旦哭起来,比任何人都要撕心裂肺。
74. 当你爱上的不是一张脸,而是一个人,你才真的长大了。
75. May you be gentle in the world,and l will light you with fire when
76. Scolari’s appointment was welcomed by Fabio Capello. 法比奥·卡佩罗对新同行斯科拉里表示了欢迎。
77. 就算你一贫如洗,我也相当你最后的行李。
78. 等我想你的时候,我就去猪圈看看。
79. Meike Bao for the arrival of the guests welcomed the convening of the forum said. 梅克保对客人的到来表示欢迎,对论坛召开表示祝贺。
80. 如今,回首来路,对您的真诚帮助,更是心存感谢。
81. 亲爱的领导,感激您对我的照顾,我在以后的工作中,必须会更加的努力的。
82. 你看不见,不代表我不存在。
83. 14)I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。
84. —阵激动声穿过他们。
85. 心中万点涟漪,都是为你而动。眼中万里柔情,皆是为你而起。
86. 你是乍见之欢,也是久处不厌。
87. to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;
88. 这消息的震惊使我喘不过气来。
英语表达支持的句子 篇四
1. Grow old along with me! the best is yet to be
2. 知道么我想做的不是哥哥。
3. It's a fortnight to National Day.
4. 你是我的梦想,以梦开始,以想终止。
5. 他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。
6. 天气渐冷,气温渐降,问候短信先送上,提醒你天冷莫着凉,出门多加衣,晚上多盖被,早上要锻炼,饮食要科学,多多进补,以防天冷体虚,水果蔬菜一样不能少,天气越冷,感冒越防,必须要温度,不可只顾风度,身体健康,放在心上!
7. ignore those who try to discourage you .阴险与打击勿放心上。
8. 养成感恩的习惯。每天清晨醒来时,默默地感激已有的生活和所爱的人,当然还包括其他我对之感激的人和事情。
9. Dogs show their teeth to warn, wag their tails to welcome. 狗露出牙时表示警告,摇摇尾巴则表示欢迎。
10. I would avail myself this opportunity to extent my warm welcome to you all. 愿借此机会向各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎。
11. It‘s my plcasurc. 这是我的荣幸 Expressing welcome 表示欢迎
12. 值此龙年佳节来临之际,恭祝你身体健康,工作顺利,生活美满,合家欢乐!段中洋愿你在今后的日子里烦恼少一点,直到消失,幸福多一点,直到永远!
13. 她的出现使我的呼吸停止了。
14. get all worked up 冲动
15. 她紧张得说不出话来。
16. 如果爱,请别让我再等待。
17. 有机会必须要多向您请教,您讲的每一句话,都叫我终身受用无穷。在我的印象当中,您是一个富有活力且极富魅力的人。
18. Atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。
19. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor ) 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑. B.)
20. Mohammed Ahmed Hamoud, professor of plant molecular biotechnology at Tanta University, Egypt, welcomed the news. 埃及坦塔大学的植物分子生物技术教授Mohammed Ahmed Hamoud对该消息表示了欢迎。
21. 谢谢了,谢谢我的领导和兄弟姐妹们!
22. Other students disagreed with the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.
23. 感激你的关怀,感激你的帮忙,感激你对我做的一切……在这个充满欢乐的日子里,请理解我最真心的祝愿:一生平安如意健康欢乐!
24. Mayor Zhang extended his warm welcome to the visiting guests. 张剑飞对摩根一行的到来表示欢迎。
25. May the world be more gentle,and may you be less sad.
26. 如果我一直不言不语,只是想看看谁最后能够留下。
27. 你的帮助无异于雪中送炭,让我感激涕零!没有什么华丽的语言,没有什么豪言话语,但是我对你的感谢不会减少一分。
28. 她的脸因剧痛而扭曲。
29. Music is by voice to express emotions and shape the image. 音乐是经过声音来表达感情与塑造形象的。
30. 疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏。
31. I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards。我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。
32. Thank you so much for coming.非常感谢你的光临。
33. thrilled 兴奋的;极其激动的
34. 没有理想,即没有某种美好的愿望,也就永远不会有美好的现实。
35. 喂,那个谁,我说我爱你,一辈子的那种。
36. 感谢你的鼓励,给我勇气和力量。
37. 朋友无须有多少,有您就行。亲爱的领导,谢谢您!
38. 我们今天的生活,感谢党,感谢领导的关怀。
39. Some of them approve of the idea that it is good to start learning English from childhood.
40. You have to believe that the right person will meet after going around
41. 你太低估你在我心中的位置了。
42. 喜欢的歌静静听,喜欢的人远远看。
43. show curiosity about 对......表现出好奇心
44. Sniff welcomed Haw with a nod of his head, and Scurry waved his paw. 嗅嗅冲唧唧点了点头,表示欢迎,匆匆则朝他挥了挥爪子。
45. your way to me has softened all kinds of circumstances.
46. 领导,谢谢您,感谢您在工作上的支持,在成长路上的照顾。
47. 我为能争取到您的认可和友谊而感到高兴,珍惜,并维系到长远。
48. if you love the life you live,you will live a life of love. 如果你爱你的生活,你的生活就会充满爱。
49. When he woke up, for HanShaoChen expressed gratitude. 当他醒来后,对韩绍臣表达了感激之情。
50. Keep everything you like with me,this is the meaning of hard work.
51. 尽管我倾尽所有永远不及她。
52. Foryou,thousandtimesover.为你千千万万遍。
53. 千里之行,积于跬步;万里之船,成于罗盘;因为有领导您平日的指点,才有我今天的成就。衷心的感谢您!
54. ashamed 感到羞耻的
55. where there is great love. there are great miracles. 哪里有爱,哪里就有奇迹。
56. 我会好好报答各位领导同事对我的深恩!
57. My statements about my feelings, emotions, and experiences on Facebook are always accurate self-perceptions. 我在Facebook表达的感觉、情感和经历通常是正确的自我知觉。
58. 清晨,愿我的祝福,如一抹灿烂的阳光,在您的眼里流淌;夜晚,愿我的祝福,是一缕皎洁的月光,在您的心里荡漾!生日快乐!
59. love and you will be loved. 爱人,你就会被人爱。
60. He expressed thanks to them. 我向大家表示感谢。
61. Some men prefer to express their feelings through actions rather than words. 相比较情意绵绵的话语,有些男人更乐意通过行动来表达他们的感受。
62. irritated 恼怒的
63. jealous;envious 嫉妒;眼红
64. Live a noble and honest life。 Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again。过一种高尚而诚实的生活。当你年老时回想起过去,你就能再一次享受人生。
65. The National Day and the International Labour Day are great events in China.
66. 如果你是可爱的红苹果,我愿做一条懒懒的虫,把你啃啊啃啊!
67. I'm indebted to all the people present. 我对所有到会者表示感谢。
68. 岁月流逝,真情依在;百里之隔,隔却不断;长夜漫漫,星光闪闪;真心祈祷,左右陪伴。
69. You are my today and all of my tomorrows.
70. 阳光普照的地方很大,但是对于常年积雪的地方也不能忽略,这种地方即使有一瞬间的光亮也会给人温暖的感觉,如果长期酷暑的地方你还是那么买力的暴晒,只能使人产生抵抗之举。
71. I will show my warmest welcome to everybody. 我愿意再次向你们表示最热烈的欢迎。
72. 我不知道说什么才好,除了多谢。感激的话毋宁多言,总之,你是我一生的知己好友!
73. Britain has often been stereotyped as home to "the stiff upper lip", signifying strength of character and an adversity to emotional expression. 大家都说英国人都是“刀子嘴”,个性强硬,不乐于表达感情。
74. “The frankest and freest product of the human mind and heart is a love letter, ” Mark Twain once wrote. “最省钱,最有效的表达爱意的方法就是写情书,”马克·达文写到。
75. I will fill the letter with full blessing,and send you with you far away on the national day. I wish you a happy National Day.
76. I can never thank you enough for you generosity.我对您的慷慨大度永远感激不尽。
77. He wrote an ingratiating letter to his victim offering empathy, rather than just apologies. 他写了一封虚情假意的信给受害者,显示出自己的同感同情,而不仅仅表达歉意。
78. 感谢你们老师般的教导,在工作中不断的学习。
79. 在她驾驶考试时,她像热锅上的蚂蚁。
80. 领导您好,今儿是你的生日,我特意送上我的祝福,愿他如一碗甜甜的长寿面,有嚼劲的面条是我长长的祝愿,可口的汤,是我对您快乐幸福和甜蜜的祝福
81. Don'tspendtimewithsomeonewhodoesn'tcarespendingitwithyou.不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你分享的人身上。
82. t is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks. 现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。
83. 这么多年了,感激各位领导对我的悉心栽培,没有伯乐,我永远都不会是千里马,你们昨日的呵护成就了今日的自我,感激你们!
84. And at the outset I want to thank you all, especially those of you who are far from your homes, working in remote or difficult places. 首先我向所有的人表示感谢,特别是你们当中远离故乡,工作在边远或境遇困难地方的人表示感谢。
85. 真心感谢您,我的领导,感谢您的帮助与照顾。
86. Thank you in advance for your consideration and courtesy. 承蒙阁下的关怀和礼遇,至此表示感谢。
87. 往后余生,不必逞强,不必说谎,爱你的人,都能懂你的模样。
88. A more understanding, yes rational, but also appropriately emotional person. 一个更加通情达理、有理性,而且恰当表达感情的人。
89. 人生旅程上,您丰富我得心灵,开发我得智力,为我点燃了期望得光芒。多谢您!
90. 她脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪闪发光。
91. 感谢您,领导,希望您天天开心。
92. Rather than doing nothing, it is better to make waves.
93. 人生旅程上,您丰富我得心灵,开发我得智力,为我点燃了希望得光芒。谢谢您。
94. Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!
95. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore) 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。(巴里摩尔)
96. 见与不见又何妨,时间终会将你我两清。
97. 你的关怀,在我生活里就像一盏灯,照亮了我的心灵,使我的生命有了光彩!
98. 我的内心十分激动,像波涛汹涌的大海一样。
99. You and I have never met,heart is my first gift to you.
100. 表示感谢,对领导多年来对自己的培养教育和关心表示感谢,也可以说说关于这位领导给自己印象较深的一个事例,能增加感情-色彩。
101. Go all out for everything, including happiness.
102. 你怎么还不来表白,我已经想好要怎么答应你啦。
103. 亲爱的领导,正是因为有您的带头作用,才使我们能在工作中尽职尽责爱岗敬业。衷心的表示我们的感谢!
104. TheChinese side welcomed the start of high-level contacts between theUnited States and the DPRK. 中方对美朝开始高级别接触表示欢迎。
105. Don't try so hard,the best things come when you lease expect them to.不要太努力去找,最好的事情是在最预计不到的时候出现的。
106. 你生日几号,我密码忘了。
107. 以后的路,我要陪你一起走。
108. 感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我做的一切,任何时间,请接受我最真心的祝愿。
109. Oil painting is a language by which artists express and convey their emotions. It fulfills its functions through its visional effect and emphasizes inpidual feelings and cultural impacts. 油画语言是艺术家藉以表达和传递感情的工具,它通过视觉形象的表达完成传递感情和话语的作用,强调个人的感觉状态与时代文化的影响。
110. Nothing says love like a dozen long-stemmed roses on Valentine's Day. 没有什么比情人节的一束长茎玫瑰更能表达爱情。
英语表达支持的句子 篇五
1. Some of them argue that it is a good idea to start learning English from childhood.
2. For his part, Supachai thanked Zhu for the meeting. 素帕猜对会见表示感谢。
3. Your kind assistance on this are very much appreciated. 我们对您的协助表示感谢。
4. We maintain that patriotism should be expressed rationally and in line with law. 但我们主张,应当依法、理性表达爱国热情。
5. Judge not from appearances.人不可貌相,海不可斗量。
6. 当然多谢领导宽慰的话语,没有您们宽慰的话语,也就没有支撑我们相当好教师的力量。
7. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑,近我者甜。
8. i've dicided to stick to love.hates is too great a burden to bear. 我决定要不断的给予爱,恨是不能承受的负担。
9. 生活的道路,因你而不再迷茫,人生的旅途,因你而明亮,是你让我找到了飞翔的翅膀,感激你的我最真心的朋友。感恩节欢乐。
10. For that he was smilingly thanked. 为此,人们对他微笑表示感谢。
11. 有你在我的身边,连风都是超级甜蜜的。
12. I hope you can get drunk if you have wine.someone will
13. 亲爱的领导,正因为有您的带头作用,才使我们能在工作中尽职尽责、爱岗敬业。此时,我只能对您说:感恩节快乐!
14. 我在等一个拥抱,拥抱我所有的不安。
15. 霜雪吹满头,也算是白首。
16. 羞涩的暗恋,什么时候酿成悠久的苦茶。
17. "The president just thinks that, it was just a shoe, people express themselves in lots of different ways," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said. 白宫发言人达娜·佩里诺说:“总统先生觉得那只不过是一只鞋子,人们表达情感的方式有很多种。”
18. The secret of success is constancy to purpose。成功的秘诀在于对目标的忠实。
19. Thanks a billion for the letter.谢谢你给我这封信。
20. Drawing attention to the performance of emotional expression, then the use of exaggeration and deformation technique of expression, full of art to convey the artist's feelings. 表现性绘画重视情感上的表达,再运用夸张变形等表现手法,使艺术充分传达艺术家的情感。
21. 我欣喜若狂,三步并作两步就跑过去。
22. There is a long way to go .It’s OK to walk slowly.
23. 笑声在房间里萦绕。
24. National day is come into contact with gradually on day.
25. 一齐共事的这段日子,将永记心中,结识各位领导和朋友是我一生的幸运。新年来临之际,愿意把最真诚的祝福送给各位领导各位同事,期望我们单位在领导的带领下,团结奋进再创佳绩!祝福各位领导工作顺利,事业腾达!
26. 他摔倒在地上,痛得不省人事。
27. 他站在那里,面色苍白,说不出一句简单的话。
28. 她开始哭起来,好像要把所有的悲伤都倾诉出来。
29. So, people often express their feelings or emotions with metaphors. 英、汉两种语言中都有大量表达情感的隐喻。
30. 句子结构方面
31. The south Indian dance Bharatanatyam has syllables that are used to express emotion. 南印度舞蹈Bharatanatyam已用来表达情感的音节。
32. May we have long-term happiness and dreams
33. hysterically 歇斯底里地
34. 一句温暖的话语,一场真心的感谢,送给您,我的领导。
35. 感激你陪我闯过那些风那些雨,感激在最无助的时候有你,感激在孤独的时候至少还有你,亲爱的朋友,想说真得很多谢你陪我走过人生那么多里地
36. 这消息使他脸上蒙上了一层阴影。
英语表达支持的句子 篇六
1. 是您使我体验了生命的真谛;是您使我不断成长;是您助我度过难关;是您给予了我温暖;是您给了我坚持到底的力量和勇气;是您增添了我的智慧、觉醒了我的自尊、教会了我该独立。
2. I thank you for your invitation and I look forward to meeting you. 表示感谢并表示希望来与你会面。
3. 亲爱的领导,正因为有您的带头作用,才使我们能在工作中尽职尽责、爱岗敬业,谢谢您平时对我的关心和帮助!
4. 她掩面哭泣。
5. You couldn’t have given me anything that I would enjoy more.你送给我的礼物真是让我太高兴了。
6. It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks. 现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。
7. The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart。世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。
8. 她咬着嘴唇,把眼睛从威洛太太的眼睛里移开。
9. 增译法
10. 把千言万语汇成一首歌,名字叫做感激,把千恩万谢编成一首诗,名字叫做祝福,感谢老朋友多
11. 感谢你在我生命中,出现的每一刻!
12. Vice Governor Chen extended warm welcome to Vijay. 陈肇雄对巴维杰的到来表示热烈欢迎。
13. 生活因为懂得感激而精彩,爱情因为懂得感激而美丽,人生因为懂得感激而幸福,在这个特殊的日子里真心祝福你感恩节欢乐!
14. Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day.
15. Jia small gun take people up the hill to the partnership, welcome an old pimple. 贾小枪带人上山入伙,老疙瘩表示欢迎。
16. If she reassures you that she still has faith in you, thank her, of course. 如果她表示仍然信任你,那就向她表示感谢。
17. 你给我的最珍贵的礼品——真诚的友情,在我生活的银河中,犹如一颗明亮的星星。感谢你的关怀,感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我做的一切……请接受我的祝愿,祝你健康幸福。
18. Some of the students point out that it is good to start learning English from childhood.
19. 我漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。
20. Loveisnotonlyasentimentbutalsoanart.爱情不仅仅是感情,它也是艺术。
21. I bade the gentlemen welcome. 我向几位先生表示欢迎。
22. Some students think that it is right to start learning English from childhood.
23. I spent the National Day at Weihai.
24. The two found it easier to express feelings in emails than in person. 她们俩发现在电子邮件里比亲口说更能表达感受。
25. Other students don't think it is suitable for the children to start learning English at a young age.
26. Did the passing wind tell you that someone missed you very much.
27. 我懂,只是你爱的方式不同。
28. 我慢慢抽泣起来,心里满是绝望。
29. but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,
30. 你的灿烂笑容长留我心中,你的亲切话语永伴我左右,你的热情激励鼓舞我前行,你的真诚帮忙温暖我心房,真诚的对你说声:多谢。
31. 他被悲伤压垮了,哭了。
32. weep with joy 喜极而泣
33. The old man snorted a welcome through his sheaves of nasal hair. 那老头抖抖鼻毛哼哼鼻子以示欢迎。