
英语朗读比赛征文范文 篇一

The Power of Words

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and fellow contestants. Today, I would like to share with you the power of words.

Words have an incredible impact on our lives. They can lift us up and inspire us, or they can tear us down and crush our spirits. They have the power to create change, to heal wounds, and to bridge gaps between people. Words have the ability to shape our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

Think about it. A simple compliment can brighten someone's day and boost their self-esteem. On the other hand, a hurtful comment can leave lasting scars and damage relationships. Words have the power to build walls or to tear them down. They can bring people together or drive them apart.

In today's world, where communication is key, the power of words becomes even more evident. Whether it's through social media, emails, or face-to-face interactions, our words have the ability to reach a wide audience and leave a lasting impact. It is important that we choose our words wisely and use them for good.

In addition to their impact on others, words also have the power to shape our own lives. The way we talk to ourselves, the inner dialogue we have, can greatly influence our self-confidence, motivation, and overall well-being. By choosing positive and empowering words, we can uplift ourselves and achieve great things.

So, how can we harness the power of words? Firstly, we must become aware of the words we use and the impact they have on ourselves and others. We should strive to use words that encourage, motivate, and inspire. Secondly, we must practice active listening and empathy. By truly listening to others and choosing our words carefully, we can foster understanding and create a positive environment. Lastly, we must remember that words alone are not enough. We must back up our words with actions.

In conclusion, words are incredibly powerful. They have the ability to shape our thoughts, influence our emotions, and impact the world around us. Let us use our words for good, to uplift and inspire others, and to create positive change. Together, we can harness the power of words and make a difference in the world.

Thank you.

英语朗读比赛征文范文 篇二

The Journey of a Thousand Words

Good morning, esteemed judges, teachers, and fellow contestants. Today, I would like to take you on a journey of a thousand words.

Imagine a world without words. How would we communicate? How would we express our thoughts and emotions? Words are the building blocks of communication. They have the power to connect people, bridge gaps, and convey ideas. Words are the vehicle through which we share our stories and connect with others.

Just like any journey, the journey of a thousand words begins with a single word. That first word opens the door to a world of possibilities. It allows us to express ourselves, to share our experiences, and to connect with others. With each word we add, the journey continues, taking us deeper into the realms of imagination, knowledge, and understanding.

Words have the ability to transport us to different times and places. They can make us laugh, cry, and feel a myriad of emotions. They have the power to evoke memories, stir passions, and inspire action. Words can ignite a spark within us, sparking ideas and fueling our creativity.

But words are not just a means of communication. They are also a reflection of who we are. The words we choose to use, the tone we adopt, and the stories we tell all shape our identity. They reveal our values, beliefs, and experiences. They have the power to shape our relationships, our careers, and our lives.

As we embark on this journey of a thousand words, let us remember the importance of using our words wisely. Let us choose words that build bridges rather than walls, that uplift rather than tear down. Let us use our words to inspire, to encourage, and to bring about positive change.

In conclusion, the journey of a thousand words is a powerful one. It is a journey of self-expression, connection, and growth. Let us embrace this journey and use our words to make a difference in the world.

Thank you.

英语朗读比赛征文范文 篇三

henny-pennyone day henny-penny went for a walk. an acorn fell. the acorn hit henny-penny on the head!"oh, dear," said henny-penny. "the sky is must

go and tell the king.""where are you going "asked cocky-locky."i am going to tell the king the sky is falling," said henny-penny."i'll come with you," said the way they met ducky-lucky."where are you going " asked ducky-lucky."we are going to tell the king the sky is falling," they said."i'll come with you," said the way they met goosey-loosey."where are you going " asked goosey-loosey."we are going to tell the king the sky is falling," they said."i'll come with you," said the way they met turkey-lurkey."where are you going " asked turkey-lurkey."we are going to tell the king the sky is falling," they said."i'll come with you," said they met foxy-loxy."where are you going " asked foxy-loxy."we are going to tell the king the sky is falling," they said."you are not going the right way," said foxy-loxy." "i will show you a good way to go." so they followed stopped in front of a dark hole."this is a good way to go to the king," said went in first. turkey-lurkey followed went in next. ducky-lucky followed goosey-loosey.

richard henry stoddard/理查德.亨利.斯托达德there are gains for all our losses. 我们失去的一切都能得到补偿,there are balms for all our pain; 我们所有的痛苦都能得到安慰;but when youth,the dream,departs...

《黄河颂》啊,朋友!黄河以它英雄的气魄,出现在亚洲的原野;它表现出我们民族的精神:伟大而坚强! 这里,我们向着黄河,唱出我们的赞歌。 我站在高山之巅,望黄河滚滚,奔向东南。


过 秦 论秦孝公据崤函之固,拥雍州之地,君臣固守以窥周室,有席卷天下,包举宇内,囊括四海之意,并吞八荒之心。当是时也,商君佐之,内立法度,务耕织,修守战之具,外连衡而斗诸侯。于是秦人拱手而取西河之外。


许多发黄或明亮的日子 你漫步书林然后一头扎进岁月的长河风中送来阵阵的纸香窗外,月色如水太白与东坡的对饮金樽倾倒余光中背着乡愁蹒跚而至旷古的喘息惊跑广寒玉兔教师读书节朗诵稿(2):乡愁余光中小时候乡愁是一枚小小的邮票我在这头...



英语朗读比赛征文范文 篇四

??星期五,学校举行全校英语朗诵比赛。为了迎接这次重要的比赛,我早已做好了准备。????比赛开始了,选手们一个接一个上场比赛。我站在场外,听到正在朗诵的同学那熟练的声音时,心里非常紧张。我不停地给自己鼓劲:“不要紧张,不要紧张!你是最棒的!”想着想着,我信心倍增,就有了一种不可战胜的感觉。????轮到我上场,我先朗诵了中文,然后又很流利地朗诵了英语故事《TWO??LIONS》。比赛结束了,我终于松了口气。宣布结果时,我的心又再次提到了嗓子眼。当广播里传来“三年级组一等奖沈泽宇”时,我悬在心中的石头一下子落了下来。????放学后,我忍不住心中的喜悦,像小鸟一样飞进了家门。我为自己的表现而感到高兴。指导教师:沈云平投稿:2005-1-16 19:47:14英语朗诵比赛

英语朗读比赛征文范文 篇五








英语朗读比赛征文范文 篇六









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