
简单的英语对话 篇一

Shopping at the Mall

Amy: Hey, Sarah! Have you been to the new mall in town?

Sarah: No, I haven't. Is it any good?

Amy: It's amazing! They have so many stores and restaurants. Let's go this weekend!

Sarah: That sounds like fun. What time should we meet?

Amy: How about we meet at the entrance of the mall at 10 am?

Sarah: Perfect! I'll see you there.

(On the day of shopping)

Amy: Hi, Sarah! I'm so excited to go shopping today.

Sarah: Me too! Let's start at the clothing stores. I need to find a new dress for the party next week.

Amy: Sure, let's head to the second floor. There are a lot of clothing stores there.

Sarah: Great! Oh, look! There's a sale at that store. Let's check it out.

Amy: Sounds good. I'll meet you at the cashier after I browse through the dresses.

(After trying on some dresses)

Sarah: Amy, what do you think of this dress? Is it too casual for the party?

Amy: I think it looks great on you, Sarah! It's not too casual, and the color suits you perfectly.

Sarah: Thanks, Amy! I'll take it. Let's go pay for it now.

(After paying for the dress)

Amy: Now that we're done with the clothing stores, let's grab something to eat. I'm starving!

Sarah: Me too. How about we go to that new cafe on the third floor? I heard they have delicious sandwiches.

Amy: That sounds perfect. Let's go!

(At the cafe)

Waiter: Welcome to our cafe. How may I help you?

Amy: We'd like two sandwiches, please. One chicken sandwich and one vegetarian sandwich.

Waiter: Sure, would you like anything to drink with that?

Sarah: I'll have a lemonade, please.

Amy: I'll have a cappuccino, thank you.

Waiter: Alright, your order will be ready in a few minutes.

(After finishing their meal)

Sarah: That was delicious! Thanks for suggesting this place, Amy.

Amy: No problem, Sarah. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Do you want to continue shopping or head back home?

Sarah: I think I'm done for the day. Let's head back home.

Amy: Alright. It was a fun day of shopping. We should do this again sometime.

Sarah: Definitely! Thanks for the great day, Amy.

简单的英语对话 篇二

Planning a Weekend Trip

John: Hey, Mike! Have you made any plans for the weekend?

Mike: Not yet. Do you have any ideas?

John: I was thinking we could go on a road trip. There's a national park a few hours away from here that I've always wanted to visit.

Mike: That sounds like a great idea! I've been wanting to go on a nature trip for a while now.

John: Perfect! Let's pack our bags and leave early Saturday morning.

(On the day of the trip)

Mike: Good morning, John! Are you ready for our adventure?

John: Morning, Mike! I'm super excited. I packed some snacks and water for the trip. Did you bring your camera?

Mike: Yes, I did. I want to capture some amazing shots of the scenery.

John: Great! Let's hit the road.

(After a few hours of driving)

Mike: Look at that view, John! It's breathtaking.

John: I know, right? I'm so glad we decided to come here. Let's find a hiking trail and explore the park.

Mike: Sounds like a plan. Let's ask the park ranger for some recommendations.

(Asking the park ranger)

John: Excuse me, can you suggest a good hiking trail for us?

Park Ranger: Of course! I recommend the Blue Lake Trail. It's a moderate hike with beautiful views of the lake and surrounding mountains.

Mike: That sounds perfect. How long does it take to complete the trail?

Park Ranger: It usually takes about three hours round trip. Make sure to bring plenty of water and wear comfortable shoes.

John: Thank you for the recommendation. We'll definitely check it out.

(After completing the hike)

Mike: That was an amazing hike. The view from the top was worth it.

John: I completely agree. I'm glad we decided to come here. What do you want to do next?

Mike: How about we find a spot to have a picnic? I brought some sandwiches and fruits.

John: That's a great idea. Let's find a nice spot by the lake.

(After enjoying their picnic)

John: This has been such a fun trip, Mike. I'm glad we decided to go on this adventure.

Mike: Me too, John. It's been a great break from our daily routines. We should plan more trips like this in the future.

John: Definitely! I'm already looking forward to our next adventure.

Mike: Same here. Thanks for suggesting this trip, John.


简单的英语对话 篇三
















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