
旅行英语美文 篇一

A Journey of Discovery

Traveling to foreign countries is not just about visiting popular tourist spots or taking Instagram-worthy photos. It is an opportunity to immerse yourself in a different culture, to explore new landscapes, and to discover more about yourself.

I remember my trip to Japan vividly. As soon as I stepped off the plane, I was greeted by the bustling streets of Tokyo. The sounds, smells, and sights overwhelmed my senses, but I was excited to delve into this new world. I made it a point to interact with locals as much as possible, even if it meant stumbling over my limited Japanese vocabulary. Through these interactions, I learned about their customs, traditions, and way of life.

One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the historic city of Kyoto. Walking through the serene temples and gardens, I felt a sense of tranquility and peace that I had never experienced before. I sat in meditation under a cherry blossom tree, trying to absorb the wisdom and spirituality that surrounded me. It was a moment of self-reflection and introspection, a moment that made me realize the importance of slowing down and appreciating the present.

But it wasn't just the tourist attractions that left a lasting impression on me. It was the small moments, the unexpected encounters, that truly made this journey unforgettable. It was the elderly couple who invited me into their home for a traditional tea ceremony, sharing stories of their lives and imparting wisdom that can only come with age. It was the street vendor who taught me how to make takoyaki, a popular Japanese street food, and the laughter we shared as I failed miserably at flipping the octopus balls.

Traveling expands our horizons, not only geographically, but also mentally and emotionally. It challenges our preconceived notions and forces us to step outside of our comfort zones. It teaches us to be adaptable, to embrace uncertainty, and to find joy in the simplest of things.

So, the next time you embark on a journey, remember that it is not just a vacation or a break from routine. It is an opportunity for self-discovery, a chance to connect with different cultures, and a gateway to a world of new experiences. Embrace the unknown, let go of expectations, and allow yourself to be transformed by the beauty and diversity that awaits you.

旅行英语美文 篇二

Wanderlust: The Call of the Unknown

There is something magical about the anticipation of a journey. The excitement that builds up as you plan your itinerary, research destinations, and pack your bags. It is the promise of adventure, of stepping into the unknown, and of discovering a world beyond your comfort zone.

As a travel enthusiast, I have always been drawn to the idea of exploring new places and immersing myself in different cultures. Each trip is a chance to escape the familiar and embrace the unfamiliar. It is a reminder that the world is vast and full of wonders waiting to be discovered.

One of my most memorable travel experiences was a solo backpacking trip through Southeast Asia. I started in Thailand, navigating bustling markets and tranquil temples, before making my way to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Every day brought new experiences and challenges, and I found myself constantly learning and adapting.

But it wasn't just the sights and sounds that captivated me. It was the people I met along the way. From fellow travelers to locals, each encounter left a lasting impact. I shared stories and laughter with strangers who became friends, and we explored hidden gems together, venturing off the beaten path. These connections reminded me of the universal language of kindness and hospitality that transcends borders.

Traveling also teaches us valuable life lessons. It teaches us to be adaptable and resilient, to embrace uncertainty and to trust in our own abilities. It pushes us to step out of our comfort zones and challenges our preconceived notions. It reminds us that the world is diverse and complex, and that there is so much more to learn and understand.

So, if you ever feel the call of wanderlust, don't hesitate to answer it. Embrace the unknown, step outside of your comfort zone, and allow yourself to be transformed by the experiences that await you. Traveling is not just a luxury or a hobby, it is a way of life. It is a constant reminder to seek out the beauty and wonder that exists in every corner of the world.

旅行英语美文 篇三



1. 由《英语周报》口语主播丁浩主讲,着重讲解48个国际音标中易混音标、易错音标的正确读法。

2. 音频课程,共9个课时,音融于词,词融于句。

3. 粉丝优惠价39.9元,少喝一杯奶茶就能拥有。


1. 由《英语周报》口语主播丁浩主讲,每节课5分钟,只讲一个音标,让你迅速掌握每个音标发音要领。

2. 视频课程,身临其境,口型易模仿,48个音标48节课,轻松学习无压力。

3. 原价199元,限时特惠99元,少吃一顿烧烤就能拥有。


Awakening early on that first morning, I slipped on a dressing gown provided by the hotel and went out on to the veranda. In the dawn light the sky was a pale grey-blue and, after the rustlings of the night before, all the creatures and even the wind seemed in deep sleep. It was as quiet as a library.

Beyond the hotel room stretched a wide beach which was covered at first with coconut trees and then sloped unhindered towards the sea. I climbed over the veranda's low railing and walked across the sand. Nature was at her most benevolent. It was as if, in creating this small horseshoe bay, she had chosen to atonefor her ill-temper in other regions and decided for once to display only her munificence.



责编 | 杨宁

审稿 | 李栋

校稿 | 吕放



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