my father英语作文优秀范文(最新3篇)

my father英语作文优秀范文 篇一

Title: A Hero in My Life - My Father


In our lives, there are many people who leave a lasting impact on us. For me, it is undoubtedly my father. He is not only a parent but also a role model, a mentor, and a hero. In this essay, I would like to describe the qualities that make my father an exceptional person and how he has influenced my life.


Firstly, my father is a hardworking individual who never gives up. He wakes up early in the morning and works tirelessly to provide for our family. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, he remains determined and perseveres. His strong work ethic has taught me the value of hard work and dedication, inspiring me to give my best in everything I do.

Secondly, my father is a compassionate and understanding person. He always listens attentively to my problems and concerns, offering support and guidance whenever I need it. His patience and empathy have helped me navigate through difficult times and make better decisions. He has taught me the importance of empathy and kindness towards others, making me a more compassionate individual.

Furthermore, my father is a constant source of encouragement and motivation. He believes in my abilities and pushes me to reach my full potential. Whether it is academics, sports, or any other aspect of my life, he is always there cheering me on. His unwavering belief in me has boosted my self-confidence and instilled in me a sense of determination to overcome challenges.

Lastly, my father is a man of integrity and strong moral values. He always emphasizes the importance of honesty, respect, and responsibility. He leads by example, demonstrating these values in his actions and words. His ethical principles have shaped my own values and morals, guiding me to make ethical choices and be a person of integrity.


In conclusion, my father is not only a parent but also my hero. His hard work, compassion, encouragement, and integrity have shaped me into the person I am today. I am truly grateful for his presence in my life and the valuable life lessons he has taught me. My father will always be my source of inspiration and the person I look up to.

Word count: 396

my father英语作文优秀范文 篇二

Title: My Father's Impact on My Career Choice


In our lives, there are certain individuals who influence our decisions and shape our future. For me, one such person is my father. His support, guidance, and insights have played a crucial role in my career choice. In this essay, I would like to describe how my father's influence has helped me in choosing the right career path.


Firstly, my father has always encouraged me to pursue my passions and interests. He believes that true success comes from doing what you love. Whenever I showed an interest in a particular field or hobby, he would provide me with the resources and opportunities to explore it further. This support allowed me to discover my true passion for a specific career path.

Secondly, my father has been an immense source of knowledge and wisdom. He has extensive experience in the industry I was considering for my career. He shared his insights, challenges, and successes, giving me a realistic view of what to expect. His advice helped me gain a better understanding of the industry and make an informed decision about my career choice.

Furthermore, my father has been a mentor and a role model in my journey. He has always been there to guide me, providing valuable advice and suggestions. Whether it was discussing potential job opportunities, helping me develop my skills, or networking with professionals, he has played an active role in shaping my career path. His guidance and mentorship have been invaluable in my decision-making process.

Lastly, my father's unwavering belief in my abilities has boosted my self-confidence. He has always emphasized the importance of believing in oneself and pursuing dreams fearlessly. His constant encouragement has given me the courage to overcome obstacles and pursue my chosen career path, even in the face of uncertainty.


In conclusion, my father's influence has been instrumental in shaping my career choice. His support, guidance, and belief in my abilities have given me the confidence to pursue my passions. I am grateful for his presence in my life and the impact he has had on my future. With his continued support, I am confident that I will achieve success in my chosen career path.

Word count: 374

my father英语作文优秀范文 篇三

my father英语作文优秀范文

编辑:悄缘‍  发布时间:2017-05-18 

60; 手机版



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