


My Hardworking Grandmother

My grandmother is a very hardworking person. She is always busy from morning till night, taking care of our family and doing all the household chores. I am amazed by her energy and dedication.

Every day, my grandmother wakes up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for the family. She makes delicious meals for us and ensures that we have a nutritious start to the day. After that, she cleans the house, does the laundry, and takes care of the garden. She works tirelessly to keep our home clean and organized.

In addition to taking care of the house, my grandmother also helps my parents with their work. She helps my mom with cooking and cleaning, and she assists my dad with his paperwork. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and never complains about the workload.

Despite her busy schedule, my grandmother always finds time to spend with me. She helps me with my homework and tells me stories about her childhood. She also teaches me valuable life lessons and encourages me to work hard and be kind to others.

I am truly grateful to have such a hardworking grandmother. Her dedication and love for our family inspire me every day. I hope to be as hardworking and caring as she is when I grow up.


My Grandmother's Diligence

My grandmother is the epitome of diligence. She is a role model for me and inspires me to work hard in everything I do. Her unwavering commitment to her responsibilities and her family is truly admirable.

From the moment she wakes up in the morning, my grandmother is already busy. She starts her day by preparing breakfast for the whole family. She ensures that we have a nutritious meal to start our day right. After breakfast, she cleans the house, does the laundry, and takes care of the garden. She does all these tasks with a smile on her face, never complaining about the workload.

Not only does my grandmother take care of the household chores, but she also helps my parents with their work. She assists my mom in the kitchen and helps my dad with his paperwork. She is always willing to lend a hand and goes above and beyond to support our family.

Despite her busy schedule, my grandmother always finds time for me. She helps me with my schoolwork and encourages me to pursue my dreams. She instills in me the value of hard work and perseverance. Her words of wisdom and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today.

I am incredibly grateful for my grandmother's diligence and dedication. She teaches me the importance of being responsible and diligent in everything I do. I will forever cherish the lessons she has taught me and strive to make her proud.

小学六年级英语作文:勤劳的奶奶附翻译 篇三


  When I was very small, I stayed at my hometown with my grandma. She is a deligent woman, she likes to grow vegetables and takes care of all the house chores. Though my parents ask her to quit these work, my grandma refuses. She takes what she does as her great joy. I understand her, bec

ause I see her smile and be satisfied with life.










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