三年级英语作文:关于我 About me【精彩3篇】

三年级英语作文:关于我 About me 篇一

Hello, everyone! My name is Lily and I am in the third grade. I am excited to tell you all about myself.

Firstly, I want to talk about my appearance. I have long black hair and big brown eyes. I am not very tall, but I am proud of my smile. I always try to wear colorful and comfortable clothes that express my unique personality.

Now, let's move on to my hobbies. I have a lot of interests and I enjoy trying new things. One of my favorite hobbies is reading. I love getting lost in the magical world of books. I also enjoy drawing and painting. It allows me to express my creativity and imagination. Moreover, I like playing the piano. The sound of the music makes me feel happy and relaxed.

In addition to my hobbies, I am also passionate about learning. I am a curious and diligent student. I always strive to do my best in school. My favorite subjects are English and Science. I find English fascinating because it allows me to communicate with people from different parts of the world. Science, on the other hand, helps me understand the world around me.

Apart from my academic life, I also have a loving family. I have a younger brother who always makes me laugh. We spend a lot of time playing games and exploring new adventures together. My parents are very supportive and encourage me to pursue my dreams.

In conclusion, I am a happy and determined young girl with various interests and a love for learning. I believe that with hard work and a positive attitude, I can achieve anything I set my mind to. Thank you for listening to my story!

三年级英语作文:关于我 About me 篇二

Hello everyone! My name is Tom and I am a third-grade student. I am excited to share with you all about myself.

First of all, let me introduce my appearance. I have short brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. I am of average height and I always make sure to dress neatly and comfortably.

Now, let's talk about my hobbies and interests. One of my favorite hobbies is playing soccer. I love the feeling of running on the field and kicking the ball. It is a great way to stay active and make new friends. In addition to soccer, I also enjoy reading books. It opens up a whole new world for me and allows me to explore different cultures and ideas. Another hobby of mine is playing the guitar. I find it relaxing and it helps me express my emotions.

Besides my hobbies, I am also passionate about learning. Mathematics is my favorite subject because I love solving problems and finding patterns. I also enjoy learning about history and discovering how events from the past have shaped our present. Learning new things gives me a sense of accomplishment and helps me grow as a person.

In my free time, I like spending time with my family and friends. We often go on picnics, watch movies, or simply have fun conversations. I am grateful for the love and support they give me.

In conclusion, I am a lively and enthusiastic young boy with a love for sports, reading, and learning. I believe that with dedication and hard work, I can achieve my goals and make a positive impact on the world. Thank you for listening to my story!

三年级英语作文:关于我 About me 篇三

三年级英语作文:关于我 About me

编辑:志艺  发布时间:2017-10-24   手机版





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