蔬菜幼儿教师的英语说课稿 篇一
Title: Introducing Vegetables to Preschoolers
Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I am here to present my lesson plan on introducing vegetables to preschoolers. In this lesson, we will explore different types of vegetables, their colors, and their benefits to our health. The main objective of this lesson is to encourage children to develop a positive attitude towards vegetables and to understand the importance of including them in their daily diet.
I. Warm-up (5 minutes)
To begin the lesson, I will start with a warm-up activity to engage the students and get them excited about the topic. I will show them pictures of different vegetables and ask them to name as many vegetables as they can. This will help assess their prior knowledge and create a foundation for the upcoming activities.
II. Vocabulary (10 minutes)
Next, I will introduce new vocabulary related to vegetables. I will use flashcards to show the names of different vegetables and their corresponding images. I will pronounce the words clearly and ask the students to repeat after me. To reinforce the vocabulary, I will play a game of "Guess the Vegetable" where I describe the characteristics of a vegetable and the students have to guess its name.
III. Vegetable Sorting Activity (15 minutes)
In this activity, I will provide the students with a variety of plastic vegetables, each with a different color. I will ask them to sort the vegetables into different color groups. This will not only enhance their color recognition skills but also help them learn about the diversity of vegetables. As they sort the vegetables, I will encourage them to share their findings with the class.
IV. Vegetable Tasting (20 minutes)
To further engage the students, I will conduct a vegetable tasting activity. I will prepare a tray with a selection of different vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers. I will explain the benefits of each vegetable and encourage the students to try them. I will also provide a chart where they can rate the taste of each vegetable using smiley faces. This activity will help them develop an appreciation for the taste and texture of various vegetables.
V. Vegetable Craft (15 minutes)
To conclude the lesson, I will guide the students in making a vegetable craft. I will provide them with construction paper, scissors, glue, and pictures of different vegetables. They will be encouraged to cut out the vegetable pictures and glue them onto the paper to create a vegetable collage. This activity will allow them to express their creativity while reinforcing the vocabulary and concepts learned throughout the lesson.
In this lesson, we have explored the world of vegetables, learned their names, colors, and benefits, and even had a chance to taste them. By engaging in hands-on activities, such as sorting and crafting, the students have developed a positive attitude towards vegetables and a better understanding of their importance in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I hope this lesson has helped instill a lifelong love for vegetables in our preschoolers. Thank you for your attention.
蔬菜幼儿教师的英语说课稿 篇三
2、物质准备:小熊毛绒玩具、创编歌曲、多媒体课件、各种蔬菜(如西红柿tomato、萝卜carrot、黄瓜cucumber、韭菜leek等 )。
3、情境教学法:在教学过程中教师有目的地引入或创设具有一定情绪色彩的形象,为主体的生动活动提供具体的场景,以引起孩子一定的态度体验,使孩子心理机能得到发展的方法。 本次活动的全过程,我就引入了幼儿喜欢的小熊形象,结合秋收,引发幼儿融入到看蔬菜、买蔬菜、品尝蔬菜的情境中,使幼儿主动探究,积极思维,达到科学素质的提高与个性发展的统一。
教师安排适当的游戏,来帮助幼儿巩固所学单词。再与以前所学颜色联系起来,以旧引新,温故而知新;新旧结合,创造出新的语境。老师要先作示范,如:a red tomato 。幼儿再根据老师的示范,自己尝试着给每种蔬菜加上颜色,如orange carrot;green cucumber;green leek。
根据幼儿喜欢模仿、扮演小动物的特点,老师让幼儿扮演成小动物去小熊的农场买菜,喜欢吃哪种蔬菜就买哪种,但要用英语表达。Eg。I like orange carrot。