
教学设计方案范文英语 篇一

Title: Teaching Design Plan for English Grammar


The teaching design plan aims to enhance students' understanding and application of English grammar rules. This plan is suitable for intermediate-level students who have a basic understanding of grammar but need further practice and consolidation. The teaching activities in this plan are designed to be interactive and engaging, encouraging students' active participation and facilitating their learning process.


The objective of this teaching design plan is to enable students to:

1. Understand and apply various English grammar rules correctly.

2. Enhance their ability to communicate effectively in English through accurate grammar usage.

3. Develop critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating different grammar structures.

Teaching Materials:

1. Textbook: "English Grammar in Use" by Raymond Murphy.

2. Worksheets and handouts containing exercises on different grammar topics.

3. Multimedia resources such as videos and online grammar tutorials.

Teaching Activities:

1. Warm-up Activity: Begin the lesson with a short quiz or a grammar-related game to review previously learned grammar concepts. This activity will serve as a refresher and set the context for the upcoming lesson.

2. Presentation: Introduce a new grammar topic using clear explanations, examples, and visuals. Use the textbook and multimedia resources to provide comprehensive explanations, ensuring students understand the rules and concepts.

3. Practice: Engage students in various practice activities to reinforce their understanding of the grammar topic. These activities may include completing worksheets, participating in group discussions, or engaging in role-plays that require the use of the targeted grammar structures.

4. Application: Provide opportunities for students to apply the grammar rules in authentic contexts. This can be done through activities such as writing sentences or short paragraphs, engaging in conversations, or completing real-life tasks that require the use of the targeted grammar structures.

5. Assessment: Assign exercises or quizzes to assess students' comprehension and application of the grammar topic. Provide feedback and guidance to help students improve their grammar skills.

6. Review: Dedicate a portion of each lesson to review previously learned grammar topics. This will reinforce students' understanding and help them connect different grammar concepts.


This teaching design plan provides a structured approach to teaching English grammar. By incorporating a variety of interactive activities and assessments, students will have ample opportunities to practice and apply grammar rules effectively. The plan aims to enhance students' grammar proficiency, enabling them to communicate accurately and confidently in English.

教学设计方案范文英语 篇二

Title: Teaching Design Plan for English Speaking Skills


The teaching design plan focuses on developing students' English speaking skills. The plan is designed for intermediate-level students who have a basic understanding of English but need to improve their oral communication abilities. The activities in this plan are interactive and aim to create a supportive and engaging learning environment to foster students' confidence in speaking English.


The objective of this teaching design plan is to enable students to:

1. Communicate effectively and confidently in English.

2. Improve pronunciation, intonation, and fluency in spoken English.

3. Enhance their ability to express ideas, opinions, and emotions in English.

4. Develop active listening skills to understand and respond appropriately in conversations.

Teaching Materials:

1. Authentic materials such as audio recordings, videos, and news articles.

2. Worksheets and handouts containing speaking prompts and exercises.

3. Multimedia resources for interactive speaking activities.

Teaching Activities:

1. Warm-up Activity: Begin the lesson with a short conversation or a speaking game to activate students' prior knowledge and create a positive and relaxed atmosphere.

2. Presentation: Introduce a specific speaking skill or topic using real-life examples and multimedia resources. Demonstrate the target skill or topic through role-plays or model conversations, and provide clear explanations and instructions.

3. Practice: Engage students in various speaking activities to practice and develop the target skill. These activities may include pair work, group discussions, debates, or information gap tasks that require students to exchange and share information orally.

4. Feedback and Correction: Provide constructive feedback and correction during speaking activities to help students improve their pronunciation, grammar, and fluency. Encourage peer feedback and self-reflection to enhance students' ability to assess their own speaking skills.

5. Authentic Materials: Incorporate authentic materials such as audio recordings, videos, or news articles to expose students to real-life English conversations. Use these materials as prompts for discussions or role-plays, encouraging students to apply the target speaking skills in authentic contexts.

6. Assessment: Evaluate students' speaking skills through regular assessments, such as presentations, oral tests, or recorded conversations. Provide specific feedback and suggestions for improvement to guide students' progress.

7. Review: Dedicate time for review and reflection on previously learned speaking skills. Encourage students to identify areas for improvement and set goals for their speaking development.


This teaching design plan provides a comprehensive approach to developing students' English speaking skills. By incorporating interactive activities, authentic materials, and regular assessments, students will have ample opportunities to practice and improve their oral communication abilities. The plan aims to enhance students' confidence and proficiency in speaking English, enabling them to effectively communicate in various contexts.

教学设计方案范文英语 篇三










一节课结束后,回顾教学过程,体会学生学习的成功之处,教师一定能从中受到启发,总结成功的经验,如能及时记录,可作为日后教学工作的借鉴,有助于不断改进教学方法,提高教学能力。如我在教“cock (公鸡)”一词时,突然有个男孩子怪声怪调地说:xxx有没有母鸡呀?xxx顿时,全班一片喧哗。我没有马上批评那个学生,而是平静地说:xxx有,不仅有母鸡,还有小鸡这个单词。xxx接着一一讲解,并表扬了那位学生好学好问,但也批评了他说话的态度。我觉得这样机智的处理,既没有干扰正常教学,还使学生掌握了更多的知识,受到了教育。


课堂教学中有所得也必定会有所失,学生的性格各异,知识水平和理解能力参差不齐,教师的教学设计与实际教学过程总会有不相适应的地方,如教法的运用,知识的讲解,例子的选用,板书的设计,学生的反应等方面,课后都会觉得有不尽如人意之处。对于教学工作的不足,要反复思考,仔细琢磨,采取措施,及时补救。例如在上完《This is our school.》这一课时,我进行了反思:时间的把握不好,精神紧张,生怕不能够上完自己准备的内容而提前讲课,而在感觉时间有余时又没有及时地调整教学进度,还是快速地讲完内容,这对整节课影响很大。以后再上这节课,可让学生仿照课文自编对话,时间即可控制得当。或在备课时就要预防出现时间多的情况出现,准备音乐或短片,在时间充足的情况下让学生欣赏,既让学生放松了身心,缓解了孩子的疲劳,又将时间把握得分寸有度。




教学设计方案范文英语 篇四

一、 教学目标

1. 通过fast reading,学生能够通过找主旨句正确选择段落大意,并补全文章中的空缺内容。

2. 通过careful reading, 学生能够从文章中提取有效信息,正确回答问题,逐步提高阅读技巧和能力。

3. 能够运用be going to 句型谈论自己的新年决心。同时培养学生的目标意识与责任意识,使学生能够正确地下定决心并坚定地执行。

二、 教学重、难点

1. Structures: I’m going to……

2. Train the students’ reading skills.

三、 教学过程

Step1 Warming up and lead in

Enjoy a song

Free talk: 1) What’s the name of the song?

2) What do you want to be when you grow up?

3) How are you going to do that?

Step2 Fast reading

T show the reading tips to Ss.

Ss find out the main ideas of each paragraph according to the topic sentences.

Ss put the sentences A-D in the correct place in the passage.

T check the answers.

Step3 Careful reading

Ss read para1 and answer question.

Ss read para2 and fill in the box.

Ss read para3 and fill in the chart.


Ss read the whole passage again and try to retell according to the mind map.

Step5 Group work

Ss discuss what they are going to do next year and how are they going to do it.

Make a report.

四、 Homework

Write a postcard to tell your teacher about your New Year’s Resolutions.

教学设计方案范文英语 篇五


1.能够熟练运用fly , swim ,hop,这三个行为动词的用法。


3.能够借助图画理解《Why the Rabbit Has Long Ears》故事大意。


1.能够熟练运用fly , swim ,hop,这三个行为动词的用法。

2.能够借助图画理解《Why the Rabbit Has Long Ears》故事大意。




1.在开始复习阶段,通过让学生正确地回答问题来复习Can you____?如果学生回答:“Yes,I can.”时,就让学生来“Show me”在问题横线上加上swim 和hop,利用自己的手势语言来引导学生回答问题。

2.引导学生进行拓展练习Can a _____ ______?然后讨论课本内容。


Birds fly,飞飞飞(做飞的动作)f-l -y;

Fish swim,游游游(做游泳的动作)s-w-i-m

Rabbits hop,跳跳跳(做跳的动作)h-o-p


T:Look at Ling Ming, Is he happy?


T:What happened?发生什么事了?示意学生跟读。

Ss跟读What happened?

T:What happened? Li Ming

fell in the mud. Look at Jenny and happened?What happened? Is Danny's hat too big or too small?

Ss:Danny's hat is too small.

T:Yes,Danny's hat is too small. Danny's head is stuck. Jenny is helping him.



What happened to the rabbit ?

Is the rabbit happy?

Who helps the rabbit?

Does the rabbit come out of the mud?

What will happen next?

教学设计方案范文英语 篇六

一、 课程类型:


二、 教学目标:

一) 认知目标






在运用语言的过程中培养学生的观察力、分析力、想象力和自学能力,帮 助学生加强记忆力,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力,激发创造能力。

三、 教材分析:



四、 教学重点:

1. 学会审题和谋篇

2. 掌握多样化的表达方式

3. 熟练各段中的固定写作套路

五、 教学难点:

1. 如何帮助学生运用写作策略,促进学生自主写作。

2. 使学生了解谋篇的重要性,培养谋篇的能力和习惯。

六、 教学方法:



七、 教学设计:

Step 1. Warming up

Come up with some proverbs for the students to put them into Chinese.

Recitation is of the first importance in any language learning!

Practice makes perfect! …

What do you learn from the above proverbs?

Step 2. Presentation

Make it clear to the students the importance of writing in English subject of the college entrance exams and then the goals of this lesson.

Step 3. Exhibition

Show on the whiteboard a writing.



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