
跨年英语句子 篇一

New Year's Eve is a time of celebration and reflection. It marks the end of one year and the beginning of another, and people all around the world come together to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. As the clock strikes midnight, fireworks light up the sky, champagne bottles are popped, and resolutions are made.

One popular tradition on New Year's Eve is the countdown. Starting from ten, people count down the seconds until the new year begins. It is a moment filled with anticipation and excitement, as everyone eagerly awaits the arrival of the new year. The countdown is often accompanied by a famous song called "Auld Lang Syne," which is sung to bid farewell to the old year and remember the good times.

Another common tradition on New Year's Eve is making resolutions. A resolution is a promise or goal that someone sets for themselves in order to improve their life in the coming year. Some popular resolutions include exercising more, eating healthier, quitting smoking, or learning a new skill. However, it is important to remember that resolutions are not just about making a list of goals, but also about taking action to achieve them.

New Year's Eve is also a time for reflection. It is a time to look back on the past year and think about the lessons learned, the accomplishments achieved, and the challenges overcome. It is a time to be grateful for the good moments and to learn from the difficult ones. Reflection allows us to grow and improve as individuals, and it sets the stage for a fresh start in the new year.

In addition to these traditions, New Year's Eve is a time for celebration and spending time with loved ones. Many people gather together with family and friends to enjoy a festive meal, play games, and share laughter and joy. It is a time to appreciate the people in our lives and to strengthen the bonds that connect us.

In conclusion, New Year's Eve is a special occasion filled with traditions, celebrations, and reflection. It is a time to say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new with open hearts and minds. Whether it is through counting down the seconds, making resolutions, or spending time with loved ones, New Year's Eve is a time to embrace new beginnings and to cherish the memories of the past. Happy New Year!

跨年英语句子 篇二

The arrival of New Year's Eve brings with it a sense of hope and renewal. It is a time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead. As the clock strikes midnight, people around the world come together to celebrate and welcome the new year in their own unique ways.

One popular tradition on New Year's Eve is the fireworks display. Bursting with vibrant colors and dazzling lights, fireworks light up the night sky and create a magical atmosphere. The breathtaking display symbolizes the excitement and optimism that comes with the start of a new year.

Another tradition on New Year's Eve is the practice of making resolutions. Resolutions are promises or goals that individuals set for themselves in order to improve their lives or accomplish something meaningful. It is a time to reflect on personal growth, set new goals, and strive for self-improvement in the coming year. Whether it is to exercise more, read more books, or spend more quality time with loved ones, resolutions serve as a roadmap to personal development.

New Year's Eve is also a time for celebration and togetherness. Many people gather with friends and family to share a festive meal and enjoy each other's company. It is a time to express gratitude for the relationships that enrich our lives and to create lasting memories with loved ones. The joy and laughter shared on New Year's Eve create a sense of unity and strengthen the bonds of friendship and family.

In addition to these traditions, New Year's Eve is a time for reflection and gratitude. It is an opportunity to look back on the past year and appreciate the experiences and lessons learned. It is a time to acknowledge the challenges faced and the growth that has occurred. By reflecting on the past, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and move forward with renewed purpose and determination.

As the new year dawns, it brings with it a sense of possibility and a fresh start. It is a time to embrace new beginnings, set goals, and pursue dreams. New Year's Eve is a reminder that time is a precious gift, and it is up to us to make the most of it.

In conclusion, New Year's Eve is a time of celebration, reflection, and hope. It is a time to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new with open arms. Whether through fireworks, resolutions, or spending time with loved ones, New Year's Eve is a time to embrace the possibilities that lie ahead and to appreciate the journey that has brought us to where we are. Happy New Year!

跨年英语句子 篇三


跨年英语句子 篇四

跨年英语句子 篇五


其实“跨年”,不就是“度过新年前夜”的意思么?用我们都会的英语,可以把“跨年”翻成:spend the New Year’s Eve,是不是很简单?


New Year's celebrations around the world


Revelers ring in 2019 with celebrations spanning the globe.


From Syd

ney's Opera House to New York's Times Square and beyond, fireworks illuminate the night sky in parties festooned with confetti and sparklers.



reveler:/ ?rev?l?r/ n.狂欢者

ring in:庆祝…的开端

span: vt.贯穿、覆盖

...and beyond:以及其他

illuminate: /??lu?m?ne?t/ vt.点亮

festooned:/f??stu?n/ vt.装饰…

confetti: /k?n?feti/ n.五彩纸屑

sparkler: /?spɑ?kl?(r)/ n.手持的烟花棒

特别是ring in这个短语,咱们见得比较少,但外媒是常用的,为了帮大家加深印象,贴出《韦氏词典》上的定义:

ring in表示“to celebrate the beginning of…”(庆祝…的开始),而“跨年”正是“迎接(庆祝)新年的到来”,故我们可以说“to ring in the New Year”。



无论哪国的跨年派对,大家都会以“10、9、8、7、6、5、4、3、2、1”倒计时的方式迎来新年吧?所以“跨年”也可以说do the New Year countdown。


①spend the New Year’s Eve

②ring in the New Year

③do the New Year countdown


Where are you going to spend the New Year’s Eve?


I’m going to Time Square with my girlfriend to ring in the New Year.


Let’s do the new year countdown together!




watch the fireworks:看烟火

hit the bar:去酒吧

go to a concert:去演唱会

attend a countdown party:参加跨年派对

strike a bell at a temple:庙里撞钟

pray at a church:教堂祷告

have a buffet dinner吃一顿自助餐晚餐


(来源:微信公众号“侃英语” 编辑:yaning)




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