崇明一模作文范文英语 篇一
The Beauty of Chongming Island
Chongming Island, located at the mouth of the Yangtze River in Shanghai, is a hidden gem that offers breathtaking natural scenery and a tranquil escape from the bustling city life. As a local resident of Chongming Island, I am proud to introduce the beauty of this place to the world.
First and foremost, Chongming Island boasts an abundance of lush greenery and diverse wildlife. The island is covered with endless fields of rice paddies, vegetable gardens, and fruit orchards. The air is fresh and clean, making it a perfect destination for nature lovers and those seeking a peaceful retreat. The wetland areas on the island are home to a wide variety of bird species, including the endangered red-crowned crane. Birdwatchers from all over the world flock to Chongming Island to witness the spectacular migration of these magnificent creatures.
In addition to its natural wonders, Chongming Island is also famous for its delicious local cuisine. As an island surrounded by water, Chongming offers an abundance of fresh seafood, such as crabs, shrimps, and fish. The local farmers also grow organic fruits and vegetables, which are renowned for their quality and taste. Tourists can indulge in mouthwatering dishes made from these fresh ingredients, such as steamed hairy crabs and stir-fried river prawns. The culinary experience in Chongming Island is truly a feast for the senses.
Furthermore, Chongming Island is home to a rich cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years. The island has a long history of fishing and farming traditions, which are deeply rooted in the local community. Visitors can explore traditional fishing villages and witness the daily lives of the island's residents. The ancient temples and quaint pagodas scattered across the island also provide a glimpse into the island's spiritual beliefs and practices.
In conclusion, Chongming Island is a paradise on earth that offers a harmonious blend of natural beauty, delectable cuisine, and cultural heritage. Whether you are seeking a peaceful retreat or an adventure in nature, Chongming Island has something to offer for everyone. Come and immerse yourself in the serenity and charm of this hidden gem, and you will surely be captivated by its enchanting allure.
崇明一模作文范文英语 篇二
Preserving the Ecological Balance of Chongming Island
Chongming Island, known for its pristine natural beauty, faces the challenge of preserving its ecological balance in the face of urban development. As a resident of Chongming Island, I believe that it is crucial to take proactive measures to protect the island's environment and ensure its sustainability for future generations.
Firstly, it is essential to raise awareness among the local residents and visitors about the importance of environmental conservation. Education campaigns and workshops can be organized to promote eco-friendly practices, such as waste reduction, recycling, and energy conservation. By instilling a sense of responsibility and understanding in the community, we can create a culture of environmental stewardship that will help preserve the island's natural resources.
Secondly, stricter regulations and policies should be implemented to control and manage urban development on the island. It is crucial to strike a balance between economic growth and environmental protection. Sustainable development practices, such as green building design and renewable energy usage, should be encouraged to minimize the ecological footprint of new construction projects. Additionally, the protection of wetlands, forests, and other natural habitats should be a top priority to preserve the island's biodiversity.
Furthermore, efforts should be made to promote sustainable tourism on Chongming Island. Eco-tourism initiatives can be developed to provide visitors with the opportunity to explore the island's natural wonders while minimizing their impact on the environment. Local tour operators can offer guided tours that educate visitors about the island's unique ecosystem and promote responsible tourism practices. By supporting sustainable tourism, we can ensure that the economic benefits of tourism are balanced with the preservation of the island's natural heritage.
Lastly, collaboration and partnerships between government agencies, local communities, and environmental organizations are crucial in preserving the ecological balance of Chongming Island. By working together, we can develop and implement effective strategies for environmental protection. Regular monitoring and evaluation should be conducted to assess the impact of conservation efforts and make necessary adjustments.
In conclusion, preserving the ecological balance of Chongming Island requires collective efforts and a long-term commitment to environmental conservation. By raising awareness, implementing stricter regulations, promoting sustainable tourism, and fostering collaboration, we can ensure that Chongming Island remains a haven of natural beauty for generations to come. Let us all take responsibility and play our part in protecting this precious gem.
崇明一模作文范文英语 篇三
A 尼古丁:一种与xxx、xxx一样容易上瘾的化学物质,当你吸烟时,尼古丁只需10秒钟就可进入你的大脑,使你心跳加快,增加你患上心脏病的危险,同时使你在不吸烟时引发脱瘾症状。
B 一氧化碳:汽车排出的有害气体,可取代人体内15%由血红球负责输送的氧气,造成气喘、体力不足。一氧化碳也会损害血管内壁,导致动脉粥样硬化加重,脂肪沉积在血管壁上,加重血管阻塞,增加心脏病爆发的可能性。
C 焦油:用来铺马路的物质。焦油中含有很多致癌物质和其他化学物质。包括丙酮、DDT砒霜(一种毒药)、甲西醛、氨以及加外4000种有害物质与致癌物质。
崇明一模作文范文英语 篇四
在这个竞争激烈的社会中,各种科学文化知识正潮水般地(想)向我们涌来,许多在职职工都抽出自己宝贵的业余时间对自己“充电”,作为我们中学生,更应该志存高远,为美好的明天做好准备。那“立志”究竟与“成才”、“成功”有何关系呢? 志,意向:(几)即有所作为的决心。确立志向,是人生发展的定向,俗话说:“人无志不立。”青年时代所立的志,与其后来的成长与发展,以及未来的人生道路和终生的成就有极其密切的联系。我国知名数学家杨乐院士的成功,与少年时的远大志向是分不开的。有一次,老师发现杨乐数学书上写(者)着“中科”两个字便问杨乐写这两字的缘由,杨乐答道:“我长大以后,一定要到中科院去研究数学。我要把中国人命名的定理写在未来的数学书上!
”最终,杨乐经过不懈努力,埋头钻研数学,最终获得了中科院 院士的殊荣,实现了人生目标。 每个人对未来都有所希望,有所规划。远大志向只有经过磨练砥砺,才能话为成长的内在动力。要在“志”与“气”结合的情况下才能成功。想必大家都知道“勾践灭吴”的故事,春秋吴越-战争,越国大败,亡国之君勾践受尽凌辱,后来得机归国,决心雪耻报国,从此卧不以床,坐不以席,睡(作)坐在柴草上,还预备了一个苦胆,尝而知其苦。正(式)是在勾践确立了远大志向后,付诸于行动,与大臣励精图治,最终(辉)挥师灭吴获得了成功。试想,若勾践在确立远大志向后,而不经历磨练,会取得胜利吗?答案是否定的。 确立正确的目标会使你买出成功的一步,盲目的确立目标,会使你屡次受挫,最终一事无成。这类历史教训在我国古代也是有的,有句谚语说得好:“无志之人常立志,有志之人立常志。”说得就是这个道理。周朝时,有个老人在路上哭泣,问其原因,答曰:“我年轻(是)时得到礼乐教化的成就,可是君主喜欢任用老年人,待我学习成后,君主死去了,后主偏爱兵法,待到学成之时,(哪)那个后主又死去了,而新君主喜好任用少年,但我年岁老了,一年不曾遇到任用机会。”蒙田也曾说过:“哪儿都是目标,哪儿就都没有目标。”布瑞南也说过:“人类最大的危险便是自知目标的琐碎。”所以可以证明正确立志的重要性,立志必须根据自己的实际情况(类)来指定,盲目追寻他人的志向如同盲目航行的船,所有的方向都是逆风。 我们青少年要从现在开始确立自己的志向,努力向着自己心中的目标努力。当然,人生之道是坎坷又曲折的,我们在成长过程中需要经过许多磨练。失败是成功之母,要实现自己的远大志向只要有不怕苦、不怕打击、败不馁的精神,就一定能成功!
崇明一模作文范文英语 篇五
Dongping National Forest Park Dongping National Forest Park, formerly known as Dongping forest farm, was built in a national forest park. Located in the middle and north of Chongming Island, the third largest island in China, Dongping National Forest Park is km away from Nanmen port (county). It is currently the largest plantation in East China plain.
标签: 新学期
崇明一模作文范文英语 篇六
再看看国外的伟人,爱迪生在他八 九岁的时候曾经卖过报纸,但是,就是这样在当时并不起眼的列车小报童,在他十三岁的时候,他就已经拥有了第一个个人实验室,同样在这种艰苦的条件下,他成为了一个大发明家!爱迪生于1931年10月18日去世,终年84岁。然而至今为止还没有人能打破他持有1099个发明专利权的记录,人们称他为发明之王。他也是这样,坚持了自己的立场,付出自己的努力,最终,他也获得
考点:能写论述类、实用类和文学类文章。能力层级为表达运用 E。