water resource作文【通用6篇】

水资源作文 篇一






水资源作文 篇二






water resource作文 篇三


When I saw the sea for the first time,it was still very small,and the vast sea amazed concept came into being in my mind: water is endless,inexhaustible and inexhaustible.


Indeed,in people's impression,water is everywhere,serving people's production and is the blood of industry,the lifeblood of agriculture,the most indispensable little assistant in life In a word,water is the precious wealth we depend on for to the survey,there is also a person named xxxwater ballxxx living on the the name suggests, of our earth is full of with so much water,97% of it is sea water, is surface water on land,and half of it is in inland sea and salt basic source of fresh water is rain and 105000 cubic meters of water falls on the land every 49 years,and 2 / 3 of it is evaporated by plant transpiration or ground 1 / 3,or 37500 cubic meters of water can be used by human beings.


Is there enough water for us to use? The answer is No.


In this case,why do people always turn a blind eye to the tap water when they see it xxxclatteringxxx? Why can't some people think of the pollution to water when they throw rubbish at rivers,lakes and lakes? Why don't people feel sorry when industrial sewage xxxclattersxxx into rivers,seas and lakes,and looks at the original clear water as sewage? Why should we


In fact,human beings are now chronic suicide,they do not deplore the pollution and waste of water resources,however,how precious water is!If we do not cherish the water resources now,the water in the future will be as precious as oil.


Therefore,we should do a good job in water natural desalinator to desalinate seawater is not only environmental protection but also cost saving,which can be said to be more than one problem of water source has been to use it? People should invent more water-saving products,such as xxxelectrolyzed water molecular washing machinexxx.The xxxelectrolyzed water molecular washing machinexxx makes use of the principle of electrolyzed water molecular to let the oxygen atom in the water molecule absorb the spoils in the hydrogen atom produced by electrolysis can be used as the fuel of the environmental protection automobile,which not only does not damage the clothing fiber,but also provides the power and energy for the automobile,and also makes great efforts for the environmental protection cause Why?


Although there are many water-saving products,the most important thing is to rely on people themselves - do not waste,do not pollute water resources,so as to better protect water resources.


Ah!Let's wake up!If we do not cherish water resources,the last drop of water on the earth will be our own tears in the future.

water resource作文 篇四

The water is the life fountainhead, as the saying goes, the “person may not eat meal by first, but cannot on first not drink water the “humanity's life to the boiling water, the water is not the humanity lives the essential important resources.

According to the material demonstrated that, on the Earth can by the human direct use fresh water resources, only occupy the Earth 。 On the Earth the overwhelming majority area all seriously lacks the water, many trees. The village and the paddies other desert swallows, the desert area is expanding gradually. The fresh water resources reduction, has affected humanity's economic development seriously, also is threatening humanity's survival. Saves the water used, protected the water resources already to cause the universe to take a water source to be rich. The clear waters beautiful homeland is our desire.

However, in ours life, the waste water resources phenomenon is quite serious.。 The material investigates which from us indicated that, in our real life, in ours periphery, the waste water resources situation is extremely astonishing. 。 Says first our school, we have paid attention, the classroom building the water hydrant sometimes the water cock has gone bad, Shui Huahua subcrust current does not water cocks are frequently drop of drop of water toward the outside drop, these did not know has wasted how much water situation, on the very many family surface looked saves the water used very much, in fact is in the waste water family kitchen and the bathroom water cock water day in day out all drops in one drop of one drop toward inside the water jar and the Chu bucket, however the water jar and the Chu bucket water in does not stop actually toward the outside flows in the sewer.

water resource作文 篇五

Scientists may have found one answer to the problem of water shortages. It is a new material that collects water from the air. They got their idea from a small beetle that lives in the desert in Africa. The deserts of the Skeleton Coast in Namibia are very dry, but the Namib desert beetle is an expert at surviving in hot and dry conditions. Its shell is covered in small bumps that collect tiny water droplets from the air. The water is enough to keep the beetle alive. Scientists studied the shape and material of the beetle's bumps. They want to use what they found out about the beetle to make their own materials that can collect water from the air. This will help people who live in very dry areas.

The scientists believe this new technology could help in many areas of our life. They said it could be very useful for power plants and for the heating and air conditioning in airplanes, cars and trains. One of the scientists, Philseok Kim, said: xxxThermal power plants, for example, rely on condensers to quickly convert steam to liquid water. Our design could help speed up that process and even allow for operation at a higher temperature, significantly improving the overall energy efficiency.xxx Another scientist, Joanna Aizenberg, said she was looking forward to the future of getting ideas for new technologies from nature. She said: xxxEverybody is excited about bio-inspired materials research.xxx

water resource作文 篇六

Yuan Longping is known as Chinas “father of hybrid rice”.Its said that in China, we eat depending on “Two Ping” --Deng Xiaoping, who made the policy of System of Production Responsibility, Yuan Longping, who invented hybrid rice. Yuan Longping, who was born in September, 1930, graduated from Agriculture Department in Southwest Agricultural Institute.

He has been working on agriculture education the research into hybrid rice since he left the institute. In the 1960s, when China was suffering serious famine, he came up with the idea of hybrid rice, which has a high yield. Ten years later, he succeeded in inventing a new species that produced a 20 percent higher yield than common types of rice. Yuan devoted himself to the research into agriculture, was honored by UNESCO FAO. Although he is 70 years old, he is still working on the research into agriculture.



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