
今天是星期五初中生暑假英语日记 篇一

Today is Friday, the first day of my summer vacation. I am a middle school student and I'm so excited about the holidays ahead. As soon as the final bell rang, I rushed out of the school building and felt a sense of freedom and relief wash over me.

With a skip in my step, I made my way home. On the way, I met up with some of my friends. We decided to spend the afternoon at the local park. The weather was perfect - sunny with a gentle breeze. We brought along a frisbee, a football, and some snacks. We played games, laughed, and enjoyed each other's company. It felt great to be able to relax and have fun without the stress of exams and homework.

After a few hours, we decided to head home. On the way, we passed by an ice cream shop and couldn't resist the temptation. We treated ourselves to some delicious ice cream cones and sat on a bench, savoring every bite. The coolness of the ice cream was a welcome relief from the summer heat.

In the evening, I returned home and spent some time with my family. We had a hearty dinner together and shared stories about our day. It felt good to reconnect with my loved ones and enjoy their company. After dinner, I settled down in my room to read a book. It's a luxury I have missed during the school year, as I was always busy with assignments and exams.

As I lay in bed, reflecting on my day, I realized how much I enjoyed the first day of my summer vacation. It was a perfect mix of relaxation, fun, and quality time with loved ones. I am looking forward to the rest of my summer holidays and all the adventures and memories they will bring.

Today is Friday, the first day of my summer vacation. I am a middle school student and I'm so excited about the holidays ahead. As soon as the final bell rang, I rushed out of the school building and felt a sense of freedom and relief wash over me.

With a skip in my step, I made my way home. On the way, I met up with some of my friends. We decided to spend the afternoon at the local park. The weather was perfect - sunny with a gentle breeze. We brought along a frisbee, a football, and some snacks. We played games, laughed, and enjoyed each other's company. It felt great to be able to relax and have fun without the stress of exams and homework.

After a few hours, we decided to head home. On the way, we passed by an ice cream shop and couldn't resist the temptation. We treated ourselves to some delicious ice cream cones and sat on a bench, savoring every bite. The coolness of the ice cream was a welcome relief from the summer heat.

In the evening, I returned home and spent some time with my family. We had a hearty dinner together and shared stories about our day. It felt good to reconnect with my loved ones and enjoy their company. After dinner, I settled down in my room to read a book. It's a luxury I have missed during the school year, as I was always busy with assignments and exams.

As I lay in bed, reflecting on my day, I realized how much I enjoyed the first day of my summer vacation. It was a perfect mix of relaxation, fun, and quality time with loved ones. I am looking forward to the rest of my summer holidays and all the adventures and memories they will bring.

今天是星期五初中生暑假英语日记 篇三


  July 22nd Friday

  Today is Friday. It’s fine today. Good weather!

  Matt’s class was in the morning. It was a little more interesting. We talked about American football. First Matt showed us a magazine about his high school’s football team and other information on football matches. Then he let us watch a movie called “Friday Night Lights”. That was the name because high schools have football

matches only on Friday nights. He also told us other things about football. I don’t like American football because it is too violent. However, I like the movie.

  I find that it’s getting more and more difficult to write a diary, a 100-qord diary!



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