
四年级英语周记50字 篇一: My Weekend

Last weekend, I had a great time with my family. On Saturday morning, we went to the park. I played on the swings and slid down the slide. We had a picnic under a big tree and I ate delicious sandwiches. In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I saw many animals like lions, giraffes, and monkeys. I even saw a cute baby elephant. On Sunday, we stayed at home and I helped my mom bake cookies. They tasted so good! We also watched a movie together. It was a fun and relaxing weekend.

四年级英语周记50字 篇二:My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is drawing. I love to draw pictures of animals, nature, and my family. I use different colors to make my drawings look beautiful. I have a big collection of colored pencils and markers. Sometimes, I even use watercolors to paint. When I draw, I feel happy and relaxed. I usually draw after finishing my homework or during the weekends. I like to show my drawings to my friends and family. They always say that I am very talented. I hope to become a famous artist one day. Drawing is my passion!

四年级英语周记50字 篇三

  Now I have come to my last year of primary school, when I look back on the passed days, I feel that I have grown up. I learn to help my mother with her housework, because I want to relieve her burden. When my fathers comes home after work, I show him all the things happen at school, I want him to know everything about me. This is the best me.

四年级英语周记50字 篇四

  People always complain time is limited, they want to have more time to do more things, but the time stops them. Actually, I once feel my time is less while others have a lot of time to do what they want. I start to think about myself, I realize that I always waste my time on playing computer games, so I decide to not to play computer games.

四年级英语周记50字 篇五

  There is a boy who lives next to me, but he annoys everyone,because he paints so many words on the wall, which is the impolited act. Though people have talked to his parents many times, the boy is still very naughty. Someday, I see this boy washing away the words, he has changed. What a surprise, it is good for him to become a better person.

四年级英语周记50字 篇六

  It's a fine day. I went to the nearest park to play with my friends. we talked about our favourite books and what we come across during the last two days.

  wang lei said he went shopping with his parents and bought many things for the coming new year.

  And I said to them I also bought many things but I prefered food. it is a nice day to talk with my friends.





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